Chapter 30

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x Jason x

I chew on my lip as I silently scroll through the daily paper, looking for job offers or anything that could get me a little money. I wanted to get Taylor something special...something for to keep on her at all times reminding her that I'll always love her. I've been through at least five papers already and...nothing. It was frustrating.

"Hey, where's Taylor?" Abbie's voice chirps, poking her head inside Taylor and I's hotel room.

I shake my head, not looking up from the paper. "Nuh uh. Her and James went our for groceries." I pause for a second, finally looking up at Abbie. "Wait, how'd you get in here?"

Abbie chuckles. "Taylor gave me a key." She takes a step inside and tries to look over at the newspaper i'm holding. "Watcha up too?"

I heave a sigh and throw aside the paper. "A job. Money."

Abbie raises an eyebrow and places her hand on her hip. "What's the emergency?"

"I want to get Taylor something special." I tell her. "We're getting married next week and I want to get her some after-wedding present. Something meaningful from me."

Abbie nods slowly. "Why not just give her a baby?"

My mouth drops. "Abbie-"

"I'm only kidding." She laughs. "Sheesh."

I frown. "Not funny."

She chuckles. "Sorry. Ok, C'mon. Let's get Taylor your present. On me. Don't worry about the cost. My family has plenty."

My eyes widen. "Abbie, I can't. I'll work for it. I'll find a way to get it myself."

"The wedding's next week, genius." Abbie says sarcastically. "Even if you get a job, you won't get your paycheck befoew he wedding."


"No buts. I'll pay for your special something. Don't worry about it."

"But, Abbie-"

"C'mon, McCann." Abbie smirks and grabs my hand, dragging me out the door. "It's the least I can do."

I sigh. "Fine. Thanks, Abbie."

"Anytime." She smiles.

• • •

"You can come pick up on Sunday. It'll be ready by then." The jewlery's store owner told me with a smile. I couldn't wait to see the results. Taylor's going to be speechless.

But there was just one problem...

"The wedding's on Sunday!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry," Abbie assures me. "I'll come pick it up Sunday morning and give it to you after the wedding."

"Thanks, Abbie." I thank her. "I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, Jason McCann." She chuckles. "Now c'mon. I'll drive you back to the hotel so I can order y'alls cake. I told Taylor I'd do it."

I follow her out the door and into her red bug. "You're enjoying this, aren't ya, Abbie?" I ask her.

She nods cheerfully. "Yup! I love weddings! Can't wait for mine."

"When's your wedding?" I joke.

She sighs as she pulls out of the jewelry shop's driveway. "Who knows. The guy I like doesn't seem to know of my existence."

I raise an eyebrow. "Who may that be?"

"It's, uh, James." She blushes. "I've kinda been crushing on his since I first saw him. But he seemed more interested in that Max girl after Jovan died." Abbie's eyes fill with tears.

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