✦・fifty eight╭╯

95 14 3

Namjoon looked at his phone. The darkness hung low. No one had bothered to switch on the lights. They didn't want to face each other. The moon's rays cast shadows. It was strangely comfortable.

He didn't trust his siblings. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he couldn't keep his doubts at bay. His trust in Aqua was also degrading. Maybe their gems were telling the truth, but Namjoon was finding it hard to trust them again.

It was a quarter past ten. His stomach grumbled. He had no dinner. He had been lying on the bed for a while now. Not doing anything, just looking at the fan making circular rotations above his head.

He got up and dragged his feet towards the kitchen. No one has switched on the lights of the stairs, nor did he. The lightless room fit the ambience.

Zia, Yoongi and Jin were already in the kitchen. They quietly sat on the table and munched on their ramen. No one acknowledged his presence when he entered. He was fine with that.

There was some ramen left in the container. He scooped the leftover in a bowl and joined everyone on the table. Yoongi looked at him, then looked down at his ramen. Twirling in between his chopsticks and letting it drop in the bowl.

Within a few minutes, the tension thickened. Many unspoken words were passed between them. No one else came into the kitchen. Maybe they already had food and gone to bed, hoping this was a dream.

He hoped so, too. They never had an argument before. Sure, they sometimes had different opinions on how to do something, but it never led to an argument. He wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to end the argument, but he didn't want to trust his siblings blindly.

They had to find a way around this. It didn't matter if their siblings were or were not on their side. Their parents would still kill the Phenomenal. That's what they always wanted to do.

The Phenomenal could have different opinions, but they need to work as a team. Now more than ever. Every second they wasted arguing, the higher the chances of their death would increase.

He looked up from his bowl, new found determination coursing through him. He would set everything right. He had to. Zia was looking at him. Her eyes reflected the same determination. Her lips parted to form words.


Jimin found Night sitting out on the lawn. The night was chilly and Night wasn't wearing a jacket. She sat cross-legged, rocking back and forth, trying to generate warmth.

Jimin tugged his jacket closer to his body. He sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. She was startled, but relaxed when she saw him. He pressed a kiss on her neck. Her skin was cold.

"It's cold tonight," he said in a soft voice. "Why aren't you wearing a jacket?"

She shrugged his arms. "Didn't feel like it." she leaned back against his chest, engulfed in his warmth. She exhaled happily.

They sat in silence. The argument, which had happened a few hours back, played in his head. He didn't know how to douse the fire. His suggestion of asking the gems had backfired. It only made the argument worse.

"Jimin," Night whispered. "Can I tell you something?"

He hummed in response. "Is this about the argument earlier?"

"Yeah," she said, turning her head to look at him. Her grey eyes clouded.

"Why don't you trust them?" he asked gently.

"I want to, but I can't. It's hard." she replied with a pained expression. The wound created by Stephanie was still healing. Jimin leaned forward and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Do you trust them?"

"Maybe. I find them suspicious, but at the same time I believe in them." he answered truthfully. Their ways were peculiar and suspicious, but he knew they wanted the best for their planet.

"How far will they go to save their planet?"

He sighed deeply. He could imagine what their siblings would do - what they are doing to end their parents' rule. But who would rule next? The question lingered in his mind.

"They are ready to get their powers stripped off to save their home. They would sacrifice everything to save it. We have to be careful. They can betray us too."

This time, Night hummed. "We will look out for each other." She said, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. Warmth spread through his body at her touch. "But I'm worried about us, the Phenomenal, falling apart as a team."

"So am I. But everyone needs to cool down for now. Try thinking from the other's perspective. Then maybe, if things are calm tomorrow, we'll talk about this and leave it behind us."

She turned around and left a small kiss on his lips. She blushed and turned to look in front of her when she saw him smirk.

"Why are you blushing Vanilla?" He whispered in her ear and kissed it. "Is it because of me?" He asked confidently.

Night blushed again, but didn't respond. He let out a low chuckle. He was having fun teasing her. She also looked adorable, with her cheeks flushed red. She shook her head, trying to get rid of her blush.

"Jimin, stop!" she pouted.

"What am I doing? I just asked why were you blushing, but you are too flustered to talk." He teased.

The blush coating her cheeks never left. Jimin didn't know Night was shy. She usually seemed calm and confident. Just to tease her more, he trailed his fingers down her arms. His lightest touch made her blush. He moved his face until his lips touched her ear.

"You should blush more often. You look cute."

"Stop!" she whined.

Night removed his arms from her waist and turned around. She wrapped her hands around his neck and rested her head on his chest. Jimin froze for a minute by her sudden action before wrapping his arms around her again. He liked hugging her.

They were sitting in somewhat similar positions in the cell in Eroth. Instinctively, he raised his hand to stroke her hair. It was as soft as that day, but cleaner. Night activated her powers that time. She looked powerful and scary. Her hadn't seen that side of her.

Using his other hand, he lifted her chin to meet his face. His eyes searched her face. Her lips were slightly parted while her eyes bore into his own. He kissed passionately. He gripped the back of her neck and kissed her deeply. The moment was perfect.

Someone cleared their throat above them. Night instantly pulled away. Jimin looked up, slightly annoyed at being disturbed. It was Taehyung. He gave them a teasing smirk.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you both need to get inside." he said.

"What happened?" Nigh asked, pulling out of his embrace and getting up. Jimin chuckled to himself.

"The Royal Children have called."


{A/N}: A treat for Hobi's birthday!

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