Chapter 33

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x Taylor x

I wake up the next morning feeling more blissful than ever. Two strong arms were wrapped securly around me, someone's warm breath on my neck.

I slowly turn around to face Jason. He's fast asleep, looking peaceful. I absentmindly press my lips to his, feeling him smile beneath mine.

I smile as well and pull away. Jason keeps his eyes closed but I know he's awake.

I carefully throw my legs over the bed, taking one of the covers and wrapping them around my body.

"Sleep well?" Jason's groggy voice asks me.

I look back at him, holding the covers to me and smiling. "Better than any other night."

"That's good to know." He grins.

I roll my eyes and saunter over to the closet, looking over the sea of clothes.

"Sheesh," I exclaim. "I've never seen half these clothes before."

"Abbie must have had a good time shopping." Jason chuckles.

"Tell me about it." I reach over to grab a black tee off a hanger when I feel the covers slip from around me. My eyes widen and I scramble to pick them up, wrapping them around me once more.

Jason keeps chuckling and I turn to look at him, my face heating up. "What?" I snap.

He shrugs. "Sexy."

I blush deeper but ignore him, this time holding the covers with one hand while grabbing the shirt with the other. I throw the shirt over my shoulder and head over to the dresser, prying open the drawers and looking for a pair of shorts.

I finally come across a pair of jean shorts and open another dresser, grabbing a white bra and a pair of pink undies which, according to the label, Abbie had purchased at Victoria's Secret.

I can feel Jason's eyes on me as I scurry towards the master bathroom, locking the door behind me. I throw the covers aside and jump into the shower, turning on the water until it wasn't too hot or too cold.

I feel the warm liquid hit my skin instantly. I threw my head back and let the water flow through my hair as I grabbed the shampoo bottle, squeezing a hint onto my hand and then massaging it into my scalp.

Once I'm done with my hair, I finish up taking my shower and step out, quickly drying myself with a clean white towel that was hanging by the shower door.

I hang the towel back up and change into my choice of clothes, searching the bathroom drawers for a brush. I find one and begin to comb through my wet hair, letting it swing beneath my shoulders.

I finally finish up, placing the brush back in it's place and prying open the door to find Jason scrolling through his side of the closet (thankfully in a pair of boxers), his eyes wide.

"Looks Abbie knocked herself out shopping for you too." I tease, as I watch him pull out a short-sleeved, plaid, button-up shirt and a casual pair of jeans.

"That girl is too much." Jason chuckles, throwing the clothes over his shoulder and heading towards the bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs making breakfast." I tell him, making my way towards the door.

"Don't make pancakes!" He calls after me.

I pause and look back at him, a puzzled look on my face. "Why not?"

I gives me a nervous smile and runs his fingers through his hair. "I've had a bad experience with those."

I laugh softly. "Don't worry. I won't make pancakes."

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