Chapter 27

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x Jason x

Taylor's face becomes expressionless at the fireman's words. "Timothy..broke out? He was my brother?" Tears start to form in her eyes.

The fireman gives her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Miss Madison. We'll do everything we can to get Timothy back and jail and your brother back safetly. Seem's like they're still inside the building. Don't worry." He tells her and quickly scampers off towards another group of fireman.

Taylor seems to be in shock. I wrap my around her and pull her into my chest. "Everything's going to be ok." I promise her. "Your brother's going to be fine."

She heaves a sob. "How do you know?"

I give her small kiss on her forehead. "Because I'm going to get him back."

Taylor wipes away one of her tears and gapes. "No! No, Jason! I won't let you! What if you get hurt? No way!" She slaps my shoulder. "No!"

I frown and rub at the shoulder she slapped. "Calm down, Tay. I've got this. Don't worry about me."

"No!" She argues. "Jase, please!"

"Nothing's going to happen to me." I assure her and give her quick kiss across her lips. "I love you, Tay."

"Jason!" Tears are streaming down her face now but i try not to let her get to me. I sprint towards the aparment's entrance. Officer's and firemen begin to shout and run after me as I make a mad dash into the building. I can hear Taylor calling after me as well. I ignore them all, finally inside. I don't know where they are. I run up the stairs, hoping that the bomb hadn't done enough damage that the stairs would crumble beneath me. They didn't. I made it to the second floor, looking around anxiously. Smoke seemed to be everywhere and it was quickly filling up my lungs. I could hear loud voices coming from third floor and one of them sounded a hell lot like Timothy. I followed the voices.

x Taylor x

"Jason!" I cry. I try to run after him the fireman from eariler pulls me back.

"Don't. It's not safe." He tells me.

"Let me go!" I order. "I can't let anything happen to him. Jason!" Tears are sliding down my face. I struggle out of the fireman's grip and manage to run in the direction Jason had gone.

"Jason!" I kept calling.

x Jason x

"Just the guy I wanted to see." Timothy grins as I make my appearance. He's holding James, a gun jammed onto his head.

James snarls. "What are you doing here, Jason?"

"Saving your life." I snap and look back to meet Timothy's eyes. "This isn't over, Timothy."

"Of course it's not." Timothy smirks. "Not until you're dead, McCann."

"Sorry, Tim." I chuckle and narrow my eyes. "But I ain't dying anytime soon."

"Jason!" I hear familiar voice.

"Crap." I mutter. "Not now, Taylor."

Timothy tilts his head and scoffs. "I see you brought your little girlfriend, McCann. Maybe I should kill her first. Right after her brother, of course."

James snares. "Kill me. Just leave them alone."

"Hell no, James!" It's Taylor. She must have come the over way because she's now standing behind Timothy.

"I don't feel like going to another funeral!" She yells and before Timothy can turn around, she makes a grab for his gun.

"Taylor!" I run over to them, joining the stuggle. James manages to escape Timothy's grip and he gun clatters to the ground.

I dive for it, clutching it between my fingers with a smile of success on my face.

"Get away, Taylor!" I order.

James grabs Taylor and pulls her away from Timothy who has a nasty, nervous grin on his face.

I point my gun in his direction.

Timothy smirks. "What are you going to do, McCann? Shoot me?"

I snarl. "Go to hell, Timothy."

Timothy makes a 'tsk tsk tsk' sound and starts taking slow steps towards me. Taylor is huddled against her brother, a nervous look on her face.

"Jason." She squeaks.

I can hear the voices of policeman starting to arrive. I ignore everyone, my undivided attention on Timothy.

"Go ahead then." Tim says. "Shoot me, McCann. Do it. You dont have the guts."

My finger slides onto the gun's trigger. "Try me." I gritted.

"Jason, don't!" Taylor crys.

"Listen to your girlfriend, McCann." Timothy chuckles. "Listen to her."

"Drop the gun, McCann." An officer orders. I clench my teeth.

"Dont do it, Jason." James speaks next.

Timothy grins evily. "Do it, McCann."

"I hate you, Timothy." I grit.

"Jason!" Taylor's somehow beside me, her eyes pleading me to drop the gun.

Timothy's walking towards us now. "You should just die, McCann."

"You first!"

And I shoot. The bullet hits his chest and he staggers forward, a look of surprise on his face. Then he hits the ground, drowning in his own blood.

I drop the gun and it clatters to the ground. I'm breathing hard, shocked by my actions. I was getting sick of him ruining my life. Now he was dead. I killed him.

"Jason!" Tears are streaming down Taylor's face. She wraps her arm around me, sobbing into my chest.

"I hate him." I mutter.

"You'll have accompany us to the station, McCann." An officer tells me.

Taylor looks up at me and shakes her head, her face a waterfall of tears. "Jason."


Author's Note: didn't think this was my best chapter. I kinda suck at actio scenes. Anyways, this was the last action scene. The end is near! (couple more chapter :) Comment Fan and remember...1,000 votes on the entire book for a NEW Jason McCann story :)

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