Savior in Midnight Clad

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. This chapter will follow an entirely new dynamic, a monster seeking redemption shall enter the fray, a monster in midnight clad.

Hidden Mist Village

The the failed coup of the councilors saw the entirety of Kirigakure engulfed in civil strife between those loyal to the ideology of war created by the councilors, and those loyal to the Mizukage who only wanted peace and prosperity within the village. Currently the Jōnin team from the leaf were doing their best to rally the loyalists, Raijin and Macharius have fully gone in the offensive and have attacked the traitors with their own groups of loyal shinobi. Mei herself was currently being guarded within the Mizukage building, despite her various arguments Ao and Chōjūrō didn't want her involved in the fighting as it would make it seem like she was a tyrant. A rumble shook the building, almost causing may to fall from her chair as various others within the office felt the shock as well. The force felt like multiple explosives tags blew up inside or near the building, standing to her feet quickly, Mei walks quickly through the double doors of the office with loyal ANBU alongside Ao and Chōjūrō following her. Smoke fills the hallway and gets denser as they walk, soon they come to an obliterated wall that once led into a spare meeting hall. Despite protests from her 'bodyguards', Mei is the first to enter the room and is unable to stop her jaw from dropping open at the sight of the 'man' before her. The 'man' stands easily at ten feet tall and the armor he is wearing makes him look even bigger, watch catches her eyes about the armor is the skull and lightning motifs, bat wings and the complete darkness of the armor itself. Finally, her eyes meet with the completely pitch black eyes of the hulking man before her, an inescapable feeling of sheer terror runs down her spine unlike anything before in her life.
"Who are you, mortal?" The booming voice of the man reaches her, she shakes her head to clear her mind.
"I am Mei Terumī, Mizukage of Kirigakure." She wanted to pose the question of who he was, but was internally wondering if he was going to attack right after hearing who she was. The man flexes his hands, that is when all of them finally notice that the armored hands that the man possess have talons and saber like blades.
"Appears that what my father spoke of was true, I am here when I am needed. Stand aside." Even the powerful Mizukage stands aside as this hulk of a human being passes by them and starts walking towards the sound of the combat in the streets.
"Who are you?" Mei asks, finally getting over her nervousness. The man turns to look at her, his long black hair cascading over his armor, and she has to stop herself from jumping at the fanged humorless he sends her way.
"I, am Konrad Curze." Finally having made himself known, Konrad moves down the hall with a predatory smirk coming across his face. Reaching the guarded entrance to the building, he exits swiftly while giving the ANBU guards the fright of their life. Breathing in deeply his predatory smirk turns into a full on grin with fangs showing, raising his armored hands to the sky an actual chuckle escapes him. Lowering his hands he turns and moves swiftly down on street, hearing the sounds of battle up ahead he turns and easily scales a building, finding himself perched on the edge of the building he looks down at the ensuing fight between the loyalist and traitor shinobi, a knowing smirk comes to his face, 'how ironic, I find myself in the midst of a civil war'. Quickly distinguishing which side was which, Konrad leaps from his position and lands in the middle of the group of traitors, crushing multiple shinobi with his landing. Moving like a whirlwind he slashes and outright mangles any of the traitors in his wake, giving the loyalists a major advantage as they press the attack against the traitors. Amongst the loyalists are two of the Konoha Jōnin, that being Kakashi and Might Guy.
"Who the hell is that guy?" Kakashi questions as he pulls his kunai from the chest of a traitor Hidden Mist shinobi.
"I have no idea my friend, but he arrived just in time." Guy responds to his friend while delivering a bone shattering kick to an enemy shinobi's head. Kakashi wouldn't argue with his friend, had it not been for this strangers arrival they could've been overrun by sheer numbers, with Raijin and others spread out across the village it was a very taxing battle rather than a skirmish with a few traitors.

Cheers rang out amongst the group of loyalists as the traitors started to retreat in droves, retreat was a kind way of outright saying running for their lives. However, one person was not content and decided to take a prisoner, which involved Konrad slicing the hamstrings of a fleeing shinobi before they could leap away to safety. The screams from the shinobi finally reminded everyone of the hulking man in their presence, said man was not paying attention to them as effortlessly lifted the traitor by his flak jacket, the talons on his armored hands digging into the material as he bared his fangs at the traitor in a predatory grin.
"Tell me, worm, who are the leaders of your little heresy?" The traitor was still sobbing loudly from the pain of having their hamstrings sliced.
"T-the councilors are dead... T-they influenced u-us... W-we are f-fighting for w-what's l-left." A dark chuckle comes from Konrad as he raises his other clawed hand and places a talon at the mans throat.
"You are fighting a heresy with no real leaders at all? How pathetic you all are, you will lose and I'll make sure you're not remembered." With a simple stroke from his finger, the mans throat is sliced open as the blood pours from the wound and his mouth. Tossing the body aside like a bag of trash, Konrad turns his attention to the two Konoha shinobi who actually stuck around to find out who he was, unlike the others who moved on to keep fighting. Kakashi is the first to approach him, trying not to show his outright shock and fear at the sight of the 'thing' before him, unfortunately for him he doesn't know Konrad can completely smell his fear.
   "You are afraid of who or what I am, mortal?" Konrad has a small feral smirk on his lips, staring them down with his pitch black eyes. Kakashi actually gulps, he's never seen anyone like Konrad before and was hoping he was just a dumb giant, but everything has proven otherwise.
   "Who are you would be a better question, my friend." The voice of Guy snaps Kakashi from his thoughts, Konrad's black eyes turn to Guy as his fangs show in his small grin.
    "I, am Konrad Kurze." Kakashi takes note of his armor and starts deducing where Konrad is from.
     "You are from the same realm as Raijin and Macharius." Konrad nods his head, his face turning serious at the fact he will have to meet both of these men.
    "You are correct mortal, I am from their realm. However, I am much different compared to them, much different." A feral grin returns to his face as he chuckles darkly.

End of this part, the introductions Konrad Curze will be the last Warhammer 40K character introduced unless you all want more. Any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments. Hope y'all enjoy.

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