✦・sixty seven╭╯

80 11 0

Jimin exhaled, gathering up his courage. In minutes, he would face his parents. He rehearsed what he had to say a few times in his head. Yet, he was sure he'd mess it up in front of his parents. The last time he saw them, they wanted to kill him. Not much has changed since then. At least, with Ray protecting him, they couldn't kill him.

He always thought, if the situation was different, how would his relationship with his parents be? If he was like his siblings, they wouldn't hate him so much. It would have been nice to have parents who didn't want to kill you.

The wind picked up. It was Taehyung. He didn't realise what he was doing until Night told him. The wind made Night's hair fan all around her face.

Jimin had noticed it was hard to control his power when he wasn't wearing his bracelet. It could be because he was used to using a limited amount of power. Now, even he didn't know what amount of power he possessed. It was crazy and dangerous. He didn't want the power, yet he had it. It would only be a matter of time before the greed of power corrupts him, too.

It was power which changes Night's eyes from grey to black. It was power that scared his parents. It was power because of which he was sent to Earth. It was power because of which he was made out to be a threat, an enemy. The greed of power is like greed for hunger. Maybe that's why it's said to be hungry for power.

"You guys ready?" Silvius asked.

Taehyung had flown to their parents announcing that the Phenomenal wanted to talk to them. He also informed them that their weapons wouldn't affect the Phenomenal. Taehyung told Jimin that their parents still ordered to fire at Taehyung. "Maybe they just wanted to be sure." He told Jimin.

His parents couldn't hurt him. His parents couldn't hurt him physically. Zemira had assured him they would come before the Royal Council took it too far. They wanted a dramatic entrance.

"We are." Zia said. She didn't sound sure of herself. It was the first time she was going to properly talk to her parents. "Let's go guys."

He followed Zia and Namjoon. The trees overhead were giving shade. He wanted to hold Night's hand, but if the enemies saw that, they could use it to their advantage. His siblings were following close behind.

When the Phenomenal got closer to the clearing, Jimin could see the spaceships. The soldiers were standing in organised lines. The Royal Council was in the middle, near the biggest space ship. Which they had got out of recently, with the Royal Children captive. The soldiers were circling them. The soldiers had left a narrow path for them to walk towards their parents. Everything seemed coordinated. Jimin felt out of place.

"I see you have teamed up with traitors." A woman in white armour said. It was his mother. He didn't feel anything. Usually, when he saw his mom on Earth, he would feel a rush of affection. This time, it was like seeing a random woman in a public place.


"Are you talking to us or them, the Phenomenal?" Ixone asked.

Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes at Jimin's mom's question. But he knew there would be consequences. While his parents couldn't hurt him, they would hurt his siblings.

"Does it matter?" Namjoon's dad said. "You are all traitors to the crown."

"We may be traitors to the crown, but you are the threat." Zemira said.

Her and Hoseok's father raised his eyebrows. He was both shocked and impressed by his daughter's response.

Jungkook could feel some tension between the soldiers. They weren't told why they were fighting. Ixone was right. They were just puppets whose life strings were controlled by his parents. One step out of line, and they would pull the strings back harshly, snapping it and killing the soldier. It must be so hard not knowing what you are fighting for. He sometimes felt that way.

The soldiers either feared the Royal Council or they trusted them. If it was the latter, it was going to be hard to predict if the soldiers would fire. Trust was hard to break. And once it was broken, it was hard to earn it back.

"Watch your tone Zemira." Her father growled.

"I'm being perfectly reasonable. It's you who is being ignorant."

The tension among the soldiers grew. They were just scared of the Royal Council, Jungkook guessed.

The Royal Council's composed masks showed hints of irritation. They could sense the tension between their army. But so could the Royal Children and the Phenomenal. The Council wanted to shut them up, but their offsprings had different ideas.

"Ignorance is a bliss, Father." Hoseok said in a bitter tone. His dad flinched at his words. "Better come out of your bubble before someone bursts it."

The slightest of gasps reached Jungkook's ears. The soldiers were trained to keep their expressions neutral. But Hoseok's words had caught everyone off guard. His father flinching also confirmed he wasn't lying.

"I'm not your father." The red armoured man said in a feeble attempt to deny Hoseok's claims.

"Yeah," Yoongi said. "Sending your kids to a different planet because you fear them, does complicate relationships."

The Royal Council grit their teeth. They didn't want this to get out. Silvius had said, killing children was a huge crime in Eroth. While they hadn't killed them, they sent the Phenomenal to Earth. It was as good as killing for the Erothians.

"On that topic," said Night. "How are you liking Earth? It feels less gloomy than Eroth. Personally, the stench of murder is less here."

"But what I'm really curious about is, how does it feel after killing Indira?" Jett spat out.

All of this was affecting the army. They had seen Jin and Silvius' dad kill his own daughter.

"Indira was a traitor. She deserved what she got." Jin's father said.

"You are a monster, blinded by the greed of power." Silvius whispered.

"What are you going to do about it? Punish me? Or get me punished?" His dad chuckled. "You seem to forget, boy, the spirits do not exist."

This seemed to set Clout off. "Kill him Jungkook! Kill them all right now!"

"Calm down Clout. What are you so triggered by?" Jungkook asked.

"Don't exist- just wait! I'll show them who doesn't exist." Clout was rambling.

"Enough games." Ixone said. "Why don't you give us your necklaces to compensate for killing Indira?"

"So gullible." Night's mom said. "You think we are going to give them to you so easily?"

"You won't. But we are ready to even kill you to get them. You are ruining the planet and you need to be stopped." Ahaan said.

"No," Taehyung said simply, like he was stating facts. "You are not going to kill them. We are not going to let you kill them. Even if it means we have to fight you."


{A/N}: What happens next?

2 more chapters left...


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