Snake Hunt

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. This chapter takes place before the start of the Konoha Crush, meaning that things will be getting more interesting soon enough. This is a purely Astartes and Primarch chapter.

Sewers of Konoha:

  Whilst their brothers planned and toiled above, Alpharius and Omegon were hunting the snake that had escaped. Having received the information from the Night Lords, the two Primarchs decided it was time to disappear into the shadows once again, to hunt down and kill the abomination that narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Kriegsman known as Raijin. Stepping into the light of a sewer junction, Alpharius merely raised his arm to the left and four Alpha Legionnaires took off down that side of the sewer canals. Omegon, standing to his twins right did the same thing with his right hand, the same number of legionnaires took off down the right side of the canals. Both twins nod to one another before disappearing into the darkness of the center canal, knowing that the likelihood of seeing the followers of Orochimaru will be in these sewers, the hunt is on. Time does not pass long when the sounds of bolters echos in the sound of the sewer, as quickly as the sound of the heavy explosive rounds is heard, the guns fall silent. Each time the sounds fo the guns reach the two twins, it seems they are only getting closer and closer to their goal. Stopping at another junction in the sewer, the twins effortlessly lift their bolter pistol and plasma pistol respectively, firing at the blackened ceiling and walls around them. Bodies of shinobi fall from the walls and ceiling, followed by even more leaping from the sewer water itself. Unlike other shinobi, this tactic did not work against the two veteran Primarchs, who turned the attacking enemies into bloody paste on the ground or left their mutilated bodies to float in the water. Alpharius holding the Pale Spear in his free hand, while Omegon holds a power sword. The blood on the power sword evaporating into the air because of the electrical current coursing through the weapon, an enemy shinobi turned to run away, likely to inform Orochimaru. A gurgled cry escapes the shinobi as the tip of a glaive lashed out from the darkness, spearing through his stomach and impaling him. His gurgles turned to drowned screams as the glaive, now revealed to be a chainglaive, roars to life and bisects the shinobi from his belly through his skull. Stepping from the darkness is none other Sevatar, his winged helmet covering his face, but it was unmistakably him, standing beside him on his right was none other than Talos Valcoran, while on his left was Var Jahan.
"These wretches shall know true fear, the Lords of the Night have come for them." Var Jahan states before pointing to his left, more Night Lords Astartes move down the canal, on the hunt for any that stand in the way of finding the snake.
"Your father has sent his best." Omegon says aloud, referring to Sevatar and his two counterparts.
"Our lord would be here himself, but he had to talk with this villages leader on some matter he did not tell us of." The twins gaze at the first captain, then turn their gaze to the tunnels ahead of them.
"Very well, continue with purging cleanse of these tunnels." All three of the Night Lords officers disappear into the dark, the last thing being seen is the red optical lenses of their helmets. Both twins knew that with their own legionnaires patrolling and cleansing the sewers, they would accomplish their mission, but now with the sons of Nostramo walking through these canals, the walls would run red with blood and the screams of the damned would be the melody of the day.

Having left the two twin Primarchs to their work, the three Night Lords officers make their own path through the sewers, Var Jahan moving off down a separate tunnel by himself, while the Soul Hunter, Talos Valcoran, went his own path. This left Sevatar to take his own way through the sewers, to unleash the fury that his legion is known for against the scum that stood against them. Var Jahan, armed with a Nostraman Chainblade, made his way down the path of tunnels he chose while on the lookout for any enemies that would no doubt be hidden along his path. After a couple minutes of walking, Var Jahan stops in his tracks and listens to the sounds of the sewer for anything out do the ordinary. Striking like a cobra, he slams his chainblade outwards, decapitating an enemy shinobi just with the force of the strike. Reacting quicker than any shinobi, he raises the bolter pistol on his left side and fires down a separate pathway, the wet sound of flesh and bone being torn apart alerts him to the fact that the enemy was trying to surround him. This fact made the older Terran born Astartes laugh, truly laugh in a demented way that would make even a seasoned veteran shinobi fill with dread.
"You pitiful mortals think you can kill a legionnaire? You truly think you can kill a son of Konrad Curze, you are pathetic!" He laughs even louder before fully sprinting down the tunnel before him, firing into the dark as his eyes and optic lenses can clearly see the poor attempts of the scum to ambush him. Screams and wails of pain, death and agony fill the tunnels as Var Jahan makes quick work of those standing against him. Coming around the corner into a junction, he stamps his feet into the ground as a blast of sound slams into his armor, pushing him back a couple feet and creating a small indentation in his armor. After the blast of sound, he raises his head and sees the mortal that attacked him, a shinobi garbed in Sound Village clothing stands before him, hands clasped together after calling the jutsu, staring with wide eyes at Var Jahan.
"Wind? You mean to kill me with wind?" A evil chuckle escapes the vox grill of the Night Lords captain, standing to his full height he can smell the fear rolling off the shinobi in waves.
"Your abomination of a leader has led you to this path, now I shall be the one to tear your heart from your chest." Rushing forward in a few short strides, the shinobi has to jump away to avoid the blood covered monster in midnight clad, however, this only makes them a target as Var Jahan fires his bolter pistol. The explosive projectile separates both of the shinobi's legs at the knee, causing a feminine scream to erupt in the air which is muffled when said shinobi falls to hard concrete. Said screams soon continue, the female shinobi trying to grab at the stumps that are now what's left of her legs. Var Jahan slowly stalks towards her, like a predator moving in on wounded pray.
  "NO!! Please No!! He forced me!! He forced-" Her words turned to gurgled screams as Var Jahan gets close to her and thrusts his hand forward into her chest, the armored gauntlet ripping through flesh, muscle and bone. She dies before he is even finished, being true to his words, he has ripped her heart from her very chest, holding the bleeding organ in his armored hand before crushing it like pulp. A dark laugh escapes the Night Lord, looking down at the mutilated body of the shinobi he can already imagine the enjoyment he will have when the real war begins.

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