Devil Unleashed [Warning ⚠️]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. This is gonna get bloody.


   Relations and terms having been made between Konoha and Kiri, Mei offered the team of Jōnin and the two Primarchs if they would be willing to stay for a few more days, until peace was absolutely settled and that no more internal strife would erupt. Despite her best hopes, the Mizukage did not know of how many traitors lived and escaped into the mist. She had hunting nin teams looking for the surviving traitors, she declined any help from the Konoha nin and the Primarchs, as they did enough to secure the peace in the village. However, this was not enough for Raijin who was currently tracking a group of the traitors through the very sewers of the village itself. Having been in search and destroy operations such as this during many sieges, he knew that enemies could hide themselves anywhere and one of the first places the men of Krieg would search, would be the canals and sewers. Because of the close quarters of the sewers, Raijin only carried his las pistol and his entrenching tool, having no doubt they would prove useful in such confines. He did not bring Jurten with him, as he knew the young pup was not ready for such tracking and the putrid stench of the sewer would not allow the pup to find the scent of ant traitors. Raijin snaps his attention to the right and aims his last pistol as a pair of snake like eyes appear in the darkness before a chuckle can be heard, stepping into the dim light was none other than Orochimaru himself, how he came to be in the Hidden Mist Village was of no concern to Raijin as the man was only ten feet away from him on the other side of the sewer canal.
"Well, it seems we meet again my dear future pupil. Have you given my offer any thought." The clicking of the las pistol can be heard as Raijin has all intentions of squeezing the trigger.
"You dare ask me to betray the village and the man who gave me everything, when I was nothing but a newcomer to this land." A dark smirk covers Orochimaru's face, he was in the same uniform as before when Raijin met him, all black Jōnin gear with the headband to match.
"Do you not realize the power you possess? What you are capable of? My old sensei keeps his own secrets and his own weapons, you in fact are both." When he realizes that Raijin does not intend to speak, Orochimaru continues to speak as he hopes to plant a seed of want in Raijin's mind, a want for power.
"The other hidden villages already know of you, but do not know of you at the same time. You have many exploits, yes, but that is all that is known. No one knows who you are, where you come from, and they only hear of what you do. I offer you a chance to true power, join me and you will have strength unimaginable." Raijin stares at him, the dark lenses of his mask betraying nothing, Orochimaru continues to stare at him with his smirk still present on his face.
"I took the headband you gave me as a souvenir and a sign of respect from you. Do pray to whatever fell god you have, that I do not personally take yours off your head." The smirk on the snake Sannins face falls before he starts to chuckle, once again the smirk returns as Orochimaru disappears into the darkness of the sewer.
"You will join me eventually, either by your own choice or by my own means. Next time will be different, much different." Raijin aims the las pistol at the last part of Orochimaru he can see, his eyes.
"Next time, I will be ripping your eyes from your sockets. Begone traitor, begone and never haunt my sight again." A chuckle resonates from Orochimaru once more before the eyes disappear in the dark. Raijin turns his attention back to his path and starts moving again, pistol held at his side and shovel gripped tightly in his other hand. He moved like a ghost, like a true reaper as his reputation so says. Not one sound could be heard, except of the slight rasp of him breathing through his mask.

Checking a corner, he quickly backs up when he sees multiple traitor shinobi are camped out and seemed to be speaking amongst themselves. One of the traitors stands watch, but is facing down an opposite tunnel entryway. Raijin, without a care at all slowly starts walking down the tunnel towards them. Raising his las pistol he fires a shot at the guard, the las bolt hits the female shinobi in the neck  which goes straight through and out the other side, having ripped her neck apart and leaving a cauterized mess of melted flesh. The body of the female shinobi drops to the ground like a lead brick, the other shinobi jump up and disperse but are not at all ready for Raijin's speed or his sheer ferocity. Lunging for the first in his way, his shovel connects with the kunai of a shinobi in a shower of sparks. A quick kick sends the shinobi reeling back as Raijin raises his las pistol and fires, sending one bolt into the shinobi's chest and making them fall to their knees with a shout of horror at the pain. Turning, Raijin blocks the two enemies that launched themselves at him, using his shovel to block and parry their strikes, with a roundhouse kick he sends one stumbling as his heavy combat boot made contact with their temple, before driving his shovel through the back of their head, piercing the skull and nearly cutting the brain entirely in half. He pulls backwards and uses the shinobi's body as a shield, with the one last shinobi throwing multiple shuriken at him but all finding place in the body of their dead comrade, not Raijin. Raijin, keeping a hold of the dead shinobi, places the barrel of his las pistol against the bodies back and fires. Sending multiple bolts through the body, and all of them aimed the other enemy shinobi. Despite all of the shots missing, Raijin uses the opportunity to lunge at the enemy shinobi, leaping forward he strikes downwards with his las pistol. His strike hits the shinobi right in the throat, collapsing in the enemy fighters larynx entirely. Backing away he gives a swift kick to the traitors chest, sending them sprawling into the sewer canal as they fight in vain to breath. Wasting no time, Raijin turns and collects the headbands of the dead traitors and places them in a pocket on his great coat. Finished with collecting his own personal reward, Raijin turns and starts walking down a different path through the sewers as there is no doubt that more traitors are hiding out in the underworld. However, what they failed to realize is that the devil himself walks these canals and he is looking for those who have sinned against their leader, and their village.

   Overall, Raijin was not doing this for reward or for praise, he was doing this because he could not stomach traitors. He has seen the worst of them, back when he fought alongside others of the Death Korps, he has seen imperial troops turn traitor for their own greed and self wants, he's killed many who have turned their backs on the Emperor and the Imperium. That in mind, he fully intends to do the same to all those who would do the same in this new world. The dim light or outright darkness of the sewers truly helped Raijin in his endeavor, as his dark clothing and weapons made him almost impossible to make out in the darkness. Stopping abruptly, he turns to his left and walks down a separate canal tunnel with his las pistol raised and ready. Coming to the end of the tunnel Raijin stops and listen for and signs of movements, sighing to himself he leaps forward to the otherwise of the canal, before turning and launching himself forward with his shovel raised, blocking a flying shuriken before slashing the shovel through the air.
"Lightning Release: Basilisk!" Those words being said, torpedo blasts of chakra charged with electricity fly at the enemy shinobi who attempted to ambush him. The results are devastating, as the blasts that did not make direct hits electrify the walls because of the moisture content, outright electrocuting those that did not make it out of the way in time. Stench of burnt and cooked flesh fills the right space of the sewer, apparently the electricity charged blasts and the after effects were enough to light some of the bodies ablaze, one was still screaming and trying to crawl to the water in the canal, Raijin stabbed this shinobi through the leg, keeping him pinned as he burned alive. All while, Raijin watched and waited for the horrid screams to stop, when they did finally stop, Raijin kicked the body into the canal. Looking to the bodies, he would salvage what headbands were still good and leaving the bodies that were burning alone. A dark smirk came to his lips as he leaned against the nearest wall, watching the bodies burn, 'traitors deserve nothing more than to burn', Raijin thought to himself before turning and disappearing into the dark once more.

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