Chapter 31

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x Taylor x

"Beautiful." A different voice finishes.

I whirl around, blushing at the sight of Jason. He's standing there, clad in a tux and tie and looking as handsome as ever.

Abbie jumps in front of me. "Jason! What are you doing here? It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding!" She shakes her head. "I thought you left for the chapel!"

Jason has an innocent smile on his face. "Sorry. I couldn't leave without seeing Taylor. I just couldn't." Jason tries to make his way around Abbie.

I giggle as he leans in for a kiss, giving me a soft peck on the lips. Abbie pulls him away, getting inbetween us.

"No, no! Save some for later."

Jason pouts. "I can't wait."

"Looks like you have too." I chuckle. "Go on, Jase. I'll see you at the chapel."

He makes another pouty face as he begins to head for the door. "Love you." He calls.

I roll my eyes. "Love you more!" I call back. Jason looks back at me and winks before disappearing out the door.

• • •

"Are you ready?" James nudges me. "Huh, Sis? Everyone's waiting."

I suck in a deep breath and nod. "As ready as can be."

James grins and links his arm to mine. "Let's go."

I heave a sigh as I hear the wedding march start inside of the chapel. James leads me inside, our arms linked.

I can feel all eyes on me, but I ignore him, looking towards the front of the chapel. My eyes find Jason's and I smile, butterflies awakening in my stomachs.

I've never felt happier.

We appoach Jason and James unlinks his arm from mine's, throwing Jason an approving look before he goes to take a seat beside Abbie.

There weren't many people here. Just a few people I know and Jason had invited BJ, his old guard. James also had friends he had invited and so had Abbie. There was a pretty decent amount of people. Not a lot to fill up the entire chapel, but enough to fill up more than half.

I look back to Jason, grinning as the priest begins his never-ending speech.

That's all we do: stare at each other as we wait for the priest to get to the only part we really care about.

"Do you, Jason McCann, take Taylor Madison as your wedded wife, to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And besaking all others, be faithful only to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Jason says without hesition. "I do."

I give a smile, a blush rising in my cheeks as the priest turns to me.

"Do you, Taylor Madison, take Jason McCann as your wedded husband, to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And besaking all others, be faithful only to her as long as you both shall live?"

I grin and nod. "I do."

The priest smiles as he says: "You may kiss the bride."

Jason chuckles and leans over, cupping my face in his hands and crushing his lips with mine, kissing me passionately.

I can hear people whistling in the background, but we ignored them. I smiled blissfully as Jason pulled back.

"I love you, Mrs.McCann."

x Jason x

I'm standing at the side of the chapel, tapping my fingers on the brick wall as I wait for Abbie. Where the hell was she? I told Taylor to meet me here in 15 minutes, assuming Abbie had already given me the gift for Taylor by then.

"Sorry for the wait!" Abbie appears, jogging up to me. "I was talking to James."

I smirk. "Not surprised. Do you have the thing?"

"Right here!" She chirps, handing me a small, square-shaped box. "Picked it up this morning."

I grin and twirl the box in my hands. "Thanks, Abbie."

"I should go." Abbie gives me threefinger wave as she begins to turn around. She pauses. "Wait, Jason. I think the receipt is still in the box-" She says as she turns back around, but then trips, crashing into my chest.

"Whoa, you ok?" I ask her.

"What the hell?!"

My eyes widen and I look over Abbie's shoulder to see Taylor standing there, a heartbroken expression on her face.

Abbie steps away. "Taylor, it's not-"

"-what it looks like!" I finish.

Taylor simply shakes her head, a tear rolling down her cheek as she whirls around and dashes away.

I groan and break into a run after her. "Taylor!"


Author's Note: haha :) I sorta did that on purpose. Wanted another twist bcuz I didn't want this story to end. Few more chaps to go!! xx COMMENT VOTE FAN!! go read 'How a Heart Breaks' if you haven't! I luv writing that Jason McCann story!! Mwah!

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