On the Prowl ⚠️

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. This gets bloody and gory really quickly.

Kirigakure: That Day

  While events that would change the future unfolded in Konoha, the Hidden Mist Village was still recovering from their rebellion, as various villagers and shinobi worked to rebuild. Reconstructing buildings that were wrecked or heavily damaged, some people finding bodies laying on floors in various buildings or in the alleyways of the village streets. The rebellion hadn't lasted long, but the carnage it reaped was felt by everyone. Because of this, Mei had outright banned the formation of another civilian council but only a council of the most loyal and trust ninja within the village. All of the carnage brought upon them by old men overstepping their place would not be repeated, that she would make sure of. Currently, she was walking through the village as it was a calm and surprisingly sunny day, the sun being able to pierce through the mist, but only enough to give a eerie yet beautiful light to the mist itself. While she walked, her ANBU guards were shadowing her from the rooftops and alleyways. Passing by one alleyway, she didn't see that one of her guards had been ambushed and killed by one of the surviving rebels, one of the few hundred still hiding out. Since the leaf village shinobi alongside Raijin, Macharius, Russ and Curze had left the village, the rebel forces have been able to lick their wounds and wait for the right time to strike. They have been slowly hunted down, and this assassin hopes he can deliver a killing blow and turn the tide by causing cause. A wet slicing sound filled the air as assassin felt a coldness come over him, blood poured from his mouth as he looked down at saw the double blades of a spear protruding from his torso. The assassin was not able to cry out in alarm or pain, as his head was vaporized by a blast from a plasma pistol which was placed at the back of his head by a second foe. Mei, having heard the sound, rushes towards the alleyway, only to find the remains of the assassin and one of her ANBU guards, but no one else. Unknown to her, the two figures are still there, cloaked in darkness and hidden from sight as the nature of their own technology allows them to be hidden. Mei steps further into the alleyway as she grabs the dead ANBU and drags him out of the alleyway, her other guards jumping down to investigate the area and check on the Mizukage. During this confusion, the two figures take this time to disappear into the heavy mist entirely unseen.

Kirigakure: Sewers

Below in the sewers of the village, a group of shinobi wait to get the signal to attack from below. Across the sewer system in various places, the rebels have set up their own base camps and fortified areas so they could mount raids and assaults. Unknown to this on particular group, they are not alone in this little area of the sewer. The two figures from before, followed by three others, make their way through the shadows towards the group, not a single one of them making a sound whatsoever. When the group of rebel shinobi are in sight, the five of them spread out to make sure they have nowhere to run. By the time one of the shinobi finally detects movement around their little base camp, it is too late. Two plasma pistols and three bolters open up on the camp, shredding apart and outright turning anything into chunks of flesh or outright molten tissue within seconds, the enemy shinobi never stood a chance. One of the figures steps slightly into the light, his shadow being cast over the mutilated and destroyed bodies off the group of ninja, the first thing seen in the small amount of light, is the stylized 'A' with chains and the omega symbol being the background for the 'A', this was an Astartes of the Alpha Legion. Looking up from the bodies, the Astartes looks at the two lightly taller figures standing across from him, with a barely noticeable nod all five of them disperse and go down separate canals within the sewers, the Alpha Legion was on the prowl.

  The figure with the double bladed spear, moved like a phantom down the corridors of the sewers, looking for any unlucky prey he could set his eyes on. Slowly walking around a corner, he sees that a small area of the sewers has been barricaded by the rebels and he sees a few guards watching out from the barricade. Reaching down to his belt with his free hand, he pulls out a gas grenade and quickly activates it, rolling it down the corridor. Soon, the familiar sound of the grenade popping can be heard by the figure, followed quickly by the coughing and gasping of the shinobi's, walking around the corner, the figure detached a plasma pistol from his hip and raised it, firing a bright green bolt of plasma straight through the gas and impacting the barricade, outright destroying it and mutilating the already dying shinobi. Walking slowly towards the barricade, he would holster his plasma pistol and readied his double bladed spear, multiple enemy shinobi charged at him from the base camp behind the barricade, he showed them the error of their ways as he cleaved through them with a speed that should be impossible for someone of his size. A powerful wave of water crashed over him, a jutsu from an enemy fighter, but it had no effect on him because of how stable and steadfast he was. The water washed away the bodies and pieces of debris, but he still kept standing after the water receded. A female shinobi stood a few feet in front of him, her expression one of shock and fear. She dropped one hand to speak into her com-link, to try and alert the others, but he crossed that boundary before she could even open her mouth or dodge his attack. The double blades of his spear impaling straight through her gut and out her back, causing her to let out a guttural scream of pain. The spear and strength of the figure was the only thing keeping her standing, she struggled to look up into the optic lenses of the helmet, seeing the hydra iconography and scale like detail.
   "W-w-what... a-are y-you?" She coughed out as blood poured from her mouth, the figure seemed to lean in closer to her.
   "I, am Alpharius." The now named Alpharius said before fully ripping the spear clean of her, and before her body even touched the ground he decapitated her and sent the head flying into the wall. Looking to make sure there were no survivors, Alpharius turned and disappeared down another dark corridor, the shadows seeming to consume the Primarch.

