Wills of Iron

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Disclaimer: I do not own the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.


    Unknown to the people of Konoha, two other forces made themselves known in their world. Walking through the forests, heading towards Konoha, were Astartes garbed in silver and gold who marched alongside their cousins who bore yellow and black. These were Astartes of the 4th and 7th legions, sons of Perturabo and Rogal Dorn respectfull. At the very head of these Astartes, as they marched in columns, their very fathers stood side by side with their captains on either side of them. Perturabo seemed taller than his brother Rogal, but only because he was garbed in his terminator armor, Logos. Rogal himself was silent as ever alongside his brother, both of them nearly killed each other upon seeing one another, cursing each other out and grappling with one another, like brothers would. A premonition came to both of them during the struggle, and they stopped fighting as they both heard the words of their father. Now, both of them alongside a couple of hundred of their sons, marched towards Konoha. They did not know what they would find, however, anything was better than wondering in the wilderness aimlessly.
   "Who do you think is already here, brother?" Rogal looks to his brother who posed the question.
    "I do not know, Sanguinius perhaps?" The mention of their winged brother brings a chuckle from both of them, the two most stone faced of all the Primarchs just chuckled at the thought of seeing their angel brother once more.
    "He was the best of us, brother." Perturabo states in a somber tone, which makes Rogal close his eyes and nod his head in agreement with his rival brother.
   "Yes... Yes he was." Perturabo nods at his brothers words as they continue to walk in silence. Both of them taking time to think of their brothers, the ones they were closest too and the ones they should've taken more care of. Rogal himself thought of the brothers he had been brash and arrogant towards, the brothers he left to their own machinations instead of taking more care with them. Perturabo on the other hand thought of all the things he had done to push his brothers away from him, his callous nature, bitterness and hidden rage. That was one thing his brother shared with him, both of them had a deep rage lurking underneath them, a rage that would rival their brother Angron in his battle frenzied state. The sound of armor shod feet fills the silence once more, their sons and captains staying silent, Sigismund stood to Rogals left, while Forrix and Barabas stood to Perutrabos left. Soon, they stepped onto the road that would lead them to Konoha. They sons filed behind them in two separate columns, standing six across in formation and following their Primarchs. Sounding like an army marching, which with their combined numbers, they could be considered a small shock army. Besides the Primarchs, the 7th legion itself numbered about 200, while their cousins of the 4th legion numbered nearly 400. The interesting thing, was that more and more Astartes joined them the further the Primarchs traveled to reach Konoha. Minutes passed into hours before the massive gate of the village comes into place, Perturabo and Rogal gaze at the walled in village and the gate house, if the feeble construct in their mind could be called such a thing.
"3 minutes." Perutrabo says aloud looking at the walls and gate of the village.
"5 minutes, brother." Both of them spoke in a way only they and their brothers would understand, they were telling each other how much time it would take them to break through the walls and siege the village, without using the main gate, which looks like it could be broken down in seconds. Then, Perturabos eyes noticed something standing out at the front gate, standing beside the mortal guards, were two Astartes bearing the pre-heresy colors of the Word Bearers. Marching closer and closer towards the village, one of the Word Bearers relays his report of them back to the the communications center within the Aquila Clan compound. Walking forward from the gate, the two Word Bearers greet their uncles with a respectful bow of their heads.
    "Welcome to Konoha my lords, the others have been expecting your arrivals." Rogal and Perturabo looked at each other before following the Word Bearers into the village, their sons had to form into one column so they could fit down the streets. Many of the civilians and even ninja stared in awe and fear at the sight of them, they have seen the Astartes but not in mass numbers like this display before them. Besides the Primarchs, all of the Astartes had their helmets on which kept their faces hidden. The sons of Russ and Angron were some of the few who showed their faces, which was natural for Astartes of the 6th and 12th Legions.

Aquila Clan Compound: Home of the Legiones Konohagakurium

Arriving at the gates of the compound, a small smirk comes to Perturabo's face at the sight of the 'defenses' that were set up. Yet again, this was not an industrialized world from what the Lord of Iron could tell, so that meant they would be hard pressed to create automated gun turrets and other such luxuries of a fully defended fortification. Being lead through the front gates of the compound, both of the Primarchs are surprised at the sight of the other Astartes moving around the area. Luna Wolves, Space Wolves, Word Bearers, World Eaters and Night Lords, all of which are going about their days and doing what tasks have been asked of them. Both of the Primarchs are surprised when the armored form of Garviel Loken walks before them, on either side of him are Astartes garbed in both the Luna Wolves and Sons of Horus colors and symbols.
"My lords, I have come to escort you to the war room within the council chambers. Your sons shall be lead to the barracks." Rogal nods his head slightly as he and Perturabo walk in front of Garviel Loken and the other Astartes, while their sons on the other hand are lead away to be given lodging. Entering into the biggest building of the compound, both brothers suppressed their shock at seeing Horus Lupercal, Leman Russ, Angron, Konrad Curze and Lorgar Aurelian. All of the Primarchs standing around a table that had a map of all the nations spread out across it, looking up from the map first, Horus smiled at the sight of his brothers, stretching his arms out as he greeted them from where he stood.
"My brothers, how glad I am to see you both." Rogal himself remained stiff, but could see nor detect any taint on his brother. Horus was who Rogal knew him to be before the Heresy, before the ruinous powers worked their ways on him. The doors shut behind them, and the talks that begin will be of legends for many generations to come.

End of this part my friends, hope y'all enjoy. Leave any comments that you have or feel free to start up a conversation.

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