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"Are you sure about this?" Zia asked nervously. "Don't you feel guilty?"

They were standing in an old garage. It was filled with cars, but not a human in sight. It was early morning. Everyone was sleeping when the Phenomenal were stealing vehicles.

"Nope." said Night, her back turned. She kicked an empty can, which was lying in her way.

Jungkook was walking around the garage. Jimin, standing further away from him, was standing beside Yoongi as the pair scanned the area before their eyes.

Night walked further away from the rest. She examined her surroundings, humming to herself. It was an enormous garage. They had to find a van big enough for them to get J-Hope.

They would go to Eroth when they assembled the team. When Night was young, she always wanted to visit the planet. Now she wasn't excited to go back. They had to kill the monsters ruling the planet and take their place as heirs to the throne.

"Guys!" Jungkook called. "Look at this!"

He was standing beside an old van, covered in dust and the paint peeling off. The dark red stripes painted on the side. It was big enough for everyone.

Night moved her legs and sprinted till the van. Zia was observing the van from outside. Jimin and Yoongi also walked over.

"Let's take this and leave, before anyone sees us." Yoongi said, looking at the sky.

Night looked up. The sky was blue with pink mixing into it. The clouds softly reflecting the colours. The sun was going to rise after the moon faded away in the cosmos for another day.

"Where are the keys?" Zia asked.

"In that cabin, maybe?" answered Jungkook, pointing over to the tiny cabin to his left.

"I'll get it." Night volunteered and went to get the key from the cabin.

She reached the door and turned the doorknob, but it was locked. She cursed and tried to open the window beside it. She moved away from them and picked a stone big enough to break the window. The shattering sound told her the job was done.

Carefully, she jumped in, trying to avoid the small glass pieces. She searched around drawers until she found the keys she was looking for and jumped out of the window.

"Did you break that window?" Jimin asked when Night came back with the keys. "What happened to being under cover? Did it break with the window?"

Night ignored him and handed the key to Zia, who had stretched her hand out.

"Are you sure you want to drive?" Yoongi asked her.

"I can drive. Get in everyone."

The rest of them obeyed her and seated themselves in the car.


Zia's heart thumped nervously in her rib cage as they neared the location.

"Let's ask someone for directions." Yoongi said.

Zia looked out of the window and saw a boy standing on the roadside. She pulled up beside him.

"Uh, excuse me?" Zia said, rolling down the windows.

"Yes?" The peach haired boy politely asked.

"Can you tell me how to get here?"

She handed him the piece of paper with the address.

"Oh man, holy shit. He is a Phenomenal." Jungkook whispered.

Zia's eyes widened hearing this. Her bracelet was blinking. "Make a plan quick." she hissed.

The guy showed no signs of noticing anything that was happening inside the van.

"I have chloroform." Night said.

"Why do you have chloroform?" Jimin asked, horrified.

"Why wouldn't she have chloroform? She is a genius." Yoongi countered.

"No kidnapping! And why do you even have chloroform?" Zia asked. She turned her attention back to the boy he was waiting patiently for her. "I'm so sorry."

He told her where the particular warehouse was situated. The conversation in the car wasn't going well.

"We can't kidnap him. Think of something else." said Jimin

"We aren't kidnapping him. We are just putting him to sleep until we find J-hope." Night assured him.

"Jimin is right." Zia said. "And don't be so loud."

"Explain him right now?" Jungkook suggested.

"Uh okay, go left from here. Then take the second right. Then down a small alley, take a right again. You will be there." The peach haired boy was saying.

"Can you please repeat?"

She was trying to buy time until the idiots sitting in the van came up with a proper plan which didn't involve kidnapping.

The boy sighed and repeated.

The doors of the van opened and Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin and Night got out.

"What are you guys doing?" Zia hissed, but everyone ignored her.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Jimin."


"There is something that you need to know." Jungkook said before he started explaining.

He explained about Phenomenals, told the boy about their powers. He continued about the monsters and how they have to save the world. He told him about Eroth, how they have to save the planet. How they are finding more Phenomenals. He also told him that no one will remember him from his past life any more.

The boy hung onto every word Jungkook said with awe. When Jungkook finished, he nodded understanding. "I have powers?" he asked. His eyes wide.



"You believe us?" Yoongi asked.

"He does." Zia said, taking a peek in his mind.

"Now we have to figure out how to activate your powers, Yoongi's too." Night said.

"How will I activate them?"

"Either when your emotions get out of hand or do something specific which will activate them." Jimin said.

"What's your name?" Jungkook asked.

"Taehyung." The boy replied.

"Guys, we still have something to do. Let's not spend any more time." Night reminded everyone.

It almost slipped Zia's mind. They still had to rescue J-Hope. They had little time. They also had to try to return the stolen van, if it was in working condition.

"What?" The boy asked.

"Rescue J-Hope. He is being held at the address in your hand." Yoongi said casually, as though he was telling the weather.

"J-Hope is also like us?"

"Yes." The boy's eyes grew wide again, his face shocked.

Night opened the door and hurried everyone to the van. The boy was still digesting that he was going to meet J-Hope. It started raining and the last of the ones standing out quickly squished themselves into the car.


{A/N}: Taehyung joined the team now they have to find J-Hope. Who will activate their powers first, Taehyung or Yoongi? Thank you for reading. please vote and comment on your favourite chapter 💜.

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