Hellfire [Warning]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. All I own is my OC.  Quick warning, this chapter gets really bloody.

Inuzuka Compound
   Once more Raijin finds himself at the Inuzuka compound, however he is not here to fight or answer to a challenge, in fact he is at the compound for a much simpler reason, he was invited to dinner via a letter Kiba gave. Walking to the front door he would knock and patiently wait, Hana would answer the door and a smile came to her face at seeing him.
  "Mom didn't know if you would show up or not." A small smirk comes to Raijin's face, which surprises the Inuzuka heiress as this is the first time she's ever seen an expression come across his face. Opening the door wider she allows him to enter the house, nodding to her respectfully he walks in and removed his combat boots, as he highly doubts Tsume would appreciate him tracking dirt through the house. Walking alongside Hana they soon enter the kitchen, were Tsume alongside Kiba are already waiting at the dining table. Tsume stands from the table, walking over to Raijin she gives him hug, making Kiba and Hana chuckle because of how awkwardly Raijin returns the hug, it was obvious that Raijin was still rediscovering his emotions and getting used to human contact that wasn't violent.
  "Glad you could come, I didn't know if you would." Raijin gives her a respectful nod, a small smirk playing at his lips.
  "I wouldn't refuse an offer to an amazing dinner." A chuckle comes from Tsume who slightly blushes at the comment, Kiba stares at both of them and makes a disgusted groan sound. Him doing this quickly receives him a smack to the back of the head, by his sister who glares at him. Before he could say anything, a glare from his mother quickly made him fall silent. A small chuckle escapes Raijin's lips as he sits down at the table with everyone else, looking at the food he can only imagine what each item is but he wasn't going to pass down such a meal.

The meal passed by slowly, all of them enjoying the food and each other's company, Raijin found many of the stories that Tsume told to be funny, while Kiba and Hana looked ashamed the entire time. Both of the Inuzuka children knew what their mother was doing, she was trying to get Raijin to become familiar with them, as the matriarch of the clan was still doing her best to get Raijin to join the clan. Between both of them, Kiba thought it would be interesting to see Raijin become an Inuzuka, not only because of how powerful he already is but the reputation he is already building because of that strength.
"Hey Raijin, I have a question." Raijin looks from his plate of food at Kiba, giving him his attention so that he can ask his question.
"Why hasn't the Hokage made you a Jōnin already? You're strong enough and have the skills, so it doesn't make sense why he doesn't promote you." Tsume sighed, her son really didn't know how the ranking structure worked or specifically how it was set up.
"Kiba, the reason he hasn't been promoted is because he has to establish himself in the system first by doing the Chūnin exams. Unless something happens or he does something that warrants such a promotion, he'll be alongside you and the others when you do the exams." This made Kiba think for a moment, but then blinked his eyes as if coming to a realization.
"Wait, he has to establish himself in the system? He's already gone on multiple missions with the rest of the pack, and he's killed more missing nin and Kirir shinobi than anyone else in years." The eyes of the matriarch widen as she looks at Raijin, who immediately stops eating as he feels multiple eyes on him. Tsume, Kiba and Hana are all looking at him with raised brows, Tsume specifically is giving him a look that means he needs to explain himself. Kiba motions for him not to talk about their last mission, as he didn't tell his mother that they had presumed Raijin dead because he stayed behind to fight the ANBU.
"Since joining Kiba's team, I have fought and killed many missing nin, that is what he means. A lot of our missions have been borderline B ranks as of late. Unless the Hokage makes us do an A-rank missions, I highly doubt I will be promoted before the Chūnin exams." A sigh comes from Tsume as she gives a skeptical look to Raijin, honestly concerned that he has no idea how much of a name he's making for himself, 'The Reaper', 'Tailless Beast of Konoha', 'Bane of the Mist', all three of these have been attributed to the young man because of his actions within the last month since his arrival. Since his arrival he's killed 6 Hidden Mist shinobi missing nin and shinobi of the village, and 2 Hidden Sand missing nin, eight people in a month were crazy numbers considering there wasn't a war going on. What doesn't help is that they weren't genin that he killed, but higher ranking Chūnin and even Jōnin, shinobi with years of experience.

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