Chapter 7

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Whoa! I love you guys soooo much! New chappie! Slightly longer than rest and guess what? New character and new point of view! His name is Jovan Greene and you'll get to know him halfway through the story. Which actor do you think should play his part? COMMENT AND TELL ME!!!! Keep on voting! 20 votes for the me happie! ;D luv uuu and don't forget to fan! xoxoxoxoxoxo Whats hot list #92! Yayy best so far. U guys r amazing! xo

x Taylor x

The sound of police cars and ambulances' surrounded me. I couldn't see anything. I could barely think. But I thought of Jason. I thought about what could happen and how I might not get to say goodbye. I struggled to breath, but air wouldn't go in or out. Pain was all I could feel throughout my body and I had a horrible headache. I felt myself leaving again. Where? I had no idea. I tried to get words to form. Jason. I wanted Jason.

"Jason." I felt limp as if only speaking weakned me more. Suddenly I began to slip away. There was a flash of light and everything faded to black.

x Jason x

I paced back and forth in my cell. Where was Taylor? Why did was I feeling like this? Something felt very, very wrong. Taylor should be here by now. I don't know what time it is but I'm pretty sure she'd be here. Stop worrying, Jason, I thought to myself. Everything's fine. You're overreacting. It's fine...

"McCann?" BJ rounded the corner, stopping in front of my cell. I stepped forward, my fingers curling around the bars.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"There's a phone call for you and I have strict orders to let you use the jail's phone." He let out a sigh, shaking his head as if whoever told him to let me get the phone was nuts.

"Who's it from?" I asked, hoping it Taylor.

"The hospital." BJ told me, his face calm. Suddenly I felt dizzy. Hospital? BJ began to unlock my cell door. He pulled it open and I stepped out. BJ glared at me. I raised my hands up in defense.

"Calm down, Brane. I won't try anything." I smirked.

"BJ." He gritted.

"Whatever." I followed him into a single dark room. There was a phone hanging in the corner. BJ motioned toward it. I ran over and pressed the phone to my ear.


"Is this Jason?" A women's voice said.

"Yes." I breathed. Everything's fine... Maybe Taylor got a job at hospital. Maybe....

"We've got a patient by the name of Taylor Madison. She was muttering your name eariler. We looked up information on her and found out she had a brother by the name of James. He told us you were the only Jason he knew. Are you the Jason we're looking for?" She waited for my response but I could barely breathe anymore.

"Yah." I answered finally with a shakey breath. "Is Taylor ok? Please tell me she's ok." My eyes were burning. Why were they burning? Why did my heart feel all tight? Just why?

"She was crossing the street when a car sped by, hitting her." The lady explained over the phone. "Her injuries are very serious and we don't know if she'll make it yet. She has a broken leg and arm and we're not sure if she has any head injuries yet. She's flatlined twice while she was in the ambulance." The lady's voice faded and I dropped the phone. No. No no no! I can-I won't lose her! I lost Ralph, Alex, and I know nothing of my parents! Taylor is all I have. She can't leave me too. No. Please, no.

"You ok, McCann?" BJ's voice echoed through the room. I felt something slide down my face. Tears. I couldn't be...


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