Chapter 2

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Chapter TWO! Is it too short? Sorry, lol. If you like it dont forget to comment, fan, and VOTE!! ;) Check out my story "The Grim Reaper". Its about a love triangle between a human, a dead girl, and a grim reaper. xoxo THANKZZ!


x Taylor x

I set down my bag on my apartment's small counter and sighed. I needed James. Without him there was no one to pay the bills. The only money I had was what Mom had left me after she died. I'd just turned 16 and nobody offered me any jobs. I was all on my own. Why did James have to get himself in jail? He'd be out in five months but by then I would probably be kicked out of the apartment. The only way I've been getting money lately was by selling my stuff. At least I had enough for food.

And now there's the boy. The one at the jail. Something had drawn me to him. I don't know what. He seemed lonely as if he had nobody. I at least have James, but the boy...I don't know. Something inside me wanted to help him. I don't know what crime he'd committed but for some reason that just didn't seem to matter. I just wanted to help him...even if that meant simply being a friend to him. Right now I just really had to go in search of a job. I had to keep this roof over my head. It's bad enough that James and I are orphans.

x Jason x

I woke up to the sound of someone opening my cell. It was the usual guard with the usual breakfast that I wouldn't eat. I yawned and sat up, ignoring the sound of my spine cracking. Yes, I had a small bed in my jail cell. No, I wouldn't sleep on it. According to my dumb guard it was because I was stubborn. According to me it was because the floor was way more comfortable than that crappy bed. I can only imagine what Ralph is going through. I glared over at the tray of breakfast. It had on it what looked like two dryed up eggs and an ugly-looking piece of toast. I smirked. I'd rather starve. I reached beneath my untouched bed and pulled out the coke can the girl, Taylor, had given me yesterday. For some reason I hadn't been able to get her out of my thoughts. I took a small sip from the already opened can of coke and pushed it back under the bed. No matter how much I tried to save it, I knew it wouldn't last long. I heard my stomach grumble. Not long at all. My thoughts were interrupted by a very familiar voice.


I looked over to see Taylor standing by the cell bars. She was carrying the same plastic bag and wearing the same rainboots. The only difference was that she was wearing a white t-shirt and faded blue jeans. She wore a small smile upon her face.

"Hey, um, I brought you something." I watched her as she pulled out what looked like a small bottle of chocolate milk and a pack of chocolate chip cookies.

"It's not much but it's all I could afford." She kneeled down by my cell like yesterday and pushed the milk and cookies through the bars. Why was she doing this? I had to know.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her. She seemed a little surprised at the sound of my voice. She responded by leaning her face up against the bars and shrugging.

"I don't know. I just am." She smiled innocently. I let a small smile show on my lips. I hadn't smiled in ages and it felt...good.


She smiled. "No problem." She shifted her face so that it rested between the bars. I reached for the milk bottle and opened it up. I took a cookie and dipped it in the chocolate milk, taking a small bite from it. Taylor simply observed me for a while before breaking the silence.

"What's your name?" She asked me.

"Jason." I told her. I noticed she hasn't visited her brother today. I would have seen her walk by if she had but I asked her anyways.

"Did you already visit your brother?"

She shook her head. "I didn't come here for him today." She smiled. She came here for me? She didn't even know me yet she came here for me. Why did this shock me so much?

"You look tired." She said, interrupting my thoughts. I simply shrugged.

"Crappy bed?" She guessed. I couldn't help but smile. I nodded.

"I knew it." She smiled back. "I wish I could do something to make it better. You deserve some good sleep."

Why was she so caring? I don't know but...maybe I liked that about her. I took anoher cookie dipped in milk and instead of eating it myself, I held it out for Taylor. She seemed surprised but she took it anyways.

"Thanks." Her green eyes seemed to glow as she nibbled on the cookie and looked at  me.

"Do you have a family?" I asked her, surprising even myself. She shook her head.

"No, brother. We're orphans. Our mother died and our father abandoned us." Her face became sad.

"I'm an orphan too." I told her. "I had a brother but...he's dead."

"I'm sorry." Taylor said...and she meant it. Some part of me just wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be ok. But even I didn't believe that. I've never been close to anyone before, much less a girl. But there was something about Taylor that makes me feel close to her. I'm drawn to her in some weird way I can't explain. Suddenly Taylor stood up.

"I should go see my brother. I'll come back later and...bring dinner." She smiled. "Bye Jason." She began to walk away towards her brother's cell.

"Bye Taylor." I muttered after her.

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