Chapter 26

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x Taylor x

We're back at the apartment. Abbie went home and James went into his room looking exhausted from the days events. I, on the other hand, have never been better.

"You're not sleeping on the couch again, are you?" I ask Jason. He's standing across the counter from me, his eyes following my every move, a small smile on his lips.

"Do you want me too?" His raises a teasing eyebrow.

I giggle and make my way around the counter, my arms wrapping themselves around Jason. "Of course not." I let out a tired yawn. "I think I'm going to bed." I place my lips near his ear. "The couch is forbidden."

Jason smirks. "I'll keep that in mind."

I chuckle and begin to make my way to my room, Jason behind me. I pause before I step inside. "Stay out there," I tell Jason. "Lemma change real quick."

I could have sworn I saw a look of disappointment flash across his face. "Will do." He half-smiles.

I smirk and shake my head, closing the door behind me. I quickly strip down to my bra and panties, grabbing a long, black t-shirt from my closet and slipping it on. It feel down to my knees. I'd borrwed this from brother a long time ago and never given it back. He hadn't seemed to mind. I had nothing else to sleep in anways.

I skipped back to the door and pulled it open for Jason. "Done." I singsonged.

He grinned. "That was fast."

"I know." I step back into the room, letting Jason in and closing the door behind us. I run over and fall in heap on the bed, yawning again.

I look at Jason who's unbuttoning his black shirt and pulling it off. I notice how his muscles are defined and small six-pack is visible. I look away when I realize I was staring.

Jason turns the lights off and I feel him crawl into the bed beside me.

"I'm sorry," Jason blurts in the darkness. "for thinking we shouldn't be together."

"I forgave you. But promise me one thing?" I say, resting my head on his bear chest.

"Anything." He murmurs.

"You'll never try to leave me again."

"I promise." He promises without hesitation. "That's one mistake I'll never repeat."

I smile. "I love you, Jason."

"Believe me, Taylor. I could never love you more." He tells me, pulling me closer to him. I reach up and let my lips find his, giving him a nice, long, meaningful kiss. He kisses me back and at that moment I know i'll never have to worry about him leaving me again.

• • •

"Jason?" I murmer the next morning. I rub at my eyes and sit up, feeling the bed beside me. Sure enough, my hand touched Jason's leg.

"Morning." He grins.

I look up at him groggily. He's sitting up on the bed, his eyes locked on me.

"Why haven't you gotten up?" I ask him.

He worry line forms on his forehead. "What if you get kidnapped again?"

I giggle and sit up, planting a quick kiss across his lips. "Glad you're worrying about me, but Timothy's in jail." I frown. "Unless you have other...enemies."

Jason quickly shakes his head. "No. Not really. Beside the police force."

I give him a sympathetic look. "Can't you let it go, Jason? They were just doing their job."

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