Chapter 19

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I'm introducing a new character! Looks like Jovan might begin to understand Taylor's feelings for Jason...hmm... xD Also, a lil bit of romance before things get serious again! Mwah!


x Jovan x

"Jo? Jo, open the door." Abbie's voice demanded. I frowned, looking out of my bedroom window and up at the gray clouds. There was no doubt that it was going to rain soon.

"Jovan Greene, open the damn door!" Abbie pounded on my door. "Don't make me knock this door down!" Her pounds became harder and couldn't help but smirk at her threat. Abbie couldn't break down a door. Not even if there were a million of her.

"Jovan!" She was beginning to whine. "Jo, please!" She pleaded. I chuckled and pushed open my window. A cold gust of wind welcomed me, dancing on my face.

"Jo, I need to talk to you! You can't stay in there forever!"

She'd give up eventually, I thought. I stepped out of through my window, sprinting into a run towards the small woods beside my house. I needed some alone time just to think. To think about why Taylor would ever choose some criminal over me. I just couldn't figure that out.

I slowed to a walk, looking around and taking in the scent of the large pine trees that surrounded me. Everything was silent and calm. It was just the little bit of peace I was looking for.

And then that peace was ruined.

I was suddenly surrounded by the sound of galloping hooves and shouting men. What was going on?

"Check if she went that way!" I heard a men command. Police. Just great. All I needed was to get pulled into some mess just because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I began to make my way back home and away from the shouting police. All of the sudden, something grabbed my leg and I fell forward.

"Ow!" I cried out. "What the-" The same thing or person that caused me to fall dragged me into the bushes.

Someone slapped a hand across my mouth. "Shh!" I couldn't see whoever was shushing me. "Shut up if you want your precious life." They whisper-threatened me. I pulled their hand off my face, coughing and spitting out dirt that had escaped into my mouth.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed.

"I told you to shut up!" The person ordered. I could hear the sound of the hooves getting closer. I suddenly wished I'd stayed in my room and thought about Taylor there.

But curiousity was eating away at me and I couldnt help but turn around to get a view at the person who was holding me captive behind a pair of bushes. The person who had just threatened me. The one who I bet was the reason the police were here in the first place.

It was girl.

She had blue-streaked, dark brown, straight hair and dangerous but goregous-looking brown eyes. Her nose was peirced and her skin was freakishly pale. She was wearing nothing but a gray sport's bra which revealed the other peircing on her belly button and a pair of faded ripped shorts. She wasn't even wearing shoes.

"Who are you?" I blurted.

"Don't ask questions!" She snapped. "And shut up!"

"Maybe I don't want to shut up!" I shot back.

She narrowed her eyes. "What is it that you want?"

I smirked. "Chill. I just want to know your name."

She seemed to calm down a bit but I could tell she still had her guard up. "My name's Max." She informed me.

I raised my eyebrow slightly. "Isn't that a boy's name?"

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