Chapter 18

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I feel like this a weak chapter but thats not my opinion. COMMENT VOTE FAN! ;D


x Jovan x

It was disgusting, the way Taylor wouldn't leave Jason's bedside for not even half of a second. He would never be good enough for her. The guy was in jail and when he finally gets out, we find him almost dead in some creepy-looking house. Yet Taylor doesn't seem to care. All she cares about is Jason's well-being. He can never be a man for her.

I can be a man, though. I have money saved up, I had a job which I could always go back too. I can give Taylor all the love and hospitality she needed. Above all, I can give her a family. Jason? He doesn't even have a family.

I'll never see what she sees in him. Ever.

x Taylor x

I watched Jason's chest rise and fall steadily, his eyelids twitching every once in a while and the way he would sometimes smile in his sleep. I could watch him sleep forever and not get bored. I'm glad to have Jason back in my life. When I kissed Jovan and remembered everything, I realized something very important.

I really did love Jason. I cared about him more than I thought possible and seeing him hurt only makes me hurt. Because Jason's a good guy who's made his mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. People change and Jason is too. He's becoming the better man.

I slipped my fingers around his, feeling the heat of his hand in mine. I glanced around the room, just to make sure no one was watching. When I saw no one, I looked back at the sleeping Jason, my eyes falling onto his lips. I've been wanting to do this for a while now. The feeling of his lips on mine was still a little fuzzy and I wanted to clear that up.

So I leaned in, my hair falling around my face as my lips inched closer to Jason's. I could feel the soft brush of his skin against mine and-

"What are you doing?"

I jumped back, startled, losing my balance due to the cast on my leg and falling stupidly on my butt. I cringed, feeling slightly retarded.

"Are you ok?" Jason's face peeked over his bedside. He stared down at me, chuckling. "What were you doing?" He asked again.

"I was, uh, I..." My cheeks flushed. "Nothing. I was doing nothing." I staggered to my feet, running a hand through my brown locks. "You're awake."

"Yeah, I am." Jason grinned. "Did you stay here all night?"

I nodded, slightly blushing. "Well, yes."

"What about your brother?" Jason asked me. "Aren't you going to see if he's back home?"

I shrugged. "I don't want to leave you alone. Besides, you're checking out of here today."

Jason smiled. "Thanks, Tay."

Suddenly the hospital room's door opened and Jovan strolled in followed by the docter that had treated Jason.

"Goodmorning." I smiled politely.

"Goodmorning, Miss Madison and Mr.McCann." He smiled back at us, walking over to Jason and checking his pulse. Jovan stood by the door, staring at us, his face expessionless.

"You can check out whenever you please." The docter told Jason. "You should be able to take you cast off in about a week."

Jason grinned. "Thanks, Sir."

The docte nodded a "You're Welcome" and removed Jason's IV. Once he finished, he left, leaving me alone with Jason and Jovan.

"Ready to go?" I asked Jason.

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