Chapter 34 [Finale]

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• One Month Later •

x Jason x

I pry open the house door and step inside, shutting it behind me. I feel a bead of sweat roll down my forehead and I wipe it off with the back of my hand. I could really go for a nice shower right mow. Working as a mechanic was hard work but the pay wasn't so bad. Besides, it's just as easy as bomb-making.

"Taylor?" I call. "I'm home!"

"She went out." James informs me as he appears, leaning against the kitchen counter. "She didn't tell me where she was going."

I nod slowly and look James up and down, a curious look on my face. He was wearing a tux.

Why was he wearing a tux?

"What's with the..." I motion towards his tux with my index finger.

He runs a hand through his hair and smiles nervously, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"I think," He holds up a small velvet box that he's been clutching it his hands. "It's time. I'm going to propose to Abbie."

I grin, happy for Abbie and him. They've been inseparable for the past month. Even though they've only been officially together for a month, I think they are ready for marriage. They seem to love each other's company.

"I'm happy for you." I tell him. "That's great news! I'm sure she'll say yes."

James chuckles, still nervous. "I've never done anything like this before. What if she's not ready?"

"She is," I state. "Go for it. Make her happy."

"Thanks, Man." James walks over and gives me a one-armed, manly hug which I return.

"Goodluck." I say as he heads towards the door.

"Thanks!" He calls back before disappearing, the door closing behind him.

I begin to make my way upstairs and into our bedroom bathroom. I turn on the water and strip out of my navy blue jumpsuit, stepping into the shower.

I feel the cool liquid hit me almost instantly. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.

When I finish showering, I turn off the water and step out, grabbing a towel just as the bathroom door bursts open.

My eyes widen and I quickly wrap the towel around my waist, heaving a sigh of relief when I see it's only Taylor.

"Shit. Taylor, you scared me." I exclaim, walking over and laying my lips on hers.

"Hey," She smiles against my lips. "You're still wet."

I chuckle. "You scared the crap out of me. I totally forgot to dry off."

I grab another towel that was hanging on the bathroom door and begin to dry myself.

"That's my towel!" Taylor teases. "Can't you use the one around your waist?"

"You're here." I smirk.

She scoffs. "You never cared before."

"I'm kidding." I laugh softly and finish drying myself off, stepping out of the bathroom and heading over to the dresser, prying open a drawer and grabbing one of my plaid boxers.

I throw my towel on the bed and pull on my boxers, not bothered by Taylor's wandering eyes.

"So," I say begin to say as I saunter over to the closet and grab a white t-shirt, prying it over my head. "Where were you?"

Taylor takes a seat on the bed and tugs at the hem of her shirt. "The hospital."

I raise an eyebrow, now sliding on a pair of my jean shorts. "Are you feeling ok?" I ask her, concern in my voice.

"Yeah," She tilts her head to the side and just smiles. "I'm ok."

"You sure?" I walk over to her, taking a seat beside her and pulling her onto my lap. "Then why were you at the hospital?"

"Well," She starts. "I've been throwing up lately period's weeks late..."

She shifts, uncomfortablely. Probably from the mention of her womenhood.

"What are you saying?" I question. "You're not sick or anything, right?"

She chuckles slightly, resting her head back on my shoulder. "Not at all. Jason, I'm..." She pauses, biting her lip.

"You're what?" I crinkle my forehead.

She takes my face in her hands and turns it so that her eyes stared into mine.

"I'm pregnant." She grins.

My eyes become wide. I wasn't expecting this at all. But from our nightly activites lately, I'm not that surprised.

My lips curve into a megawatt smile and grab her face in my hands, crushing her lips with mine.

"That's great news!" I exclaim as I kiss her deeper, pushing her back on the bed and crawling on top of her. "Our first baby. That's amazing."

Taylor smiles, kissing me back. "Amazing." She repeats.

"What are going to name him or her?" I ask her.

"If it's a boy, we should name him Alex, after your brother." She tells me, a smile permanently etched onto her face.

"What if it's a girl?"

"I don't know yet."

"What was your mother's name?"


"Then if it's a girl, we'll name her Issy." I decide.

Taylor grins, kissing me harder and rougher, her tongue colliding with mine. "I love you so freaking much, Jason McCann."

I smile blissfully, one of my hands going beneath her shirt and gently caressing her stomach. "I love you so much that I can't even put into words. All I can say if that I love you too, Taylor McCann."

And with that, I keep kissing her, glad that I can call her mine. Glad that she's going to have a baby. Our baby. Glad that nothing will ever break us apart.

Because I love her more than love itself. She's the reason I get up evey morning. The reason I have been able to let go of my dark past. My reason to live.

My reason to even breathe.

I love her.


Author's Note: THE END :) Kinda sad though... Anyways, you all said I should end it with her saying she was pregnant and to be honest, the first idea i had and so i decided to carry out with it. Like it? I was considering an Epilogue but changed my mind. THANK YOU ALL WHO READ THIS STORY! I ENJOYED WRITING IT!!!! <33 There WILL NOT be a sequel. Sorry. But if you want something else to read, check out my other Jason McCann story, How a Heart Breaks, and my Justin Bieber story, The Love Game. again, THANK YOU! and please please PLEASE comment fan and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! It would be super cool to be nominated for a watty award!! xx Once again, VOTE!! & thank youuuuu!! Love!

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