Chapter 15

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I flexed my arm. The doctor had just left; he'd removed my cast. My leg's cast was still there but my arm was now able to move freely, nothing holding it stiff. Jovan threw me a cocky grin from across the room.

"Feelin' good?" he asked me as he sauntered over to me. I nodded, smiling slightly.

"Yeah." I wiggled my fingers and glaced at a passed out Abbie on the couch. I chuckled under my breath. I considered Abbie my best friend now, as well as Jovan. Especially Jovan. He really cared and I knew that he felt extremely guilty for hitting me with his car. It shows. But I've always known it wasn't his fault. I'd forgiven him.

"You hungry?" Jovan kneeled in front of me, taking me newly freed arm and playing with it. "I could order pizza, if ya want."

I giggled. "I'm not hungry. In fact, I'm still quite stuffed from breakfast."

Jovan chuckled. He'd gone out and ordered a whole McDonald's worth of breakfast. But it was delicious. That was about five hours ago, but I still felt like I'd just eaten.

"Same." Jovan smiled. "So watcha wanna do? TV?" He glanced at Abbie. "Sleep?"

I shrugged. "Talk?"

Jovan raised an eyebrow. "'bout what?"

I shrugged again because I honestly didn't know. I just wanted to talk, push certain things out of my mind.

"Well, I found this in your closet." Jovan said, standing up and disappearing. He was back in flash, an old looking light brown guitar clutched in his hands. I furrowed my eyebrows. I owned a guitar? Maybe it belonged to James... Speaking of, I couldn't remember when he was meant to come home. I missed him. A lot.

"Who's it?" I asked Jovan as he flopped down on the couch and pushed the guitar towards me.

"Yours." He smiled. "Your name's engraved on the side." I checked out the side of the guitar and sure enough my name was engraved on the side. Huh.

"C'mon, play something." Jovan insisted.

I frowned. "But I don't remember..."

"Just strum something. You might remember." He told me. I chewed on my lip, my eyes crawling over the strings nervously.

"C'mon." Jovan whispered, reaching over and tucking a piece of my light brown hair behind my ear. I blushed and let my fingers slowly brush against the strings. A made a slow humming noise. I strummed again, slightly harder. I expected it to make a loud, out of tune noise but instead it sounded smooth and melodic. I grinned and kept strumming, my fingers holding down strings in places. I didn't know why, but I knew what I was doing. I guess Jovan was right, I might not remember...but I remembered. Even if that sounds confusing. I didn't sing, only strum. I could feel Jovan's eyes on me, watching my every movement. I sucked in a deep breath and stopped strumming, feeling accomplished.

"That was beatiful." Jovan complimented me.

I smiled. "Thanks."

The next thing I knew, Jovan was leaning towards me slightly. I felt my heart beat increase as he slowly moved the guitar to the side, his face inching closer to mine. I bit my lip nervously. He was going to...kiss me? Suddenly I could feel his warm breath on my neck and lips. He stopped, his lips almost brushing against mine, begging for permission. My mind flickered to Jason. Why? I don't know. I shoved away the thought and slowly met Jovan's lips, granting him permission.

Then we were kissing. He tasted like potato chips, a hint of cola taste on his lips as well. It was a warm kiss, slow and steady. It wasn't something big. But then it happened..

I began to see things. Images. First, it was me crying into my brothers shoulder, my mother's body lying in the background on some hospital bed. Then the vision faded to me yelling at James who was looking annoyed, sitting behind jail bars. It changed again, this time I saw Jason's face. He was smiling sligtly at me, looking innocent through those similar jail bars. Then I was kissing him. Jason. It was his lips. Not Jovan's, but Jason's. It felt right. It felt like nothing else existed. Only me and Jason. Jason and I.

My eyelides flickered open...revealing Jovan's face. I pulled away, gasping and out of breath. I remembered.

Jovan stared at me wide-eyed. "You ok? Your face is pale."

"I..." I leaned back on the couch, touching my forehead with the back of my arm. It felt hot. "I'm fine." I mumbled.

Jovan looked worried. "You sure? Did you it? Did you not want too?" He was talking about the kiss.

I shook my head but then nodded quickly, feeling confused. "No, yes. I did. I'm just...tired."

Jovan reached over to take me hand put I pulled it away before he got the chance. He sat back akwardly, not saying anything else. I thought about what I'd remembered. About Jason. Everything he'd told me that day at the hospital had been true. Now he seemed so different...distant. He didn't...doesn't want me anymore. I felt a tear helplessly roll down my face.

x Jason x

"So what's the plan?" I asked. I was sitting on Timothy's beat up couch along with him and two of his friends (or gang members), Roy and Steve. They each had a beer clutched in their hand...except me. There were empty bottles scattered across the floor as well, making me feel slightly out of place.

"We plant the bomb at the entrance of that bastard's home." Roy explained, finishing his beer and prying open a new one which was laying beside him.

"He'll be dead before he can react." Steve snickered, chucking his empty bottle aside. It landed with a crash that made me cringe.

"Smaarrtt." A drunk a Timothy grinned, highfiving Steve.

I cleared my throat. "I guess it sounds like a plan."

"Best one ever." Roy flashed me toothy grin. "We can bury the douche's corpse in my backyard and the mission accomplished."

I frowned, crinkling my nose. Violent used to pump me up. Why wasn't I feeling pumped? I was feeling...nervous. I cursed under my breath. Maybe it wasn't a good plan. I'd just end up in jail again. Wait, why did I care? The next thing I knew, Taylor's face filled my mind, slowly tugging at my heart. Timothy's words yesterday still ringed in my ears. "Did you fall in love with her something?" he'd said. Maybe I had. I admitted it to BJ once. Then I changed my mind. Or maybe I never did. Maybe I always knew.

"I'm starting to think this ain't a good idea." I mumbled. Suddenly everyone turned to look at me.

"You're kidding, right?" Roy smirked. "It's an epic plan."

I shrugged. "I don't want to go to jail again."

Timothy narrowed his eyes. "Since when do you care? I know we don't. The bombs are made. We can plant them today."

"The sucker's probably not home." Steve pointed out." Timothy agreed and once again highfived them. I shifted uncomfortably. I couldn't agrue with them. Not when I was already allied with them. Or they were allied with me. But Timothy's always been like the leader. The one who barked the instructions and everyone else carried them out.

"Fine." I muttered.

Timothy smirked. "Great. Now let's head to van. Everything's ready." He threw aside his bottle and stood, leading the way outs. I sauntered after Roy and Steve, praying to make it safely. They were drunk and it made me effing nervous to get into a car with them. Again, why do I care? I ran a hand through my hair, realizing I was sweating when my hand came out moist.


Note: Jason is coming to his senses again! Baha lol ;) hmm...

Anywho, COMMMMEEENNT VOOTTEE FAANN! I'm soo happy! Why? I got my crush's number! lol we r like bffs! Hopefully more! And my bestie's crush asked her out :D so this feels like love month LOL that used to be febuary. *shrugs* well since y'all prolly don't care, how are y'all? ;) aha


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