Chapter 12

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12! ;D Dont forget to COOOMMMMEENNTT AND VOOTTEEE! and Fan lol ;) again, C O M M E N T! Bahaha I RUFF YALL! lol xo


x Jovan x

"C'mon, Jo! I need my phone back!" Abbie argued. I ignored her, scanning down some webpage. A bunch of different criminal faces appeared, most of them with the word "WANTED" printed on top. Finally I spotted the face I've been looking for. Jason. His mugshot didn't say "WANTED" but instead it said "CAUGHT". I frowned as I tapped on his picture. The page quickly changed into a different webpage with Jason's info. My lips curved into a smile. Jackpot. I read over the news-like paragraph.

// Jason McCann, in jail for homicide, attempted murder, and bomb-use. He was his brother, Alex McCann's accomplice in bombing a Sheriff's funeral last year. A day after th bombing, Alex McCann was caught coming out of a shop with bomb-making materials. The police shot and killed him in self-defense. Only just a few days later, Jason McCann murdered a homeless man and planted a bomb in the empty warehouse, leading the CSI gang into a trap which they luckily survived. McCann was then sentenced to jail for 3-5 years. //

I let out a gasp. Jason was a murderer?! I would have never thought so. He just didn't seem like the type... I clicked out of the webpage, chucking the iPhone back to Abbie. She threw me a questioned look but didn't say anything.

"What were you looking at?" Taylor's voice asked suddenly. I sucked in a deep breath, determining whether to tell her or not. I quickly decided not too. Not yet. She was in a hospital and the least she needs is to find out that someone she cares about is a bomb-making murder.

"Um, just checking my facebook profile." I murmured, flopping down on my usual seat beside her.

"Oh." was all she said. She shifted, running a hand through her brown hair. She looked way better than she did when I first met her. Her face had color to it and her hair was unbandaged. She no longer had IV's stuck to her either. All she had was her leg and arm cast which were to be removed in a few weeks.

"You ok, Jovan?" Taylor asked me, looking at me suspiciously. I nodded, sinking down in my seat and propping my legs up on the side of her bed trying to look normal.

"Oh yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

The look on Taylor's face told me that she didn't believe me bu she didn't say anything. She simply laid her head down on her pillow and states blankly up at the ceiling. I couldn't help but wonder what she was talking about.

x Jason x

"Are you sure he can get me out of here?" I asked Timothy, my hands gripping the bars anxiously. Timothy nodded.

"Don't doubt me, Kiddo. Rick's the best lawyer in all of Las Vegas."

I frowned. "How'd you get the money to hire him then?"

Tim shrugged. "Ok, so maybe not the best, but he's pretty good. He's won a few cases."

I thumped my head against the bars, feeling lost. "I'm never gonna get out of here."

"You will, Jason. I've got this." Tim smiled slyly. I wondered if that Rick guy was a good lawyer. Or even a real lawyer. What surprise had Timothy delivered this time?

"I must go." Tim said. "Rick needs me."

"Wait," I called before he could walk away. "When's trial?"

"Tomorrow. Prepare to leave this hell, my brother." He winked and disappeared. I exhaled. I trusted Timothy but I still worried about the trial. I didn't want to stay in jail any longer. Once I got of here, people are going to be sorry. My mind suddenly flickered to Jovan's visit eariler. Why had he even come? To tell me that Taylor needed me? I smirked. She didn't need me. Did she? No. She had Jovan now. He seems to care about her. Taylor... The grip I has on the bars tightened. I squeezed me ees shut, feeling somethig wet rolling down my cheek. You would call it a tear, but I call it weakness. Taylor's always had that effect on me.

x Taylor x

Jovan had fallen asleep beside me and Abbie had Mike's house, her ex according to her. I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling, thinking about Jason and only Jason. Oh how badly I wanted to talk to him. I looked over at Jovan and gently reached over, only able to reach his leg which was propped up on my bed. I shook it. He moaned and dropped to the floor, yawning and sitting up.

"What..." He looked at me hazily and then shot me a smile. "Oh, Taylor."

"Hey." I chewed on my lip for a second. "Can you get the phone for me? I'd like to call Jason."

"K." He nodded and stood up, walking over towards the phone that was hooked up on the wall across from us. He took it and handed it over to me, sitting back down. I quickly dialed th jail's number which I'd already memorized. By the third ring, someone picked up.

"Las Vegas State Jail, what can we do for you?" Came a familiar voice. I recognized it as BJ's, Jason's guard. He almost always answered.

"BJ, it's Taylor. May I speak to Jason?" I bit my lip, hoping that I'd finally get to talk to him.

"Jason's, uh, sleeping." He said.

I frowned. "Then wake him. BJ, please. I need to talk to him. Can you help me?"

There was a pause. "Ok, Miss. I'll get him to talk to you. Please hold." There was a click and then distant footsteps. About five minutes later, Jason's voice filled my ear. I smiled to myself.

"Hello?" He said. "Timothy?"

Timothy? Huh. "Um, no. Jason, it's Taylor." There was now silence on the other end. I heard Jason mutter something I didn't quite catch but it sounded like a curse word. I sighed.

"Jason, I really need to talk to you. Don't stay quiet, I...I miss you." I could feel my eyes tearing up and I didn't even know why.

Jason let out a sigh on the other end. "What do you want?" He said finally.

"To talk to you. I really do miss you. I might not remember you but once I get out of here I promise I'll go visit you."

There was some more muttering. "Taylor, just-just forget I ever existed. Ok?"

Tears were freely running down my face now. "No, Jason. I cant forget you. I don't know why, but I just can't." My voice cracked.

"Goodbye, Taylor." There was another click and the line went dead. I don't know why, but I chucked the phone across the room. It hit the wall and fell to floor, a piece of it flyin off. Jovan was standing over me now, a look of shock on his face. All I could do was bury my face in my hands and cry.

"Taylor..." I heard Jovan say. He gently pushed my hands off my face. I sniffled, sitting up and ignored the pain. Jovan opened his arms for me and I gave in, burying my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, not questioning my tears. Why was Jason being that way? What was going on? Then I realized something. Who was Timothy?

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