Chapter 28

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x Taylor x

I'm pacing nervously outside the police station, crossing fingers and hoping that Jason won't have to go back to jail. I can't take this anymore. It's been two hours and there's no news on Jason. James is watching me, an impatient look on his face as well.

"Calm down, Taylor." He tells me for the billionth time. "They can't keep Jason. It was basically self defense."

"But the police were there." I sigh. "He didn't have to kill Timothy."

"It's still self defense." James points out. "Be positive."

"It's hard to be positive when the love of my life could possibly end up getting his ass back in jail!" I throw my hands up in frustration.

James frowns. "What about me, eh? Max's in jail."

I look at my brother, an eyebrow raised. "Max loved Jovan."

"Jovan's dead!" James snapped. "I felt a strong connection between Max and I."

"Yeah," I scoff. "You comforted her while she mourned over Jovan. Whoohoo." I cross my arms. "Get over her, Jamey."

He scowls. "Don't call me that. Max is something special. I really like her, Tay."

I heave a sigh. "Sorry. I'm just stressed. If you like her, then go for it. But I don't want you to suffer because she's in jail for hell-knows how many years."

"Thanks, Sis." James half-smiles.

"What time is it?" I groan, changing the subject.

James looks down at his watch, frowning. "It's been almost three hours. How long does it take to determine whether a guy's going to jail or not?"

"2 hours and 43 minutes to be exact." A voice says out of nowhere.

I whirl around, my eyes falling on Jason who's suddenly standing behind me, a sly smile on his face.

"Jason! I was so worried!" I throw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "I thought you would end up in jail again!"

"I almost did." He chuckles as if being locked up in a cell was something to laugh about.

"What happened?" I ask him, slightly pulling away but his arms are still partically around me.

"There was an arguement about whether or not I was defending myself by shooting the asshole. Apparently the people saying it was self defense won, meaning I don't have to go to jail." He finishes with an accomplished grin on his face.

"Does this mean it's all over?" I murmur, my arms curling themselves around Jason's neck.

He nods and smiles. "I think so."

• • •

"Where are you guys going?" James calls. We're at a hotel due to the bombing at our apartment. Jason and I had decided to go downtown and take a walk. Downtown was just a few blocks away so we didn't have to worry about walking for miles.

"Downtown!" I shout back at my brother.

"For what?" He questions.

"No reason. Just a walk." I shrug.

"Can I come?" His eyes look hopeful all of the sudden.

I frown. "No."

"Geez," James sulks down on the couch. "That's harsh."

Jason chuckles. "Another time, man. It's just me and Taylor." He drapes an arm around me.

James raises an eyebrow. "Dont try anything funny."

"What?" Jason and I say simutaneously.

James looks me in the eye, a serious look on his face. "Do I really have to explain?"

My eyes widen. "No thanks, Mom!"

Jason looks between us, a confused look on his face. "Explain what? I'm lost."

I run my hand through my hair. "Uhh, how to, uh, get downtown without getting lost."

Jason's expression looks even more confused but he ignores us. "Can we go now?"

"Yes, please!" I say, making a mad dash towards the door.

"Wait, Taylor?" James calls.

I groan, turning back to face my brother. "What?"

He looks at me suspiciously. "You guys haven't already-"

"No!" I shake my head. "Just...just bye!"

I grab Jason's hand and drag him out the door, slamming it shut behind us.

"What was that about?" Jason asks me.

"Apparently my brother thinks nows the right time to go all Mom on me." I mutter.

"I'm still lost." Jason mumbles.

I sigh. "He thinks we-"



Jason blushes and we start walking towards the stairs that lead down to the lobby.

"Do we really have to go downtown?" Jason decides to ask me.

I shrug. "There are few stores nearby. Downtown is farther. Like twenty or thirty minutes on foot."

"Can we stick to the nearby stores?" Jason chuckles.

"Absolutely." I laugh softly and curl my fingers around Jason's as we step out of the hotel.

"Hey!" Jason points across the street. "Look."

I scrunch up my forehead in confusion. "Walgreens?"

Jason frowns. "No. C'mon." He waits for the cars to pass and then pulls me across the street, leading me into walgreens.

"Why are we in here?" I question.

He leads me over to the little machines where you stick in a quarter and small toy pops out.


"Hold on." Jason slips a quarter out of his pocket and sticks it into one of the slots.

"Where did you get that quarter?" I cross my arms curiously.

"Your brother left it on the counter." He informs me.

"Thief." I chuckle.

"I know." He flashes me a cocky smile. "My biggest crime was stealing your heart."

I giggle and slap his arm playfully. "Maybe you do deserve to go to jail."

"So do you."


"Cause you stole mine as well."

I laugh softly, leaning against of the machines. "Guilty as charged."

Jason chuckles and twists the small knob on the machine. A plastic sphere pops out, a tiny object inside it.

"What is it?" I ask.

Jason prys open the lid and observes the object, a smile playing on his lips. He takes my hand and slips the object onto my finger.

It's a ring. It's small and plastic, a fake blue diamond on the top.

His hand doesn't leave mine. He takes a step closer to me, his face inches from mine and his eyes have a hopeful look in them.

"I know it's not anything big, but..." He pauses. "Will you marry me?"


Author's Note: Bet you didnt see THAT coming! ;] Did you like this chapter? This story is near the end. Should end at chappie 30-something. COMMENT VOTE FAN!!! but plz plz PLZ V O T E!!!! ;] Thank Youuuu! <33333

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