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Jimin straightened his tie and looked in the mirror. Hoseok had lent him a navy blue suit, which was a little short for him, but it fit Jimin perfectly. He resisted the urge to run his hands through his hair. It was swept to the side with gel to keep it from falling on his forehead. He buttoned his cuffs and took a step back, admiring his reflection. He looked smarter than usual.

After taking one last look at himself, he left the room, switching off the lights behind him. They had decided to meet in the living room. He walked up the stairs, which led to the living room.

In the living room, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook were sitting. Jungkook was playing games on his phone, passing time till everyone arrived. Taehyung had a bag of chips. He was stress eating. Jimin understood his nervousness. He felt it every time they did something big. Namjoon, on the other hand, was studying a piece of paper- their plan going over it one last time. He was exceptionally calm.

Jimin suddenly remembered Jungkook mentioning Night's sword was still in the van. He could probably give it back to her. He hadn't seen her the whole day. She was probably in her room, sulking.

He went down the stairs to the garage. It, like the rest of the house, was cosmic and clean. All the keys were arranged in an order on the key stand. Hoseok liked everything organised.

Hoseok had arranged limos for them to go to the party today.

He pulled open the door and went in. The interior was dark, and Night's sword was impossible to find. He switched on his phone's flashlight and found her sword in the van's corner. He reached out and grabbed the hilt, pulling it towards him.

The sword sprung free from its original position. The metal was clean, not a drop of blood present. The last time he had seen it, it was covered with blood. No one had touched her sword. Where did the blood go?

Out of curiosity, he ran his hand over the flat side of her sword. It was smooth as butter. He moved his finger to the edge and slightly nicked it. He looked at his hand. There was a minor cut on his finger. It hurt as much as a paper cut. He healed himself by placing his thumb on his finger and decided not to touch the sword's edges again. They were very sharp.

He knocked twice on Night's door before entering.

Night was sitting on her bed, reading a book. She closed it when she saw him enter. "Hey." she said.

"Hey, your sword." he said, awkwardly, placing her sword on a chair near him.

"Thanks." she replied. "Also thank you for healing me."

"I couldn't let you die." Jimin said sincerely. "You're good back up."

"Really? Then take your back up with you." Night insisted.

Jimin tried not to laugh. She would not give up until they left. "You will fall down if someone even breathes in your direction. You aren't coming." Jimin said, firmly.

"You are mean." Night pouted, dramatically falling on her back, and continued reading her book again.

He smiled. "How do I look?"

"Go away."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me how I look."

"Very ugly." She replied, not removing her eyes from her book.

"You didn't even look at me." Jimin whined.

She sighed and looked at Jimin. Her eyes moved down from his hair to his face and down his body. "You look good. Handsome."

He smiled brightly. "Now that wasn't so hard was it." Night didn't respond. "Did I strike a nerve?"

"What do you think?" she asked, still focused on her book.

"I'm sorry, but you still aren't well enough, you could get hurt." Jimin apologised sincerely.

"Yeah, I know. I hear it ten times a day."

"Get well soon." Jimin said, not knowing what to say.

"I'm fine. Just need to replenish red blood cells." She muttered sarcastically.

"I'll leave you to do that. Bye."

"Bye. Good luck, don't die."

"I'll try my best." he smirked, leaving the room, closing the room behind him. "Oh, wait- your sword was covered in blood the last time I saw it. How is it clean now?"

"It cleans itself."

Everyone was assembled in the living room.

"Good, you're here." Zia said when she stopped him. She looked beautiful in her lilac gown. Hoseok couldn't take his eyes off her. Jimin seriously suspected those two had something going on.

Hoseok checked his phone ,finally taking his eyes off Zia. "The cars are outside."

"Best of luck everyone." Namjoon said.


Taehyung took a sip of champagne from his glass. It didn't taste as good as he expected. This was his last chance to activate his powers. "Am I the only one whose nervous?"

"No. You're not the only one." Namjoon said. Hoseok and Jimin agreed.

"Let's play a game." Jimin suggested breaking the tension.

"Like never have I ever?" Hoseok asked.

He nodded. It didn't sound so bad; Taehyung had played it in school.

"But we can't afford to get drunk."

Hoseok pulled out a bag of gummy bears. "How about gummy bears?"

Taehyung smiled. He hadn't had them in a long time. "I'm in." Taehyung chimed happily.

"I'll start. Never have I ever gotten completely drunk." Jimin said.

Hoseok ate a gummy bear. Even Taehyung reached forward. He had gotten drunk on Soju once. The gummy bear tasted delicious.

"My turn." said Namjoon. "Never have I ever gotten arrested."

No one touched the gummy bears, and they looked at each other.

They played till they reached. Everyone was on the floor, laughing at Namjoon's confession.

The boys got out and saw Jungkook, Yoongi and Zia. They were waiting for them.

"Who has the invitation?" Yoongi asked .

"I do." Hoseok said, putting his hand in his coat and pulling out the invite. He gave it to the bodyguard. The bodyguard opened the door and let them in.


{A/N}: It was so sweet of Jimin to return Night's sword. Thankyou so much for reading. Please vote and comment on your favourite part. 


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