✦・fifty three╭╯

115 15 7

Hoseok snuggled closer to Zia. The sunlight came through the gaps in the curtain. But he didn't want to wake up just now. He opened his eyes and saw Zia smiling at him. Her hair was ruffled.

"You look beautiful." She whispered lovingly.

His lips curved into a smile. Zia's green eyes shone with life when sun rays hit them. She reached forward and pushed his bangs away from his eyes. Her fingers brushed above his eyes.

He felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach and pulled Zia as close as he could. She giggled when he buried her face in his neck.

"I think we should wake up now." Zia said.

"Why?" he whined. He didn't want to stop cuddling with Zia.

"Cause the sun is out, Sunshine." She said happily.

"So? It's not like we have to do photosynthesis."

"But we have to eat breakfast, I'm hungry."

She pulled out of his embrace and made her way to the bathroom. Groaning, Hoseok also got up and went to his room. While he did spend a lot of time in Zia's room, all of his stuff was still in his room. So he would regularly go to his room to wash up and change.

After brushing his teeth and taking a shower, he changed and went back to Zia's room, humming to himself. He stood outside the door and pushed it open.

"... and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend and Jimin said yes." Night was telling Zia.

Zia squealed and jumped up from the bed excitedly. She threw her arms around Night. Hoseok stood in the doorway, stunned. Zia saw him over, Night shoulder.

"Did you hear?" She asked him. Hoseok nodded and gave her an excited smile.

Night turned around. "Congratulations, you guys finally got together!" He said, jumping up and down.

"Thanks." she said.

"There you are!" Jungkook said, bursting into the room, looking like a happy bunny. "My ship has finally sailed!" He continued, crushing Night in a bear hug.

Night confused, hugged him back. "Okay, now you are killing me." she said, patting his back and pushed him away from her.

Jimin also walked in. "Jungkook, why would you just run away like that?"

"Congratulations." Hoseok told Jimin in a low voice.

He blushed. "Thanks." Jimin mumbled in a low voice. Hoseok gave him a thumbs up.

"I think we should go for breakfast." Zia suggested.

"Yeah, Jin must be cooking something nice." Night said, smirking slightly. Jungkook gave her an annoyed look.

"I want food," said Zia. "And good food would be nice." She pushed Jungkook and Night from the bed and down the stairs. Jimin and Hoseok followed them.

"So, when did you get together?" Hoseok asked Jimin. He was curious.

"Last night." Jimin answered, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

Hoseok gave him a big smile, but didn't say anything. Even a blind person would have seen the attraction between Night and Jimin. He felt relieved that they had gotten together.


Yoongi stuffed his mouth with a buttered toast. He was starving this morning. He felt lazy. It was a rather beautiful morning to do anything. He just wanted to laze around in bed with some music.

"Okay, so we have to go and get that communication device from Night's old apartment." Zia said.

"We need a proper plan for it." Namjoon advised. "We don't know if the monsters are dead, or some are still lurking around."

"I have a feeling that these monsters are gonna be worse than the ones we have faced before." Yoongi said.

He had been having this feeling since they got back to Earth. Something was going to go horribly wrong now.

He was right. He heard an explosion go off. There was silence, which was continued by a loud ringing noise. He pushed his fingers in his ears, trying to block the noise, but it only got louder.

"What is that?" Taehyung shouted on top of his lungs, trying to speak over the noise, though his voice was barely audible.

"Something's wrong, be careful everyone." Hoseok said, his eyes darting wildly.

Whatever had caused the explosion didn't affect Hoseok's villa or anyone in it. The ringing noise only grew louder. Everything tried their best to block out the noise, but it was helping. They could still hear the sound.

Yoongi spotted the kitchen door, which led to the lawn behind the house. With his elbow, he nudged Namjoon, who was standing beside him, and pointed to the door. Namjoon nodded with his fingers in his ears.

Using his elbows and legs, Yoongi pushed the sliding door open. The sound suddenly grew louder. He stumbled a little, but walked behind Namjoon. The rest followed them. Everyone was trying to block out the song, but no one was having any success.

Yoongi rapidly blinked a few times and squinted. He knew he saw an outline in the distance. It could be monsters coming to attack them.

"I think there are monsters over there." Jimin said.

"Everyone spread out and get ready." Zia said.

"You are not fighting." Night told Zia, firmly.

"She's right." Hoseok nodded. "You could get hurt."

"I agree." Jungkook said. Taehyung nodded, also agreeing with them.

Even Yoongi agreed. Her wound had fully healed, but she still wasn't healed enough to fight.

"Fine." she said, throwing her hands in the air and giving up. "I'll go back and not help even if someone is dying." She added sarcastically, and turned around to go back to the villa. She was cursing everyone under her breath.

The monsters neared. There were a lot of them.

Why were the monsters attacking?

Namjoon clapped his hands together. "I think they are causing a distraction. We have to get that communication device fast."

"Night, Jungkook and Taehyung, you three go to Busan and find the device. We'll handle the monsters." Jin said.

"The keys of the van are in the garage." Hoseok informed them.

The three nodded and ran back into the villa and into the garage.

"Let's go." Yoongi said, and he summoned lightning to fry the monsters.


{A/N}: Sorry for not updating last week. 

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