Chapter 22

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x Taylor x

"Shh." The man, Timothy, walked over to me and caressed my face. I tried to scream but my mouth was still covered.

"It's ok, pretty." Timothy grinned. "I won't hurt you. I only want to hurt McCann." He winks.

I shake my head back and forth, back and forth. Tears are trickling down my face.

"Don't worry. I'll get him off your back." He begins to walk away but quickly pauses. "Oh. And if you cause any die too." He shoots me and innocent smile and disappears.

Thick, salty tears keep running down my face. I won't let him hurt Jason. I wouldn't. I couldn't.

x Jason x

"C'mon!" I whisper-shout towards James. I can see Timothy's broken down house ahead of us. His old coffee table is laying on the filthy lawn. I smirk.

"Are you sure she's here?" James asks me.

"Positive." I reply.

James sighs. "But where?"

I crouch down and grin knowingly. "The shed, no doubt."

"How do you know?"

I shrug. "I just do. I mean, what better place to hide a girl than a bomb-filled shed?"

James's eyes widen. "Bombs?!"

"Shh!" I shush him. "I've got this. She'll be safe. I know how to handle bombs. Besides, I doubt they're activated."

James nods but there are worry lines visible on his forehead. "Let's go."

"I'll sneak into the shed. You keep watch. Is someone's coming..." I pause. "Whistle."

James doesn't question me. Together, we creep our way towards the shed. I can hear muffled crys coming from inside it. I was right. She is there. I'll save her. Timothy won't ge away with this.

x Jovan x

I don't know what i'm doing. I'm pacing back and forth in front of the house, Abbie and Max just watching me silently. I've never been more worried. What if Taylor's hurt? What if they already...

I shake my head. No. They can't. They couldn't. This was obviously a trap for Jason. And Jason was going to walk right into it, no doubt. They can't hurt Taylor. Not yet, anyways.

Suddenly my cell phone beeps. I snatch it out of my my pocket. "One New Text" is flashing on the screen. I hit "Read." It's from James.

- Jason and I are at Timothy Johnson's house. They're holding Taylor captive in some bomb shed. Jason's going in -

My heart's hammering in my chest. I remember where Tim's house is located from when I went to save Jason with Taylor. Looks like I'll be going back there real soon.

"What is it?" Abbie asks.

"James. They're at Timothy Johnson's house. The dude who kidnapped Taylor. I know where it is. I'm going. They might need help." I start towards Abbie's car.

"I'm going too." Abbie says. "You no longer have a license anyways. I'll drive." She blows me a kiss and jogs over to her Mini Cooper. I don't argue.

"Me too." Max runs over and pets open the backseat door. "You'll need backup."

"No." I frown. "You're not getting involved."

"Too late." She snaps and slides into the backseat. I groan and get into the passenger seat, slamming the car door. Abbie starts the engine.

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