Chapter 23

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Ugh! Is this short? I swear, I don't know why these chapters keep coming out short!! I just write and hope they're long. I would've sworn it was longer..gosh. Well, don't mind me. I can't wait for school to end. 7 MORE DAYS!! Then I'm free to write all day and night! Mwah! COMMENT! VOTE! FAN! xx


x Jason x

I don't move. I stay perfectly still. As long as everyone else is ok, my life meant nothing.

Timothy grins. "Goodbye, Jason McCann."

"Jason!" Taylor's voice calls desperatly.

I suck in a deep breath. Timothy's pointing the gun at me, his hand on the trigger. Suddenly there's a blur and the sound of a gunshot. Someone's body hits the ground in from of me.

I look down. A lump forms in my throat.


"No!" Timothy snares. "Stupid idiot had to get in the way!"

I can't move. I'm in shock. What just happened? I can hear sirens outside. A group of policemen bursts in and grab Timothy.

"Game over, Johnson." One of them says. They handcuff him and escort him out.

I'm still frozen. Everything's a blur.

"Jason!" Taylor's voice crys in the distance.

"Jovan! No, no, no!" Abbie and the other chick, Max, are laying in front of me with Jovan. I can't tell if he's alive or dead. I'm in too much shock.

"I'm sorry." I hear someone cough. Jovan's voice.

I feel something wet roll down my cheek.

x Taylor x

"Jason!" James let's go of me and I run over, throwing myself into Jason's arms. "I thought...he was..." I don't finish my sentence. I burst into tears. Jason doesn't say anything, but I feel his arms holding me tightly.

I slowly wiggle out of his grip and kneel down beside Jovan. Jason looks away and I swear I notice something roll down his cheek.

"Jovan, I'm sorry if I hurt you." I tell Jovan, more tears escaping. "I do love you, just not like that."

"No..." He coughs. "I'm...sorry."

"Thank you." I tell him, taking his hand and squeezing it. "You're my hero." I pause. "And Jason's." I look over at Jason but he seems really interested in wall behind him.

Jovan gives me a weak smile but doesn't say anything.

Max sniffles beside me. "I like you, Jovan." Tears roll down her face. "I really do."

"Me too." Jovan manages.

Max smiles and leans down, giving him a soft kiss on his lips. I couldn't help but smile too.

"Don't leave us, Jo." Abbie sobs. "Not now. You're my only brother."

" you, Abs." He coughs again and his eyelids slowly close. I can no longer feel the pulse on his hand. His heart's stopped beating.

"Jo!" Abbie's crys. "No! Stay, please stay!"

Max and I stay quiet, silent tears rolling down our face.

"Excuse me. Move out of the way!" Two men walks through and grab Jovan's body, placing it onto a stretcher.

Abbie runs after them as they roll away Jovan's body.

I stand back up and pull Jason into a hug.

"He took the bullet for me." Jason finally speaks, a sob in his voice. "I didn't even deserve it."

"Don't say that." I mutter into his chest. "None of this is your fault."

For a while, we stay quiet. Then Jason bursts into silent tears, soaking my shirt. I hug him tighter, crying as well. I rest my head on Jason's shoulder and from the corner of my eye I see James holding onto Max as she crys. I smile through my tears and bury my head into Jason's neck.

"I love you." I tell him.

He doesn't say anything back.

x Jason x

My hands tremble as James pulls open the apartment door and I step inside. Taylor's keeps casting me worried looks, her eyes red and puffy. A tear escapes here and then, rolling innocently down her cheek.

This is all my fault. If I would have never called Abbie, her and Jovan wouldn't have come and he would still be alive. I'm the guilty one. I should be in jail. They should have kept me there.

All I can think about is how much pain i'm causing Taylor. All I do is hurt her. She was almost kidnapped because of me. I'm not that right kind of guy for her. She's not safe with me. We just can't be together.

I close my eyes. "Taylor?" I murmer.

"Hm?" I feel her take my hand.

I open my eyes and look apologetically down at her. "This has to end."

She frowns. "What are you talking about?"

"Us." I blurt. "We can't be together. I'll only keep hurting you."

Taylor squeezes my hand. "You could never hurt me, Jason."

I look away from her. "Yes I can! I already have. I'm sorry, Taylor. We just...I can't. Not anymore." I shake my head back and forth and pull my hand out of hers.

"I'm going for a walk." I murmer and walk-run out the door, leaving Taylor with tears clear in her eyes.

I was doing it again. I was hurting her. I had to stay away from her. But I couldn't. I was stuck living in her apartment for now. I'm just going to have to keep my distance.

I can't hurt her. Not again. Not after what happened to Jovan. I can't. Tears betray me, running down my face. Jovan had taken that stupid bullet for me. The bullet that took his life.

I drop to the cold ground, burying my face in my hands. It's all my fault.


P.S. bet you didnt see that one coming. Don't get mad at me! It was meant to happen, I mean it was either Jovan or James. I decided on Jovan because i couldnt kill the last person in Taylor's family. I just couldnt do. COMMENT! & Check out my new story, Saving Mr.Bieber!

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