Chapter 29

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x Jason x

I look into Taylor's vibrant, green eyes, a hopeful look on my face. She stared at me wide-eyed, glacing down at the plastic ring on her finger every two seconds.

"Is this some kind of prank?" She says at last, but I can see the small smile tugging at her lips.

I shake my head and place my forehead to hers. "This isn't a prank, Taylor. I'm serious. Will you marry me?" I repeat.

Taylor chews on her bottom lip, pondering over the thought. "Jason, we're 17!"

I shrug and give her a quick kiss, my lips pressing against hers. "It doesn't matter. We're soon to be 18 and...and I just don't want to risk losing you."

"You'll never lose me, Jason." She murmurs.

"Then marry me." I tell her, curling my fingers around hers. "Marry me, Taylor."

Taylor looks down, kinda smiling. "Jason, I-"

"Marry me." I say again. "Just say yes, Taylor. Say yes and marry me." I caress her cheek, my eyes boring into hers. "Please?" I mutter. "I know this is just a plastic ring," I motion to her fingers. "And I know that I'll never be able to afford a real one, but-"

She cuts me off. "It's the best ring anyone couldve ever given me." She crushes my lips with hers.

"Is that a yes?" I moan against her lips.

She slowly nods. "Definitely yes."

I grin and cup her far in my hands, kissing her harder and more passionate than I thought possible. She was mine forever.

We're I interruped by someone clearing their throat. Taylor and I break apart, blushing as we look over at the cashier (a lady with short, red curly hair who seemed to be in her fourties). There's a frown written across her face as she glares at us.

I flash her an innocent, three-finger wave and take Taylor's hand, dragging her out of Walgreens. We burst out laughing as we head back to the hotel, everything seeming somehow unrealistic. No Timothy. No jail. No bombs. Just Taylor and I. Me and Taylor. Us. No one else.

x Taylor x

"He what?!" Abbie stared back at me, her eyes wide, her mouth dropped. "You said yes, didn't you?!" She squealed.

I nodded and slipped a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Yeah. It's the best thing that couldve happened to me." I fall back on my bed, blushing.

Abbie grins. "Sweetheart, this is big news! I'm the bridemaid, right?"

I throw my head back and laugh. "Most definitely!"

Abbie throws her arms around me with a "yay", followed by more squealing.

"Am I interrupting something?" Jason walks into the room, a curious smile on his face.

"Not at all." I giggle.

Abbie stands up and heads for the door. "See you later," She chirps, winking in my direction. "Mrs. and Mr. McCann." She sticks out her tongue and leaves, the door closing behind her.

"I like the sound of that." Jason chuckles, walking over and flopping down on the bed beside me.

I bite my lip and lean into him, my head resting on his shoulder. "Jason?"


"I love you."

"I love you more." He grins. "So much, in fact, that love is jealous."

I don't know what to say after that. I just lean in and kiss him.

• • •

"What the hell, James?" I frown down at my brother, my hands on hips.

He rolls his eyes up at me while stuffing his mouth with Cheetos. "What?"

I wiggle a pair of his dirty boxers in front his face. "Why were these in the kitchen floor? James, that's just digusting! Ever heard of a hamper?" I throw the boxer at him and it lands on his bowl of Cheetos.

"Taylor!" He whines.

"I'm not your maid, James!" I snap.

"You're right. You're my sister. What's the difference?" James smirks.

I scowl. "Jerk." I turn around to walk away but slam right into Jason's chest.

He looks down at me, an eyebrow raised, and then looks at brother.

"Dude, be nice to your sister." Jason tells him, draping an arm around me.

I nod in James's direction. "Yes, James. Be nice to me."

James rolls his eyes and flicks his boxers aside, taking a handful of Cheetos.

I make a face.

"That is just disgusting." Jason exclaims.

"How the hell did those end up on the kitchen floor anyways?" I ask my brother, referring to his pair of boxers.

James opens his mouth to answer, a couple Cheetos falling out. I cutt him off.

"You know what? I really don't want to know."

I grab Jason's hand and start leading him back to my room when James stops us.

"Wait!" He calls, suddenly up and the bowl of Cheetos on the floor. "I have something for you."

Before I can react, James runs to him room and quickly reappears, something clutched between his fingers. He takes my hand and places whatever-it-is in my hand.

I look down and my eyes widen to find a large wad of money. "James! Where did you get this?" I question him, only thinking the worst.

James simply smiles. "I started saving money a couple years ago when I actually had a job. Don't worry. I got this all legally. I think you should have it, ya know? Since you're getting married and all that. You might need a little cash."

Jason and I are both surprised, our eyes staring at James unbelieveably. I curl my fingers around the money protectively.

"James," I begin to say, happy tears starting to slip down my face. "You're the best big brother ever!" I throw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I love you."

"Love you too, Sis." James hugs me back. "Jason's a lucky man."

Jason smiles beside us, lovingly looking at me. "I sure am."


Author's Note: I really don't want this to end yet! But I ran out of stuff to write and small twists!!! Does anyone have any ideas or small twists to happen before the ending? Tell me! I might use it and give you credit, ect!! Pretty please!! Comment Vote Fan!! Much Love! xx

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