Chapter 21

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x Taylor x

Tears trickled down my face. I had no idea where I was. All I knew was that some guy had come and kidnapped me and now i was sitting in a dark room, tied up, and blind. Blind because I couldn't see a thing. For all I knew, I was floating in space.

I wished I could scream, call to Jason. Jason would come and save me. He would go till the ends of the world to search for me. That much I knew.

But what if Jason got hurt? What if the man that took me somehow hurt Jason or was planning on doing so? I couldn't bare with that. I'd risk my life for Jason.

Just like I knew he'd do for me.

x Jason x

I didn't know what to do. Taylor was being held captive by freakin' Timothy and I had no idea what to do. If he laid a single finger on her, I swear I would tear him to pieces until...

I sighed. Don't panic, Jason, I thought to myself. I'll find Taylor. Taylor will be back with my soon. She'll be safe.

There was no way I was calling the cops, though. They've never done anything good for me. Why trust them? So instead, I collected myself, took a deep breath...and dialed Jovan's number.

Abbie answered. "Taylor?"

"It's Jason." I blurted. "I need to speak to Jovan. Taylor's in trouble."


"She's been kidnapped." I gripped the phone tightly. "And it's my fault." I added. It was my fault. If I would have never gotten involved with Timothy, this would have never happened.

"It's not your fault," Abbie told me. "I'll try to get Jovan. He's been locked up in his room since yesterday."

I frowned. I could hear Abbie's footsteps on the other line and then loud pounding.

"Jovan!" She yelled. "Get your butt out of there! Taylor's been kidnapped!"

I felt a tear roll down my face. A tear? I never cry. Maybe it's just the thought of losing Taylor... I couldn't bare that. She meant too much. I wouldn't lose her. Not today or any other day. Never.

"Tell Jovan to call the cops," I decided. "We need to find Taylor."

"Ok." Abbie said. "I will."

The phone began to beep, indicating that someone else was calling me. "Someone's calling. It could be Taylor. I'll call you back." I hung up on Abbie and quickly answered whoever was calling.

"Hello?" I answered. "Taylor."

"Hello, Jason McCann." A deep, evil-like voice said. I gritted my teeth. I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Timothy." I scowled.

x Jovan x

"Jovan!" Abbie's voice interrupted my sleep. "Get your butt out of there! Taylor's been kidnapped!"

I shot up, processing what Abbie had just said. Taylor? Kidnapped? I grinded teeth. I bet McCann caused all of this.

"What's going on?" Max rolled the bed and look down at me. Her brown hair was mess, sticking up in the oddest of places. Her eyes still seemed sleepy but she brushed it all aside.

"Taylor's been kidnapped." I breathed, running a hand through my untamed dark hair. "Taylor's been kidnapped." I repeated.

Max looked at me questionly. "Who's Taylor?"

"A friend." I told her. "A very important friend."

"Jovan!" I heard Abbie yell desperately. "This is an emergency!"

I ran up the door and pryed it open, not caring if Abbie saw Max ther and jumped to conclusions.

"What happened?" I demanded. Abbie's eye bulged when she saw Max but she didn't say anything.

"I don't know. All I know is that Taylor's been kidnapped. Jason called. He said to call the cops."

I nodded. "Gimme the phone." Abbie threw me the phone and I dialed 911.

This couldn't be happening.

"911, what's the emergency?" A man with a deep, but trusting voice said.

"My friend's been kidnapped. Taylor Madison. We don't know by who of why. I assume it's all linked to Jason McCann."

Abbie gaped. "Jovan-"

"You assume Jason McCann is behind it?" The man asked.

I sighed. "No. I assume it's someone linked to him. That someone wanted to piss him off or something and so they kidnapped Taylor."

"This could be a trap." The man informed me. "Do you known McCann's whereabouts?"

"He should be at Taylor's apartment." I told him. "With her brother, James."

"I'll send out a search," The man said. "Be careful."

I hung up and chucked the phone aside. Send out a search?! That's it? Do these people call themselves cops?

"Is there anything I can do?" Max's voice asked suddenly.

I looked over at her, all my emotions spilling out of me. Tears rolled down my face and I couldn't help but pull Max into a hug. It was comforting. Her hair smelled like rain mixed with pine trees. All-in-all, she smelled good.

I could feel Abbie staring at us, speechless. I ignored her. All I wanted was to know that Taylor was safe. I also wanted to apologize. I felt like there was a lot I had to apologize for.

x Jason x

I dreaded returning to Timothy's house but that was what I had to do. Taylor was there, he told me himself. I knew this could be trap. But Taylor was all I could think about. I'd take my chances.

"Where are you going?" A voice demanded before I had time to step foot out of the apartment. "Where's Taylor?"

I sucked in a deep breath and turned to face her brother. "She's been kidnapped. I think I might know where she is. I'm going to go find her before it's too late."

James's face paled. "My sister was...kidnapped?" His face went from pale to red. "No!" He bellowed. "Not Taylor! She doesn't deserve this! She's-"

"Calm down!" I ordered, tears trying to find their way out of my eyes once more. I held them back. "It's ok. I'm going to find her."

"I'll come with you." He said grabbed a coat off the couch. "It's my sister we're talking about here."

I nodded. "It's the love of my life." I added.

James gave me a crooked smile. "I'm glad you love her. She needs love. Now c'mon, McCann." He slapped my shoulder. "Let's go save my sister."

I nodded and again and we headed out he door. At least I wasnt alone. But what if James got hurt? Taylor would be heartbroken. She loves her brother. So now I had two tasks, save Taylor and keep her brother safe.

Myself? I didn't care. My life meant nothing compared to Taylor's. Nothing.



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