Chapter 10

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Ahh the complications, ohh the choices ;) lol i luv the support I'm getting on this and thanksss for reading! LUV U ALL! Commmmmmmmeeeennnttt and Vote and Fan :D xoxo


x Jason x

"Hope you feel better."

"Thanks, Jas."

"So I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Bye, Jas."

"Bye, Tay." I hung up the phone with a smile and followed BJ back to my cell. I missed Taylor's visits but I guess I'll have to wait until she's better. She still doesn't remember but she'll remember everything eventually. She told me Jovan's real nice. I smirked. I don't like the idea of the guy being her 'bodyguard' and I never will. I slid into my cell and BJ locked up the door.

"Someone's been waiting for you, McCann." BJ told me. I knitted my eyebrows together. Someone was waiting for me? I couldn't think of a single person who'd visit me. Only Taylor but I'd just gotten off the phone with her.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

BJ shrugged. "Dunno. I'll tell him to pass." BJ said and disappeared. Him? Who the hell wanted to see me? Suddenly a familiar face turned the corner and stopped in front of my cell. My eyes widened and then my face became hard.

"Timothy Johnson?!" I gritted. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Timothy smirked and fixed the cap on his head. "Good to see you again, Jason."

I narrowed my eyes. "What do want?"

Timothy looked me up and down. "Well I see you're still behind bars."

I clenched my fists. "What. Do. You. Want?"

"Just thought I'd visit an old friend." He shrugged. "Why are you still here anyways?"

I sighed. "They still think I killed that guy." I told him, grinding my teeth together.

Timothy raised an eyebrow. "But you did."

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Chill." Timothy snickered. "And don't forget your bomb-making stuff is still in my warehouse."

"I don't need them anymore." I slid down to the floor.

Timothy gaped. "Jason McCann isn't making bombs anymore?" He mocked.

"Maybe just one more." I said in a threatening voice.

Timothy's eyes narrowed. "You've changed, Jason."

x Jovan x

I watched Taylor sleep soundly on her hospital bed. I've felt less lonely ever since she woke up but I miss my bed. Hospital couches are the most uncomfortable pieces if crap ever.

"Jovan?" A familiar voice called. My head shot up. It was Abbie, my sister. She stepped through the doors and sighed in relief when she saw me. She quickly walked over, her brown hair bouncing around her shoulders.

"Jovan, what the hell have you gotten youself into?!" Abbie looked over at the sleeping Taylor and then back at me. She was my little sis but sure as heck acted like my mother.

"How'd you find me?" I asked, straightening up in my seat.

She frowned. "The city judge called and told us everything. Mom freaked out and sent me here."

I chuckled. "Well you can tell Mom that everything's fine. It's either this," I motioned towards Taylor. "Or jail."

Abbie looked over at Taylor again. "I'm guessing this is the girl you hit." She crossed her arms. "I can't believe you, Jo."

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