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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.


Mei Terumī sat at her desk in the Mizukage office, looking up from her paperwork she saw two ANBU enter the office.
"Mizukage... We have some bad news. The three shinobi that left for the bounty mission have been found, all three of them are confirmed killed in action with their headbands removed. This fits the actions of 'The Reaper', Raijin Krieg." Her eyes widened at the fact, 'he killed three, high Chūnin level shinobi'. Mei sighed loudly, rubbing her temples and then clenching her fists.
"Have the hunter nin been dispatched yet? Because I feel that the council won't give me a choice after this." The lead ANBU nods to her in response.
"That they have my lady, they should be able to reach the land of fire within a couple of weeks." Mei nods her head, glad that one thing has gone according to plan so far today.
"Good, hopefully they are able to capture him and not get killed in the process. He's already killed four shinobi from this village, one of which was a missing nin but that's besides the point. That will be all, you are dismissed." The ANBU disappear, leaving her to her work, once more she looks at the bounty photo of Raijin and sighs deeply to herself, 'you are going to be a problem, I can already tell'.

A Week Later

Currently, Team 8 was taking their time returning to Konoha. They were on their 7th day of travel, with all of them looking forward to getting home and getting paid. Kurenai had to report not only the mission, but also the bounty that has been placed on Raijin and the attack from the Mist shinobi. Both villages weren't on the best terms, but she hoped a war wouldn't start because of this. Raijin was being his normal silent self, walking alongside the team while keeping his head moving around and looking for anything suspicious. However, what alerts him to something not being right is the silence of any birds and even the chittering sound of insects. Stopping in his tracks he turns and looks into the forest, slowly starting to draw his sword. The rest of the team notices and looks at him, Kiba sniffs the air and Akamaru barks in alarm.
  "Ambush!" Kiba yells out as kunai fly at the team from the woods, every member of the team dodges or blocks the kunai flying towards them before their assailants finally make themselves known. Four members of the Kirigakure ANBU jump from the trees and surround the team, Raijin slowly moves his left hand to unsheathe the wakizashi at his side while his katana is already in his right hand.
  "ANBU of the Mist, what is the meaning of the attack?!" Kurenai rages at the ANBU, if that is what they are, many people have taken the guises of ANBU shinobi before to do horrid things.
  "We have been sent by the Mizukage to collect him." A female ANBU points to Raijin, and it became obvious very quickly that this was a capture mission.
  "Kurenai, take the team and go." Raijin's voice rasps from behind the mask as he steps closer to Kurenai.
  "Are you crazy, we aren't leaving you!" Kiba yells loudly.
  "You must complete the mission and report to the Hokage, you must do your job." Kurenai, who was never one to leave a comrade behind, knew that there was no arguing with the stubborn Kriegsman. However, unlike the shinobi he has fought before, these ANBU were all Jōnin level, whether low or high it did not matter.
  "Team 8, fall back." The three genin looked to her in shock and she shook her head at them. All four of them leaped away, when one of the ANBU tried to pursue he found Raijin in his way, sword pointed at him.
  "Now, lets see how many souls I can deliver to the Emperor's mercy." Raijin growls from behind the mask as he points the blade towards the ground, chakra flooding down the blade.
  "Lightning Release, Earthshaker!" Plunging the blade into the ground, powerful lighting strikes begin to erupt around the battlefield. Unlike the night before, the strikes have the concussion of multiple explosive tags and create craters in the ground. The ANBU jump back in surprise at the powerful jutsu, as it is highly randomized and strikes everywhere, using the advantage, Raijin leaps into the air and calls out another jutsu which flies towards the ground and trees surrounding the battlefield.
  "Lightning Release, Manticore!" Slashing his blade across the sky, torpedo like shapes of lighting launch towards the ground upon impact they erupt like small electrical bombs.
  "Water Release, Water Cannon Technique!" Two of the ANBU yells as they spit boiling water from their mouths to block the incoming torpedos of electricity. Upon impacting each other the rockets implode and explode, evaporating the water and or sending the scalding hot liquid flying into separate directions. Landing on the ground, Raijin dashes towards the ANBU, swords raised and ready for close combat.
  "Boil Release, Solid Fog Technique!" One of the ANBU yells out before spraying the corrosive fog from her mouth, however, where this would've worked on a normal shinobi it had no effect on the Kriegsman, as his very uniform and gas mask were made to be effective against poisonous, corrosive and toxic fumes. Leaping himself into the air once more, Raijin comes down like a rocket amongst the ANBU shinobi, slashing his swords at them and fully going on the offensive against the Jōnin level shinobi. All four of the shinobi attack him at once, trying to find an opening against the man, they have no intention of killing him, but it is obvious he will them if he can. Jumping back from the masked shinobi, Raijin sheaths his wazikashi and takes the las pistol from this holter.

  Raising the pistol he fires multiple shots at the group of shinobi, getting them to disperse or try to block the shots. One of the masked shinobi didn't realize this was part of Raijin's plan, as a lighting bolt from Raijin's jutsu struck them on the head, killing them instantaneously as their body dropped like a crumpled heap to the forest floor. A general silence fell over the battlefield aside from the lightning strikes, the Kiri hunting team knew that Raijin was dangerous, but he was smart, cunning and outright ruthless as well, not some brute killer with no real sense of strategy.
  "Lightning Release, Hydra!" Raijin yells with fury as he slashes his sword across the air in front of him, to the ANBU's surprise and horror, multiple human sized serpents made of lighting slithered towards them at immense speed.
  "Water Release: Evil Windmill Water Shuriken!" All three of the ANBU use the same technique in hopes of dispelling the electrical vipers rushing towards them. The shuriken are able to dispel most of them, leaving enough for them to handle by themselves. Raijin takes this moment to strike as he launches himself towards the ANBU, with one of the electrical vipers wrapped around his arm, targeting one in particular as he gets close to her and lashes out at her with his hand, before she can react fast enough one of the electrical vipers uncurls itself from around Raijin's arm and lunges for her throat. The fangs of the viper sink into her throat, and the snake starts to disappear as that electrical power flows into her body, effectively frying her body from the inside out. All the other ANBU can do is watch on in horror as their teammate drops to the floor with boiling blood pouring from her mouth and nose.
  "Mission failure, we can't do this! We can't do this! He's a monster!" One of the last two ANBU finally snaps, the sheer terror that Raijin has been able to instill finally breaking their will. Before the other masked shinobi can react, he watches as his own teammates cuts his own throat right there on the spot and drops to the ground. A bone cracking punch to his mask is what he feels next, the punch sends him tumbling backwards with blood pouring from his nose and his jaw shattered.
  "Go back and tell your master what happens when you threaten me. Crawl back into your muck ridden hole of a village, for I will kill more and more that your village sends after me. I will exterminate every Hidden Mist shinobi that comes after me or my team again. Run away, child of the mist, RUN!" The voice rages at the ANBU who crawls away before being able to get up and leave the area. Raijin stands there in the field of carnage, looking at the bodies a small and dark smirk comes to his lips as he goes to each body and takes their headbands and their masks.
  "More to my collection and more souls delivered to the Emperor for divine judgment. May they be found wanting and their souls purged from existence forever, by the power of his divine light." Placing the headbands in his pocket alongside the others, he takes out a small pack of matches and sets fires to the bodies, deciding it would be the only sign of respect he'd give them. Turning from the bodies as a dark chuckle escapes his lips, he leaps away to catch back up with his team, leaving the scene and the bodies to burn.

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