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It had been a week since Jimin found out he was a Phenomenal. They were still finding Phenomenal. Nine to save the world. They all had different powers.

"I think we have exhausted Busan's Phenomenal supply." said Zia, sipping her juice.

"Imagine if we found everyone in Busan itself." Jungkook said, dreamily.

"That will be too easy." Night said, sitting on the edge of the couch. She had pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her hands around them, rocking back and forth. It baffled Jimin to see her sit on the narrow area of the couch comfortably.

"What's the problem with easy? I like it easy." Jimin asked.

"The problem is that if it would be too easy, then something is wrong." explained Night.

"I second that." Zia said, raising her glass, toasting Night.

Zia, Night, and Jungkook had an easy friendship going on. They seemed comfortable and trusted each other.

Night had activated her powers first. But she had stopped using them. Something must have gone wrong. The Zia activated her powers because some incident had triggered her powers. Zia had come to Busan, where she met Night. The two of them then found Jungkook. Clout had told them there was another Phenomenal in Busan. Then a monster attacked Jimin and Night found him.

It took Jimin some time to get comfortable with the changes which had occurred in the past few days. He was getting used to the new people in his life and liking them better day by day.

Night got up from her unique sitting position without falling, much to Jimin's surprise. She rummaged through some boxes stacked on top of each other and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She spread it out on the table. It was a map.

"Ray," Jimin called out to his gem. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

"Listen, y'all need to activate Vague. Vague has some information you need to know."

"Who's Vague?" Jimin asked.

"It's your friend, Night's gem."

"But Night has to use her powers to activate her gem again, and she isn't ready to do that."

"The information is important!" Ray insisted.

"If you know it, can you tell it?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"When we were choosing information, Vague chose that piece of information. You need Vague to proceed further."

"Night will not activate her powers. How do we talk to Vague then?"

"Ask Zia to get in her head."

"She wouldn't like that."

"That's the only option. Unless she wants to activate her powers."

"I'll see what I can do."

Talking to Ray, Jimin had missed half the conversation going on between the three of the Phenomenal. He pushed his talks with Ray out of his mind.

"It's too far." whined Night. "Let's start with some place near."

"Which place are we talking about?" Jimin asked, regretting missing half of the conversation.


"How about Seoul?"

"Seoul's done."

"How about Daegu? It's close enough." Jungkook suggested. "We can be back in a day if we find a Phenomenal." Everyone agreed with his idea.

"Everyone pack a back just in case we stay for the night." said Zia.


"Daegu's nice." Jungkook commented.

"I have never been to Daegu." Jimin said.

Zia had been to Daegu for a field trip once. She and Josh had also been separated from their group. They had roamed around till they were found. Thinking about Josh made her heart heavy. She missed him.

"Nor have I." said Jungkook.

"I used to live here for a few years." Night shared, but she didn't elaborate further. It was the first time she had shared her past. Even if it was a tiny detail.

"Nice place to live." Jungkook said, shocked to see Night opening up about her past.

"It is."

"What do we do now?" Jimin asked eagerly, clasping his hands together. "How are we going to find a Phenomenal?"

"Good question. Zia will answer that." Night smirked.

"Why me?" asked Zia, talking after a long time.

"You're the eldest here." Night simply replied.

"I think Jimin is older than her," said Jungkook.

"He doesn't look that old."

"How do I look?" Jimin asked, concerned.

"17 or 18. Why? How old are you?"


Everyone looked at Jimin with wide eyes. He had babyish features, making him look younger than his age.

"You are 20?" Jungkook asked, bewildered.

"Yeah, why?"

"I always thought someone who is older than me would also be taller than me."

Night pursed her lips together, trying her best not to laugh. Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but was at a loss for words by the sudden attack.

"Jungkook, you're tall." Zia said, defending Jimin. "Even though I'm older, you're still taller than me."

"I know, I'm just teasing him."

Jimin sighed, accepting defeat. "Let's go back to finding Phenomenal."


{A/N}: Poor Jiminie! I'm so sorry for this short chapter. But thanyou for reading 💜. Pls vote and comment your favourite part. My exams got over today!! My favourtie part of this chapter is when Jungkook is teasing Jimin because of his height.

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