Wolves of Humanity

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.

Outskirts of Konoha

   A lone figure, a lone hulking figure, was kneeled down and looking into the water of a running stream. Droplets of water were lost in the stream, but there was no rain, these droplets were from the figure who was weeping silently, not making a noise or disturbing the calm of the forest around him. This figure was garbed in a dark red and bronze armor, the symbol of a world trapped between a sharp set of teeth was emblazoned on the pauldrons of the figures armor. The figure reached their hands up to their hair and yanked violently at it, not wanting to believe that the blood red dreadlocks were actually his. Finally, the figure leaned their head back and let off a howl of sorrow and rage, tears still streaming from their gold eyes.
   "Angron, is that you?" The voice shook Angron as his eyes snapped to his left and there before him stood his brother, Horus Lupercal. However, unlike the evil and chaos driven form of a era long past, this was the Horus that Angron truly knew, the brother that did his best to try and control his rage in a meaningful way. The white armor and the fur cloak even made it more obvious that this was the true form of his brother, the best of them all.
   "No, it can't be. You died... Our father killed you." A sad frown came over the former Warmasters face, he slowly walked to his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder, proving even more to Angron that he was truly alive which seemed to break the once rage induced Primarch even more. Horus observed and realized his brother no longer had the butchers nails apart of his skull, but he had actual hair. Despite being the prideful man that he was, even Horus shook at the fact that despite everything their father was giving them a chance to redeem themselves. He knew that two of his other brothers were already present in this world, but their father did not tell him which. Looking back to his brother, he squeezed his shoulder once more.
  "Come my brother, we must find civilization. Then we will get the answers that we need." Angron shook his head as he stood, coming to his senses, his chainaxes Gorefather and Gorechild at his side, Horus himself carried Worldbreaker in his free hand, while the other were his talons. Both of them set off from the stream at a quick pace, making the ground shake with each step.
"Are any of our other brothers here, Horus?" Angron asks while they run past trees, finally finding the main road that will lead them to Konoha.
"Yes they are, but father did not tell me who." Angron sighs in frustration, still amazed at the fact he is not currently in pain from the nails and feels at peace for the first time in what feels like forever.
   "Let us hope they are the more reasonable ones." Angron chuckles softly after making his statement, even Horus has to give a small laugh at his brothers words, 'I truly hope he is right', Horus thinks to himself as they keep pace down the road towards Konoha, hopefully they will arrive before nightfall.

Gates of Konoha

   Standing at their stations as always, both of the guards looked at each other when they feel the ground slightly shaking beneath them. Drawing their weapons they make ready for an attack, they quickly drop them when they see the two massive forms of the two Primarchs coming down the road towards the gate. The immediate feeling of dread and fear filling them upon the very sight of the two warriors making their way towards the gate, slowing their pace the two Primarchs came to a stop at the gate. Looking down at the two mortals before them, Angron steps forward and stares down at them.
  "What village is this, mortal?" The one guard stammers, struggling to find the words, luckily for her the father of the World Eaters no longer has the nails biting at his brain.
   "K-Konohagakure... W-who are you two?" A smirk comes across Angrond face, Horus steps forward and despite his size the female shinobi finds herself feeling calm in his presence.
  "We are brothers of two others like us who reside in this village." Both of the guards finally realize that these men are like Leman and Konrad, both of which have been labeled as Jōnin of the village with the same ranking as Might Guy.
   "I will lead them to the Hokage, so that they can meet with him, see what is to be done." The form of Mikoto stands behind the guards, catching them off guard but not the two primarchs. A smirk covers Horus' face, he nods respectfully to the Uchiha matriarch as both he and Angron start to follow her into the village. They begin drawing attention immediately upon entering, many of the civilians stopping and outright staring at the 'giants' before them. Despite having seen and met Leman and Konrad, the fact that Horus was the biggest of the four still caused many to outright pause at the gargantuan warlord. One figure that took notice of them, stood like a frozen statue as he gazed at the both of them. Having changed out of his armor into a dark flak vest, dark pants and combat boots with the Konoha head band around his waist like a belt, Macharius cannot believe his eyes. Seeing two more of the Primarchs arriving wasn't truly what shocked him, but it was who they were that shocked him the most, 'the Red Angel... Wolf of Terra, why would he send them here?', Macharius openly question why the God Emperor would send two more of his traitor sons, no doubt he believed them capable of redemption, he only prayed that the God Emperor did not make a mistake by sending them. His eyes followed them as they walked towards the Hokage's Mansion before disappearing from sight.

Fourty-Fourth Training Ground: Forest of Death Tower

   Raijin was leaned back against the wall, sitting on a chair in the tower at the center of forest of death, he was given a room in the tower to rest in. However, his attention was currently taken up with a certain violet haired Jōnin who was sitting on his lap and passionately kissing him which he eagerly returned. She leaned back from the kiss and stared into his eyes, many things and all kinds of emotions running through her head ran through her mind before she leaned in again and kissed him again. She moved her hands quickly up to his jacket, her fingers fumbling to undo the buttons. A growl escapes her lips when a knocking at the door interrupts them, standing up a snarl is set on Raijin's face which makes Anko shiver at seeing him like this, walking towards the door he throws it open to see Kakashi standing there along with Asuma and Migjt Guy, all of them appeared concerned but Asuma has to hide his chuckle when he sees Anko come to stand by Raijin.
  "Interrupting someone's down time is a way to get shot, Kakashi." The growl that emanates with his words catches the three male Jōnin off guard, but they don't know about the cursed seal or Kobura yet.
   "The Hokage requests your presence at the tower, he wants to hear your report on your fight with Orochimaru." A resolute nod is what they receive in response, Raijin turns and gives Anko a soft kiss before walking with them down the hallway. Anko sighs to herself and walks down the other side of the hallway. A long day was ahead of both of them, both for very different reasons, but what became clear was that a connection between them both was made, one that made Kobura chuckle within his own landscape inside Raijin's mind.

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