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"How will we do that?" Taehyung asked.

He didn't understand what the Royal Children were talking about, but they had it all figured out. They didn't hesitate to answer any question the Phenomenal asked. He wished he was the same way in exams.

"Do we have to die?" Night asked.

"No." Ahaan chuckled. "You don't have to die. But it is hard."

"Then why can't we just take a spaceship and go back?" Yoongi asked.

"Because our parents have locked the atmosphere. It means that no spaceship can enter or exit Eroth." Ahaan explained. "And if you try, you and the spaceship are going to disintegrate."

"Then how?" Taehyung asked.

"Are you all familiar with the Earthen theory of wormholes?" Ixone asked.


"I have read about it." Namjoon said. "It's when a black hole and white hole collide, and a wormhole is born. It bends time, so you can travel through it. But it's just a theory, it's not been proven yet."

Travelling through wormholes was time travel, in a way. But what were black holes and white holes?

"What are black and white holes?" Jungkook asked.

"Black holes were previously stars which collapsed under their own gravitational force. The black hole's gravitational field is so strong that nothing can escape it. Not even light. It sucks in everything. And white holes are the complete opposite. They throw out everything. So when these two space bodies, black hole and white hole combine, it creates a wormhole, through which you can time travel." Namjoon explained.

"Yeah, so you won't exactly be using a wormhole, but something similar." Kaius said. "There is this way of travel, but very difficult to execute."

"Why?" Hoseok asked.

The conversation was getting more interesting than it already was. There was so much about Eroth Taehyung now, wanted to know.

"So the name of that mode of transport is Sonder. It's kind of like the wormhole, meaning it will bend time to reach your destination quickly. But it's very hard and requires utmost concentration. We didn't have time to think of another way to get you guys to Earth, and we are running out of time now. So we'll just have to stick with this one." Silvius said.

"How does it go?" Jimin asked.

"To get back Jimin and Night have to Sondor."

"How do we do that?" Night asked, glancing at Jimin.

"The people who have the powers of light and dark, are the only ones who can Sondor. Both of you have to match your powers and create a pathway. The rest of you have to concentrate on your destination. Best decide where you wanna go beforehand."

"That's what Stephanie did." Night said, pain flashing in her eyes. "That column was filled with light energy and when I used my powers on it, she could go anywhere she wanted."

"Yeah." Jett said sympathetically. "You both are fine with this, right?"

The pair nodded.

"And there is one more thing, you can't forget. Stephanie used this communication device to talk to our parents back on Eroth." Dracio said. "We know where that device is here, but you will have to find it back on Earth. Find it and communicate with us using that. So we can give you the updates and warnings. Because once you leave this place, there is going to be an uproar."

"Do you have any idea where the device can be?" Ixone asked Night.

"It might be in the old apartment." She thought. "I'll go check when we go back."

"Okay, which place will you go on Earth?" Indira asked.

"Hoseok's villa?" Jin suggested.

Everyone agreed. It was the only place that would accommodate them now.

"Okay. What do we do next?" Jimin asked, a little nervous?


Jimin was nervous about Sondor. He had never tried it and he was scared. If he messed up, someone could die.

Ahaan and Jett led Night and him outside the cave, to give them more room to work.

He glanced at Night and gave her a small reassuring smile, which she returned. Butterflies sent tingling sensations all over his body.

"Okay. Now concentrate and match each other's powers. Combine them to make something even more powerful. Ready?" Jett asked.

Both of them nodded hesitantly. Jimin licked his bottom lip in anticipation.

Jimin raised his hand and concentrated on his powers. Soon, white mist was flowing out of his fingers and into the vast sky. The mist ejected itself into the sky but it couldn't get past the atmosphere, it clashed against it.

Night's black mist laced itself around Jimin's white one. Both elegantly moved forward, past the atmosphere now. Flowing freely into the universe until it was given a direction.

Sondor was very tiring. Jimin could feel his every being drained out. His breathing hitched. He didn't know how long he would be able to hold on.

"A little more power." Ahaan urged. "You guys are doing great."

Exhaling through his mouth, Jimin raised another hand and summoned more power. He could feel his strength slowly leave his arms.

He looked at Night. She was panting heavily while channelling more power.

The white and black mist swirled around each other. Creating a pathway that grew into a tunnel. The mists solidified into walls.

Jimin heard footsteps behind him, but he didn't dare to turn around and who the footsteps belong to. He felt if he didn't concentrate on the tunnel, it would collapse.

"Wow!" Namjoon said seeing the tunnel.

Jimin took a shaky breath. His energy was really draining out. His arms felt weak and his knees were ready to give out under him.

"Quick!" He croaked, his voice barely audible.

"Think about where you wanna go before walking in the tunnel." Ixone gushed and pushed Yoongi forward.

Yoongi closed his eyes for a second before he walked into the tunnel, consumed by the mist and disappeared.

Hoseok went next. Holding Zia close to his chest, he gave Night and Jimin an encouraging smile before letting himself get consumed by the mist.

After Hoseok and Zia, Taehyung walked into the tunnel. Followed by Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon.

"Jimin and Night you both won't get a lot of time once you stop using your powers. You need to be quick." Kaius said.

Jimin let his hands fall beside him. His arms hurt and he wouldn't be able to use his powers again.

Night stepped back letting him go through first. Even though he wanted to argue, he knew they didn't have a lot of time and moved forward. His legs felt lifeless.

Hoseok's villa.

Mist consumed him. For a moment he felt light and his head spun.

Then he could feel grass below him. He knew he was back in the lawns of Hoseok's villa. He turned around and saw Night's white hair. He sighed in relief. She had made it back safely.

His eyelids fluttered close and he fell forward. Too tired to stop his fall, but his vision turned black.


{A/N}: Hope Zia heals quickly. VOTE!

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