Chapter 13

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This chappies kinda short :/ anywho COMMEENNNTTTT VOOOTTEEE FAANN!!! And about Sk8er Boi, i was supposed to update yesterday but I had to go to the dentist and today my mother dragged me out shopping so I'll update tomorrow! Pinky promise!!! xoxo


x Taylor x

"Hold on." Jovan supported my weight as he helped me out of the car and towards my apartment. Abbie followed behind, sucking on lollipop and rapidly texting god-knows-who.

"What's your apartment number?" Jovan asked me. "I forgot."

"13. It's down there to the right." I pointed. I might have forgotten some things but not my apartment. I've lived here for as long as I've known. I could see a silhouette sweeping the concrete beside my apartment door. It was an old lady which I didn't quite recognize.

"Goodmorning, Ma'am." I said polietly as I passed her alongside Jovan. She stopped and looked up at me, squinting.


My eyes widened. "Do I know you?"

She embraced me in a hug before responding. "Yes! I'm Ms.Kason, sweetheart. I heard about your accident. It was all over the news!"

Jovan frowned beside me. "It was?"

Ms.Kason pulled away from me and looked over at Jovan. "Yes it was. Who are you, young man?"

He flashed her a grin. "Jovan Greene."

"I've heard." She scowled. "You were all over the news as well."

Jovan blushed which made me giggle. "Well nice to see again, Ms.Kason." I excused myself and unlocked the door to my apartment. Jovan helped me in and I settled myself down on my well-known couch. Abbie sat cross-legged at one corner, now sucking on nothing but the lollipop's stick.

"This is your home?" Jovan crinkled his forehead, looking around my partially empty apartment. I nodded with a sigh.

"Yep. This is my home."

x Jason x

I glanced nervously around the courtroom. You'd think I've been in here tons of times but I haven't. I was taken straight to jail. Now I'm here with Timothy for my first (and hopefully last) trial. Timothy looked confident. He was chatting with the lawyer, Rick as if this was some bar and not my trial. I frowned and sunk down in my seat. I was the only one wearing a red jail suit and that made me feel completely out of place.

"Jason McCann." The judge, some 50-year-old looking women with gray hair, spoke. "You're excused of the murder of an unnamed homeless man, bombing a fellow sheriff's funeral, and attempted murder towards the CSI force by the use of bombing."

I sat up straight. Yeah, it was all true. But I wasn't going to let them know that. If I wanted to get out of jail, I'd have to lie.

"How do you plead?"

I let out a small smirk. "I plead innocent."

The judge narrowed her eyes. "Nick, please stand and give us your evidence."

Nick stood. I scowled and gave him a long-time-no-see look. He returned it with a glare and then turned to face the judge.

"The CSI team KNOWS McCann is behind the bombing. He bought the toy airplane which was found at the funeral after the bombing. After his brother's death, the homeless man's body was found in an old warehouse where McCann here had planted a bomb. McCann is guilty."

I snarled. "I'm innocent! You have no proof!"

"Jason McCann, quiet!" The judge ordered. Timothy shot me a look. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to calm down. Nick had no real proof. No one did.

"Rick Tyson, what do you have to say?" The judge said, turning towards my lawyer. Rick stood, a annoying smile across his face.

"I have to say that Jason is innocent. There is no proof of anything. What real evidence is there? The murder could have all been a coincidence and as he said at his interrogation, he only bought the airplane. Nothing else. And where's the forensic evidence that proves him guilty?" Rick said casually. I gaped. Timothy hadn't lied. This guy was golden.

The judge sat back. "You have a point, Mr.Tyson."

My lips curled into a smile as I sat back as well. This case should be closed anytime soon. Timothy winked at me and I winked back. If Nick thought he was going to win this case, he had it all wrong. I'd be out of jail soon enough thanks to Rick.

Then it's payback time.

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