Chapter 8

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Yayy new chappie! This one changes POV a lot so don't get confused lol comment PLZ and fan! 20 votes for next chappie so VOTE! now tell me, what do u think of Jovan so far? ;D I'm letting Avan Jogia be the part of Jovan ;) C o m m e n t! LUV YALL!

x Taylor x

I was in a dark place. I couldn't see anything or move anything. All I could do was hear. There was a voice. I didn't recognize it but it was soothing. Where was I? I didn't know. I just just listened to the unfamiliar voice singing a familiar song.

"Every long lost dream led me to where you are. And others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true. That god bless the broken road that led me straight to you..."

The voice faded into a sigh. I knew that song. I just couldn't remember how...

x Jovan x

I drummed my fingers against the side of my chair and sung the words to 'Bless the Broken Road' by Rascal Flatts. I was bored. I've spent the stinkin' night here and the girl, Taylor, hadn't even woken up. I wasn't expecting her to do so so soon but c'mon, I need a miracle so I could get out of this stupid hospital for once. Even if it meant that I had to follow this Taylor chick everywhere. Why did she just have to cross the road at the unlikely time? I leaned back in the chair and just stared at Taylor. She hadn't changed much. She was still in the same position as yesterday except for the fact that I could have sworn I'd heard her moan. Not sure since I was half asleep when it occured. Maybe I was imagining things. I yawned and went into that face-on-hand position, closing my eyes and trying to get some rest. Morning sucked. Especially if you had to spend them in a hospital...with someone you didn't know...who was in coma. I felt like I was in a room with a corpse.

x Jason x

I stared at the wall. That's all I've been doing. Staring at the wall and cursing evey two seconds. I hadn't slept last night. When the hell was BJ going to take me to see Taylor?! I was going to break out of here. I just had to plan my escape quickly, cleverly, and very, very carefully...

"McCann." BJ stepped around the corner. I swirled to face him. He had about four tall, well-built, dudes with him. They all looked like they were heading to a wrestling match. I felt like a speck of dust all of the sudden. Once I got out of here, I had to work out. These enclosed walls weren't doing much for me.

"Please tell me I can finally go see Taylor." I sighed.

A smirk formed on BJ's lips. "Yes, McCann. We're here to take you-" He paused, raising an eyebrow. "Whoa, you ok? You look like haven't slept for days."

I frowned. "No, I haven't slept. I won't sleep until I see Taylor."

BJ chuckled. "Of course. The so-called love of your life." He made a face and began to unlock my cell door. I ignored him. I've been waiting for hours, including a whole night, to see Taylor. Her life was on the line and she had nobody except me and her brother.

"Is James going?" I asked suddenly.

BJ shook his head. "No, he's recieving any news on his sister daily, though. He didn't get permission to visit her anyways."

I turned around as BJ handcuffed my wrist behind my back. This was pointless. I wasn't going to run. But I guess people assume the opposite if you've been sitting in a jail cell for months.

"Oh. Have you got any news on Taylor?" I chewed on my lip. I hoped she was better. She had to recover. She had to live.

BJ shook his head. "None. Now c'mon." He escorted me out of my cell and toward a set of doors. The wrestler-like guards followed us, making sure to stay close. I couldn't help but smirk.

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