Chapter 25

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x Taylor x

"...Jovan was the best brother I could ever ask for." Abbie was up at the podium, faking a smile through tears as she told us about her brother. "There were times where we would fight but we would always laugh about it later. Sometimes he could completely annoying and a total jerk," She chokes out a laugh. "But I loved him no matter his flaws. Jovan will always be remembered."

Everyone stood up, clapping and crying but smiling altogether. My eyes lingered over to Jason who was only one sitting down, a single tear sliding down his cheek. I heaved a sigh and sat back down.

"Maxine McAllen?!" A voice boomed.

My head turned to face a group of poilce officers who were standing by the door and glancing around the funeral room.

"Maxine?" I mutter quesionably. My eyes flicker to Max who was holding onto James, fear in her eyes. I slowly make my way over to them.

"What's this about?" I whisper-scream.

Max hides her face in James' shoulder as she shakes her head back and forth, back and forth.

"She robbed a jewelry store." James tells me. "It was for a good purpose but that won't keep her out of jail. Jovan was the only person who knew besides me."

"Why now?" I groan. "Why do they have to come during Jo's funeral."

"Maxine McAllen?!" The lead police shouts again. His eyes land on James and Max. He smirks and begins to head our way.

"Don't let them take me." Max let's out a muffled sob.

"Maxine." The police man snickers and prys her off James. "You're under arrest for illegally shoplifting three diamond rings from a jewlery store."

Max wipes the tears away from her eyes and snarls. "I didn't do anything! You have no proof!"

The man chuckles. "Why? Because you cut the wire of the security camera? We have a witness."

"They're lying!" Max struggles as they place the cuffs around her wrists. "I'm innocent!"

"Let her go." A familiar voice interrupts. It's Jason. He's walking up to the police men who's now holding Max captive.

"I did." Jason lies. "I stole the rings. She was just a bystander. I'm the guilty one here."

"Jase, what are you-" I begin to protest but he shoots me a glare.

The police man looks at Jason suspiciously while slowly uncuffing Max. "Well then. Looks like you're free until we get some real evidence." He signals the rest of the force. "Get McCann."

Two men walk over and handcuff Jason.

"How do you know my name?" Jason questions.

One of the men smirk. "The entire Las Vegas Police Force knows your name, kid."

"Jason." I look at him, tears in my eyes. I shake my head. "Why?"

He doesn't say anything. I feel someone walk up behind me. Abbie.

"Another wrong step, Jason." She says. "Another."

"Shut up." Jason snares. And with that, the police force take him away, disppearing through the door.

"I can't believe he did that." Max exclaims, breaking the silence. "I feel so guilty."

"You should." I snap suddenly and then sigh. "Sorry, Max. I'm just stressed."

Max runs a hand through her wild, brown hair. "It's ok. I can't just let Jason take the blame. I won't be able to live with myself."

"This is all Jason's fault." Abbie cuts in. "He has no clue what he's doing."

I look down, a tear escaping and hitting the floor with a silent splash. "He's just lost."

• • •

We're at the jail: Max, Abbie, James, and I. Max looks horrible, her hair frizzy and her eyes red. She'd come to confess so Jason could be released. James had fingers enterwined with Max's and I couldn't but wonder what was going on between them.

"May I ask what you kids are doing here?" The police officer from eariler asks as he appears at the doorway of his office.

"Jason's innocent." Max blurts. "I did it. He just took the blame. He's not involved whatsoever. I'm sorry. I'm a liar. I just needed money for my sister's surgery and-" She hurts into tears, sobbig into his hands.

The man purses his lips and walks over to Max. "So you lied? You did steal the rings. We kept an innocent man..." He pauses. "A partially innocent kid here and you didn't speak up."

I frown. "Partiallt innocent kid?"

They ignore me.

"I'm speaking up now!" Max shrieks as she wipes away her tears with the back of her hand. "In fact, here!" She takes three diamond rings out of her worn-out jean pockets and hands them over to the officer. "I stole them. I know it was wrong. I'm sorry."

"Dan!" The officer barks suddenly. "Get McCann out of his cell! The real criminal has confessed." He grabs Max and begins to pull her away.

"I'll visit you!" James calls after her.

I look up at him suspiciously. "You barely know her."

"I want too." James mumbles.

Another officer, Dan, appears with Jason. He pushes him in our direction. Jason snarls but doesn't say anything.

"Get of here, McCann." Dan chuckles and turns around, disppearing.

"Asshole." I hear Jason mutter beneath his breath.

Without thinking, I grab Jason's arm and pull him to me. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I half-shout. "Do you want to get your ass back in jail?! You already have a bad record! Jason, I care about you and you know that! I won't let you get back in jail! I have no idea what you were thinking when you took the blame for something you weren't even involved in, but-"

Jason cuts me off. His lips are suddenly on mine. I kiss him back, forgetting everything that just happened. All the sudden, I get this spark of hope...that hopefully everything will be normal for once.

"I'm sorry," Jason whispers against my lips. "For everything."

"You should be." I say between breaths. "But I forgive you."


Author's Note: This was one of those chapters which I realllyyy felt good about :) Hopefully you liked it! Still not sure when this story is going to end but imma say...about ten more chaps? Yeah. Well....COMMENT VOTE AND FAN!!!!! You guys are incredible :) Thinking about writing a book and maybe...hopefully...try to get published?? hm...what do you guys think? MWAH!

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