Bane of the Mist [Warning]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. Warning, this chapter is going to be another bloody one, one that shows that you can try to escape a Kriegsman, but you only escape if he lets you.

Forest: Three days from Konoha

Currently, Raijin was leaping from tree to tree in his efforts to get back and report on his mission and the strange blue toned man he had seen. The more that he partook in these missions, the more and more he realized how much different this world was in comparison to the Imperium. When he first arrived he thought he was on a feudal world of heretics and witches, but he soon realized this was somewhere else entirely, a far flung place from his old galaxy. He came to a stop on a tree limb as the forest was in absolute silence, no birds, no insects, not even the sound of wind rustling the leaves. Raijin aimed his las pistol at a random tree and fired, a sharp scream of pain announced that enemies were in fact around him. Leaping off the limb as kunai and shuriken imbedded to the spot, Raijin aims his las pistol again at a tree but fires into the leaves, setting it on fire. Landing in n the ground he drives his sword into the ground, bringing a hand up to his face.
  "Lightning Release, Earthshaker!" Bolts of lighting behind to strike the ground and the streets, setting many of the trees on fire and creating craters in the ground. Looking around, Raijin stands still as he waits for the enemy to make themselves known or to compromise their position so he can attack. Raising his sword he blocks various kunai and shuriken that fly towards him, launching himself toward one of the trees he blocks another volley of projectiles. Landing on the tree he finally finds one of the culprits for his attack, a Hidden Mist ANBU. Catching the ANBU by surprise, Raijin is able to send the kunai flying that was in the shinobi's hand, before driving his sword into the chest of the ANBU. Turning, he is able to use the body of the shinobi as a human shield from another volley of weapons. Kicking the body off his katana, he jumps down to the forest floor and yells out to the enemies around him.
  "You are hunting me, I am The Reaper, yet you dare to hunt me?! Your leader keeps sending you to your deaths by opposing me, unless all of you wish to die on this day, I suggest you leave and return to your leader! Inform your leader and your village that I cannot be stopped, and that I will slaughter all you send against me! I am The Reaper, The Tailless Beast of Konoha, and I will not yield to weaklings like you!" Minutes pass in silence as no further attacks come from the ANBU or other Hidden Mist shinobi that may be lurking around the area. His lightning still creating a natural barrier between them and him, Raijin readies for a fight as one Hidden Mist shinobi shows themselves, the person is wearing gear similar to the ANBU but carries some type of sword on his back, he wears goggles of some kind that look connected to ear pieces or a radio headset of some kind. The shinobi honestly looks like a kid to Raijin, but he's been wrong before about appearances of people.
  "We want to take you in alive, the Mizukage of the Hidden Mist wants to speak with you. If you do not come willingly, we will take you as a prisoner." Continuing to stare at the shinobi, Raijin raises his sword to him.
  "A challenge then, fight me one on one. If you are the victor, I will follow willingly. If I am the winner, I will slaughter everyone you brought, but you must walk away with no interference of any kind." The challenge itself seemed to shake the resolve of the man standing before him, and for the first time since arriving in this world a dark smile came over Raijin's face, 'what are you gonna do now that blood is in the water', Raijin thought to himself while staring at his opponent. Reaching to his back, the spectacled shinobi pulled the sword off his back and brought it into a fighting position, Raijin finally noticed the blade itself had two handles connected by cord. Slowly, Raijin started walking toward his opponent as the bandages wrapped around the blade unraveled as chakra flowed down the blade. Holstering his pistol, Raijin unsheathes his wakizashi to use alongside his katana. Going from walking to running at a full sprint, both of the men leap at each other with their swords clashing, causing sparks and arcs of electricity to fly in various directions. Both of them jump backwards before launching at each other once more, each strike is blocked or countered as both of them fight in the destroyed clearing. Launching back, Raijin sends a heavy amount of chakra into his blade as he runs at his opponent, running the blade along the ground it builds up electricity. Bringing the sword up, Raijin strikes at the enemy shinobi, their words clashing isn't sends blinding arcing flash of electricity into the air the shinobi backs up to mitigate the blinding light, Raijin doesn't need to do so as the lenses of his mask are tinted which helped with the flash. Leaping towards the enemy shinobi he raises his sword and brings it down, digging the blade into the shoulder of his enemy who yells out in pain before the wakizashi is pressed against his throat.
  "You lost." The eyes of the enemy fighter widen as he realizes how much he underestimated the skill that Raijin had when it came to kenjutsu, much like he questions his own skill.
  "What is your name?" Raijin asks the shinobi, before the shinobi can answer, Raijin leaps backwards as multiple  shinobi leap from the trees with weapons ready, 6 in total with only two others being ANBU from the looks of it.
  "More to add to my collection I see. We had a deal, so this can either be done one of two ways, either you get on your knees and I slit your throats painlessly or I hunt you down like animals, your choice." All of them stare at him like he is the devil incarnate, Raijin silently hums to himself while he slowly starts walking towards them. Acting in the moment, the shinobi disperse and go their own separate ways, thinking that he won't take the time to hunt them all. A dark smirk comes over his face as he slashes his sword out in front him.
  "Lightning Release, Hydra!" Multiple serpents of human shape take form as they start to chase after the trails left behind by the Hidden Mist shinobi, Raijin silently follows the serpents, already knowing he will have at least 5 or 6 more headbands to add to his collection.

Hours later

  One hidden mist shinobi currently is leaning up against a tree, holding a hand to her leg as the slash from Raijin's sword cut her deeply when he attacked her an hour ago. All through the night she has heard the screams of her fellow  shinobi, as they were hunted and killed without mercy. She honestly believed he would've given up and stopped worrying about them, but instead he was hunting them. Hearing a twig snap to her left she quickly turned with a kunai drawn, seeing nothing she became even more paranoid and afraid when a twig snapped directly behind her. Acting quickly she swung her arm backwards and hurt a wet slicing noise, like a blade meeting flesh. Smirking to herself she turned and gave a small scream in horror at the sight before her, one of her teammates was hanging there from the tree limb with both of their legs gone as well as their eyes.
  "I see you admire my work." That raspy voice sounds right next to her ear, before she can react a steel like grip grabs her by her hair and slams her face first against the tree, she lets out a scream of fear and pain before her face is slammed against the tree again, again and again before she falls silent entirely. Letting the corpse of the dead kunoichi slump to the ground, Raijin kneels down and takes off the headband. After taking off the headband he takes his sword and places it against the body, letting his chakra heat the blade so it sets the body on fire. The fire being set he turns and disappears into the dark of the night, '4 down, 2 to go'. Jumping up into the trees, he turns and grins as he hears a loud scream followed by an explosion. Jumping across tree branches he finds himself in a small clearing where a shinobi lays with one arm missing. Walking casually towards the shinobi he places a boot in their threat, causing them to gasp out loudly as they become conscious from the blast. A quick stomp and jerk kills the shinobi, leaning down he removes the headband and stares at it, 'I should head home, I still have to report it about all of this'. Looking around the clearing once more, he chuckles to himself.
  "A good day hunting." Those words being said he leaps off into the trees again, intent on going home. Meanwhile the shinobi that he fought is rushing to return to the Mizukage and report the failure and subsequent hunting of his entire force, 'damn it, Chōjūrō, why are you weak?' The shinobi questions himself as he rushes his way back home to the Hidden Mist.

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