   Alpharius was not the only one hunting, his twin brother was also searching and destroying the rebels, outright butchering any that they came across. The twin of Alpharius, that being Omegon, was much like his brother but different in key subtleties. Alpharius was very adept at using the double bladed spear, he himself used a power sword and bolt pistol. Currently at the moment, Omegon had just finished ambushing a wandering patrol of rebels and killed them all in utter silence with his blade, not having fired a single bolter round. His attention was caught by the sound of multiple bolters firing down one corridor, taking his time, the second Primarch walks down a corridor leading to the bolter fire. Coming out of the corridor, Omegon sees the three other Astartes of his legion had come upon a big enemy encampment within the sewers, just the three of them had completely torn apart the entire camp in the span of a couple of minutes. Omegon's attention was caught by movement to his right, he would see a wounded rebel trying to crawl away. Casually, Omegon unholsters his bolter and puts a bolt round straight through the enemies head, turning it into nothing but a red smear on the floor as small individual chunks of flesh, bone and brain matter sprinkling into the water and against the wall to his left. One of the Astartes sees him and gives him a nod of respect before looking back to the enemy to their front, firing a shot and decimating an enemy as the shot hit them in the waist, bisecting them after the bolter tore through their spine. Leaving one half of the body to splat to the ground, while the other half falls into the water of the canal. Within moments, the rest of the rebels are exterminated with extreme prejudice, one of the Astartes takes an incendiary grenade from his belt and tosses it into one of the tents the rebels had set up. The pop and crack of the grenade signals its activation, this was a planned act by the Primarchs and their Astartes, because of the heavy gases within the sewers, the space erupted in flames as the very roof of the sewers caught fire as well. Omegon and the three Astartes walked through the flames un-affected, all four of them walking towards the nearest exit out of the sewers. Not only to rendezvous with the other Primarch, but to kill any rebels who try to escape. Their plan came to fruition,  arriving at the entrance, each Astarte and the one Primarch took up position near the entry ways leading to the exit. Alpharius arrived and stayed in the shadows with his plasma pistol at the ready and spear at his side. The sound of yelling and rushing feet can be heard as shinobi come from different directions to get to the exit, this wasn't the only exit out of the sewers, but the two Primarchs knew it was the closest one for many of the rebels to get to in this area. Moments later, groups of shinobi come rushing into the area and are slaughtered within moments as bolters and one plasma weapon open fire on them. The annihilation is immense as most of the bodies are turned into unrecognizable heaps of mutilated flesh, many of the bodies smoking from plasma burn. Moments pass like hours, but they killed all who came their way without any mercy whatsoever. One of the Astartes pops another gas grenade and rolls it down the one corridor, while another tosses a smoke grenade down one corridor. All of them step back as one marine rolls a Krak grenade close to the exit doors, the explosion of the grenades melts the doors and blows them off their hinges at the same time. The Astartes go forward first, to make sure the way is secure for their Primarchs whom swiftly followed. Evening was upon the group, and they quickly disappeared into the dark alleys of the village as ANBU and Jōnin arrived, the black smoke billowing out of the hole that was once the exit of the sewers.

Mizukage Office

   Mei had heard the explosion, she was standing near the window and was looking at the area where the smoke was coming from. The lights flickered out in the office, she turned to ask one of her guards why the lights went out but the words die in her throat, at the sight of the two figures standing in her office. She didn't even hear them come in, cloaked in darkness, she can only see the red lenses of their helmets and nothing else.
   "Who are you?" She asks, ready to fight them but not knowing if she could win in such a close distance. Both of them step forward, she can tell by looking at them that they are the same size. Silence reigns over the office for a few moments more before both of them give her an answer at the same time.
    "We are Alpharius."

End of this part my friends, hope y'all enjoy and leave any comments or thoughts in the section. I also hope you all are doing well, as these are crazy times with the virus going on. Stay safe my friends.

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