Chapter 14

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Hope u like this chappie as much as I liked writing it! lol COMMENT FAN VOTE! xoxo


x Jason x

"C'mon, Jason!" Timothy yelled from inside his maroon van. I took in my surroundings, breathing in the fresh air. It felt good to be free. I jumped into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut, a big grin across my face.

"Thanks, Tim." I said. "It's nice to be out of that crap."

Timothy smirked. "I bet." He started the engine. "Where to?"

I leaned back in the seat, a smirk across my lips. "Your warehouse."

- x x x x x x -

Timothy parked his van out back, right in front of his wooden warehouse. I hopped out, prying open the warehouse door. I was instantly surrounding by bomb-making materials. My materials. I picked up a small device from a rack and turning it around my fingers. It was some deactivated bomb. I snickered and placed it back on he rack. Time to start planning.

x Jovan x

I stepped into the local jail, walking up to the sheriff sitting calmly at the front desk. I'd left Taylor with Abbie. I'd gotten her a small flatscreen tv yesterday so she could watch some tv at least since there wasn't much to do at her place. Then I decided to come talk to Jason. He wasn't going to get away from what he did to Taylor.

"What do you need?" The sheriff spoke.

"I'm here to visit Jason McCann." I told him. The sheriff let out a sigh.

"He's no longer here. Turns out there was no real evidence that he committed the crimes he was accused of." He explained.

I gaped. "He's gone? Do you know where I can find him?"

The sheriff frowned. "No. All I know is that he left with his friend Timothy Johnson. I don't know anything else. If I did, I wouldn't be able to tell you anyways."

"Crap." I muttered under my breath. "Uh, thanks." I said and slipped out the door. I began to make my way back to Taylor's apartment. Jason bailed out of jail? What the hell?! Should I tell Taylor? No... I chewed on my bottom lip and ran a hand through my dark hair. I have to get that so-called Timothy Johnson's phone number. Taylor should have a phone book, right?

- x x x x x x -

"Taylor, do you have phone book?" I asked the minute I stepped through her door. Abbie was standing over Taylor, a flat iron in her hand along with a piece of Taylor's brown hair. I chuckled. Taylor gave me a questioning look and pointed towards one of the kitchen drawers.

"Thanks." I smiled and walked over, prying open the drawer. Sure enough, a big phone book stared back at me. I pulled it out and began scanning through the pages, looking for the 'J' section for Johnson.

"What are looking for, Jo?" Abbie asked suddenly.

"Huh?" I responded, my eyes landing on a whole bunch of Johnsons. I frowned as I searched for Timothy.

"Jo?" Abbie said.

I ignored here as my eyes found Timothy's name. I smiled. Jackpot. I pulled out my cellphone and began to dial the number.

"Who are you calling?" It was Taylor's voice this time. "Jovan, you're acting strange. What's up?"

"Shh!" I shushed her. "Hold on." She frowned and looked back at Abbie.

Suddenly a voice came through the other end of the phone. "Hello?"

"Is this Timothy Johnson?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Um, yeah. Who is this?"

I smirked. "Is Jason McCann there? I'd like to talk to him." There was whispering on the other end. I looked over at Taylor who was looking at me wide-eyed. Probably because of my mention of Jason.

"Hello?" Jason's voice answered.

I grinned. "Jason? It's Jovan. Heard you're out of jail."

"How'd you get Tim's number? What do you want?"

I rolled my eyes, completely aware he couldn't see me. "I need explanation. Actually, Taylor needs an explanation."

There was silence on the other end. Taylor was mouthing things towards me from across the room which I couldn't quite read. Abbie had a big frown on her face and was shaking her head back and forth. I ignored them. I knew I was doing the right thing. For Taylor. I felt like I still owed her a lot.

"You don't need an explanation." Jason suddenly spoke, interrupting my thoughts. "I did what was right."

"No!" I bellowed. "You didn't! You hurt Taylor and I know you regret it so stop being so damn selfish!"

"Shut up." Jason said, barely audible.

"You're completely fucked up, Jason McCann." I said and hung up the phone, slamming it down on the counter. Abbie was glaring at me.

"What?" I mouthed. She motioned towards Taylor and then slowly walked towards the door, slipping out of the apartment. I frowned and walked over to Taylor. I took a seat in front of her, noticing the tears which were silently sliding down her face.

"You ok?" I asked her.

She shook her head and shifted her position. Her left arm and leg were still in a cast. The doctor was supposed to come tomorrow to take off her arm cast. I felt extremely guilty seeing her like this.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

Taylor flashed me a fake smile. "It's ok." I reached over and took her free hand, giving it a squeeze.

"He's out of jail?" She said suddenly. "I didn't know."

"Me either." I told her.

"Why did you have to call him?" She asked me.

"Because I know he didn't want to hurt you and because I know you might love him." I explained.

"I don't know." She said faintly.

x Jason x

I slammed down Timothy's phone, scoring myself a look for him. What did Jovan want from me? I'm trying to push Taylor out of my life and he's just making things more complicated.

"Who the hell is Taylor?" Timothy asked all of the sudden.

"No one." I muttered, floppin down on his beat-up brown couch.

"Sounds like a girl." Tim chuckled. "What did you get yourself into, Jason?"

I scowled. "I don't know."

Timothy made a 'tsk 'tsk tsk' sound and pulled a beer bottle out of his filthy fridge, prying it open. "Want one?"

I shook my head and propped my legs up the ramp-like coffee table (it was missing two legs).

"What's your relationship with this Taylor chick anyways?" Timohy asked me, taking a sip from his beer.

"Nothing. I just met her back in jail a couple weeks ago." I told him.

"What crime did she commit?"

"She didn't commit a crime. She was just visiting her brother." I explained.

"Oh." Tim took a large gulp of beer. "What did you do to get her attention?"

I glowered at him. "Nothing. She just started talking to me and she would bring me food everyday. She was really...nice." My eyes began to burn. No, Jason. Don't let the memories get to you.

Timothy chuckled. "What? Did you fall in love with her something?" He meant it as a joke but it made my face heat up anyways.

"Shut up!" I bellowed and kicked the coffee table, causing another leg to break off.

Timothy stared at me wide-eyed. "I was joking." He took a last sip of beer. "You owe me a new coffee table."

"My ass." I gritted, giving it another kick. The last leg broke off and I stomped towards the front door, prying it open and stepping outside. It closed shut behind me as I flopped down on the front porch's wooden steps. I no longer know what to do with my life.

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