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The green-haired guy looked at Jimin's hand. The guy's mouth was hanging open when he saw the orb floating.

"How did you do that?"

"Those are my powers."

"That's crazy. I don't believe you." He said, firmly.

"It's true. Even I have powers. So do you." said Jungkook.

"How would I have powers?" He asked. Jimin knew it would be hard for someone to believe this. He believed it because he fought the Draugar. He had activated his powers, because he couldn't let go of his dreams. If he survived after this, maybe he could still continue.

Jungkook hadn't fought but had witnessed a fight. He had seen monsters.

"What is your name?" Zia asked. "I'm Zia."



"My name is Jimin."

"You have powers because you are Phenomenal." Zia said.

"Phenomenal?" Yoongi asked, turning towards her.

"You have these powers-" She started.

"Do you expect me to believe that?"

"Yes." said Jungkook.

"That's stupid."

"Do you not see a ball of light floating in front of you?" Jimin asked, antagonized.

Yoongi opened his mouth and closed it again without speaking. Jimin's question was too obvious. A light ball was floating amidst them.

Jungkook sighed and leaned back, stretching his arms.

There was silence for a couple of minutes.

"I have to go. More deliveries to take care of." Yoongi started standing up.

"Don't lie." Zia said gravely from the bed. "Sit back down." She said dangerously.

"I'm not lying."

"You can't lie to me, Yoongi. I can read your mind."

"You're lying."

"You're contemplating whether I'm lying for being honest."

Yoongi sat back down. "You can make that up."

"She can't." Jungkook told him. "She really can read minds. She even has read mine."

"I can't read your mind now, Jungkook." said Zia, her voice growing tired. She won't be able to hold Yoongi for long. They had to convince him before Zia lost control. "You have activated your powers. I can only read Yoongi's mind in this room."

"Yoongi, why don't you believe us?" Jimin asked impatiently. They were running out of time. Zia could lose concentration any minute. "We have presented you with numerous proofs."

"You have. But my mind isn't ready to believe it. This is unnatural."

Before someone could answer Yoongi, Zia collapsed on the bed. They had run out of time. Jungkook and Jimin rushed forward, making sure she was okay.

He heard the scraping of wood on the tiled floor. Yoongi had gotten up from his chair and ran to the door, trying to escape. Jimin turned around to stop him, but it was too late, Yoongi had opened the door.

"Not so fast, sweetheart. We are not done yet. Get back in your seat." It was Night. Her voice was dead, but her tone was clear and commanding. Her eyes pitch black, the soft grey had vanished. As if it was never there.

Yoongi was about a head taller than her, but Night looked at him like a predator looked at its prey. Ready to pounce on a mistake.

Jungkook was shuffling behind Jimin, covering Zia with blankets. Making sure she was comfortable.

"What happened to her?" Night asked. Concern mingled in her emotionless monotone, barely noticeable.

"She is fine. Just tired." Jungkook informed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"How could you not convince him to believe you? There were the three of you and only one of him." Night demanded.

"He is strong willed." mumbled Jungkook.

"Yoongi, please take a seat. I want to try at explaining things to you."


"I won't take much of your time, a couple of minutes at max." Night calmly told him. Her voice modulated. Jimin could feel Yoongi deciding about staying or leaving.

"Okay go ahead."


Yoongi sat back in his old chair and Night sat on Jimin's. Jimin pouted and moved to sit on the bed. Jungkook sat in his old chair.

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he waited for Night to speak. She hadn't said anything.

She was choosing her words.She could use words against people, making them listen to what she had to say; manipulating them.

"Now, you don't want to believe this, but it's true. There is a planet called Eroth. It's a little farther away from here, but you can get there using spaceships. Over there everyone has powers, you belong to that planet.

Your parents sent you here to keep you safe. But the monsters have started attacking, and the world is in danger. If you leave from here alone, a monster can attack you."

"My parents?" asked Yoongi, his eyes wide.

"They are from Eroth. Monsters had taken over the planet, and now it's your chance to kill the monsters to avenge them. If you activate your powers, you will have this little voice in your head, which is going to guide you. Now, even if you don't activate your powers, you know the truth. Everyone who knows you will forget about you. If you stay with us then, there you are less likely to die." Her voice was smoother than silk, richer than chocolate and calming like the rain. It had caught everyone's attention. No one said a word. Everyone wanted her to continue with explaining. "Do you believe me?"

"What are your powers?" Yoongi asked them. Night had convinced him to believe her with a few simple words.

"You saw mine, it's light and I can also heal people." Jimin said, flipping his hair.

"Mine is strength, and Zia can read and control minds." Jungkook said.

"I don't use my powers anymore for some reasons."

Jungkook noticed Night hadn't told them what her powers were. When ever asked about it and always replied saying she didn't use her powers.

"I believe you." Yoongi said. His brown eyes meeting her grey ones. They had changed back to grey again. The black ones made her look intimidating.

"Good, because I know where another Phenomenal is."


{A/N}: Yoongi believes them and Zia used her powers to her extent. Thakyou for reading. Vote and comment on your favourite part of the chapter. 💜

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