Chapter 12: The Last Hope

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Rossview Icelands Kingdom: The Ethereal Hill.

*Later that day*

-Taehyun's POV-

Julie and I; continued to talk while riding up The Ethereal Hill. Both of us resonated a lot with many anecdotes during our early school years, and it made me realize that I wasn't the only one that struggled to get some acceptance from a father. Once we reached the top, we let our horses rest as we started to read our books and continued to do our thing. After a while, I took my eyes off the lecture and began to admire the beauty of this place. But it didn't last long for the memories with Hazel to hit me back again; after all, I thought there was something "special" between us. Something more than a friendship; something else than trust and respect.

It took me by surprise the emotions inside my heart. And for the first time, I felt something else was hard to endure; maybe it isn't the distance between us or the feeling of missing somebody. But I believe what is hard to get through is the sensation of knowing that you have to let someone go and remember the memories as something that can't happen again.

-There's sadness all over your face; I can tell that you are trying your best to let go of something, but you can't because you are stubborn. – Julie said, capturing my attention immediately.

-What? How do you know? – I asked, confused.

-The flower beside you. – Julie pointed at it, making me realize that there's a white daisy next to where I'm sitting. -It isn't like common daisies around the kingdom; inside The Ethereal Hill, these flowers get the name of Iced Daisies. Whenever they sense someone is sad or nostalgic, they freeze. – Julie explained as I examined the petals of the flower.

They are completely frozen.

-A simple flower can tell you all of that, huh? – I questioned, surprised.

-No, it helped me deducing your feelings, but I added the rest by the expression in your eyes. – Julie admitted before looking away from me, quite embarrassed. -Are you still thinking about your friend from the Hampdows Lush Kingdom? – Julie asked.

I nodded while placing my hands on my bended knees. -Is that odd? – I questioned while looking at the horizon.

-I would say that it isn't, considering the affection you had for your friend. But I would like to tell you something if you don't mind, of course. – Julie said worriedly.

-Sure, go ahead. – I sighed.

-Your friend decided to leave Rossview Icelands Kingdom to keep conflicts aside. And that was something she chose to do without your concern. So, don't you think that maybe she didn't want you the same way? So, why do you waste your energy and time on someone who might remake her life away from you? – Julie spoke, making me look at her with tears in my eyes.

-Julie, your words can hurt, you know? – I chuckled mournfully, attempting to contain my tears from falling.

-I'm sorry, your majesty. I mean, Taehyun. Sometimes I talk without filter, and I just let my mind speak up. I honestly apologize. – Julie said worriedly, sitting closer to me.

-It's okay; I'm glad that you didn't hold back to tell me what I required to hear. – I smiled while a few tears ran down my cheeks.

-I'm sorry, but you are going to remake your life and move on to something better. – Julie cheered me, trying to get my spirits up.

-Julie, I'm okay. These emotions are new to me, but I don't need you to worry anymore. Okay? – I told Julie, which she nodded for in response.

-You know, when I left Crystal Hall, I also ran away from someone "special." – Julie revealed shyly.

-Seriously? – I questioned.

-Yes, his name is Young Lin. He's a member of the royal nights in Crystal Hall village, and he was my partner for more than a year. – Julie disclosed, making me focus on her.

-And what happened with Young Lin? – I asked.

-Well, I wanted to come to Northwall because of my studies, and we didn't see each other so much because Lin was always training with the other royal knights. So, I thought it wouldn't matter if I came here to live. But when Lin found out through my father that I was leaving, he immediately stopped me and said that I would regret it. – Julie explained before taking a deep breath, and then she held her hands tightly.

-But you didn't listen to Young Lin, and do you regret coming? – I questioned.

-No. – Julie answered.

-See? So, Young Lin wasn't right when he told you all those things. You are enjoying yourself, learning more, and about to start a new year in your studies. And that proves that you did the right thing on coming to Northwall. – I spoke, trying to cheer Julie a little bit. After all, I noticed that she got affected while talking about this situation.

-Yes, I didn't hesitate to break up with Lin once I saw that he didn't care about what I wanted or needed. It wasn't easy, but here I am, standing up and living peacefully. – Julie subtlety smiled before chuckling. -Now, we are even. I made you talk about something sad, and I did the same. – Julie pointed out, which I nodded for in response.

-The daisy melted. – I said while looking at the flower beside me.

-Oh, I guess our talk worked and made you feel better. That's nice. It looks like you only need to speak about your problems to clear up your heart. – Julie deduced while staring at the daisy.

-I don't talk too much about my problems. I guess I don't care so much about that aspect of my life; after all, I'm focusing all the time on the kingdom and what I can do to make it better. – I admitted before taking a deep breath.

-You told me yesterday that you live under your father's rules. But I never noticed that you referred to the official ones. – Julie said before looking at me. -Taehyun, I'm sure you can do something about it, even if you aren't the king. – She pointed out, making me glance at her.

-What do you mean, huh? – I questioned, confused.

-Studying also has its "good" points. Inside Vality Institute, there's a division that works alongside the royal knights, and it got created to help young talents inside the battlefield. – Julie explained.

-Are you for real? Why I never knew about it? – I asked, surprised.

-I suppose your father hid it away from you. After all, that division got created by the Queen before the rules started to appear around the kingdom. And that's the only statement that couldn't get erased because the Queen claimed it. – Julie disclosed, making me smile immediately.

-So, I can help somehow. – I said, feeling relieved.

Julie chuckled. -Yes, of course! I thought you knew about it before, but I guess it's something new since it's only available to our year.

-Yes, I guess you are right. – I spoke before smiling at Julie. -Thank you, Julie. I feel that now I have hope of saving something from the kingdom. – I honestly said while both stared at each other.

-You'll see that everything will get better and that together, we will make things right. – Julie said happily.


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