A Coat of Red

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, how I fucking wish I did, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.

Near the border with Land of Rice Fields:

After the long meeting with the war council, a decision was made on what to do with the Word Bearers. Lorgar, deciding his sons along with himself needed true penance, decided that they would not change their name or their colors until they proved themselves worthy once again. While their Primarch was still in Konoha and meeting with his brothers, and the future of their so called 'Aquila Clan', many of his sons were dispatched on high ranking missions as a way of redemption. Currently, a group of 10 marines where patrolling along the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rice Fields, the squad consisted of 8 tactical marines and 2 devastator marines. The group was being lead by sergeant Absyrtus of the Sundered Tower Chapter, originally when Absyrtus arrived in this new world he had to be held back by his brothers when he attempted to attack their father for what he had done, himself and many others like him were born on Terra and then massacred in suicide missions as sacrificial lambs for the coming heresy. Luckily, the sergeant knew he would have no trouble with the brothers that came with him on this mission, as all of them were from the Sundered Tower and had fought together for countless decades before and during the Great Crusade. All of the Astartes stopped any form of movement when the silence of the forest became more evidently clear to them, weapons were at the ready in mere moments as the Word Bearers made ready for enemy contact. Absyrtus being at the front of the patrol raised his left hand and pointed two fingers forward, without a word, two other Astartes moved forward as flankers for the patrol so they could keep watch for enemies. Moving forward again, the patrol formed into more of a spearhead formation and was spread out to avoid potential enemy explosive tags. The armor they wore was very durable and nearly indestructible by this world standards, but all armor fails eventually and without the Adepts of the Mechanicus to be at their command they had to make do with what repairs they made. The marines continued to advance more and more through the forest, when the vegetation to their front lit up with the explosive flashes and all too familiar heavy crack of bolters. Without a word having to be said, the squad moves forward quickly to rendezvous with the forward flankers, the sound of battle becoming more obvious as they arrive on scene in but a few strides. What became abundantly clear, was that they were facing heavy enemy forces from the Sound Village, despite the weapons they carried it was obvious they were outnumbered as the enemy shinobi rushed at them, trying to get in close.
"Counter-attack my brothers! Throw these filth into the abyss!" Keeping their spearhead formation they charged forward into the oncoming enemies, weapons chattering. One marine puts his bolter on the magnetic clamp of his hip, pulling his combat knife from its holder as he drives the blade straight through the skull of an enemy shinobi before moving onto the next. A sonic blast of wind hits one Astartes pushing him back greatly before he steadies his feet and fired into the enemy around them, his storm bolter even cutting down trees with the explosive blasts from them. A short distance away, Kabuto was looking down at the scene before him and was enraged with how his masters plans were behind foiled by genetic abominations from another world. Standing beside him on either side, were the Sound Four who observed the decimation of their forces at the hands of the Word Bearers.
"Shall we take care of these losers?" Tayuya asks, feeling confident they could find the Word Bearers and wind.
"No, they would crush all of you." Kabuto says, still watching as the marines cut through the various enemies before them.
"You can't be fucking serious, they don't even have Chakra!" Tayuya yells while her teammates roll their eyes.
"Just because they don't have chakra, doesn't mean they aren't lethally dangerous. You weren't in that clearing, you didn't see what these monsters did to shinobi far more experienced than all of you. All of you return to the village, make ready for the plan to unfold." All of them nod, however, Sakon looks at Kabuto and is puzzled.
"What about you?" Kabuto smirks and fixes his glasses, looking oddly arrogant about the situation.
"While the four of you can't take them on, I myself can." Those words being said he leaps from the trees and moves towards the Astartes, fully unaware what his arrogance will cost him. Landing in front of Absyrtus, the massive marine pulls his chainsword from the eviscerated body of his opponent.
"I have a challenge for you, you abomination. I wish to..." His words are stopped as Absyrtus lashes out, his armored hand holding Kabuto's head in a vice like grip. Kabuto cries out as he grabs at the Astartes hand to try and get him to release him, Absyrtus is able to lift Kabuto from the ground and whip him like a rag doll into a tree, still keeping his grip on his head. The sounds of bone breaking and an ear piercing scream fill the air, as Kabuto's legs and hips slammed against the tree and outright shattering the bones entirely. Those of the Sound Four merely stared before turning and retreating deeper into the forest, sticking to Kabuto's original plan. Kabuto himself laid on the ground and tried to crawl away, only to shout in pain as the armored boot of Absyrtus stepped on his shattered leg.
"One prisoner shall be of great use, kill the others and let their heathen gods sort them out." Kabuto could only watch in horror as any surviving prisoners or wounded shinobi were butchered before his eyes, flesh torn from bone and guts freely falling to the ground. A sharp cry escaped Kabuto once more as Absyrtus lifted him from the ground and looked at him, a dark chuckle escaping the Astartes who lifts his free hand up and with a quick tug, effectively breaking Kabuto's right arm and shoulder which makes the shinobi silently scream in pain.
"Be silent mortal, you do not know true pain yet. No, you will know true pain when my cousins gets ahold of you." Absyrtus chuckles even more, thinking of what information the Night Lords will extract from Kabuto. With a quick strike of his palm, he fully knocks Kabuto unconscious and lowers him down, only holding onto his shirt as he drags the shinobi along the ground. The entire patrol slowly starts to move back to their original path, hoping they can find one of the many main merchant roads so they can make it back to Konoha.

16km South of Konoha:

  Further south of the combat taking place, a patrol of Luna Wolves walked along a main road. The group itself was a mix of those with the Luns Wolves colors and symbols, along with those bearing the colors and marks of the Sons of Horus. Leading the group was Nero Vipus, a veteran tactical squad sergeant of the 10th Company and one of the Astartes that remained loyal to the Emperor. The events of Istvaan III still played heavily in his mind, every time he looked at one of his brothers who wore the Sons of Horus mark and armor, he truly questioned if he could trust any of them. He himself still bore the colors of the Luna Wolves, he bore them proudly in fact and was glad that his company captain was amongst them once more. One figure he was glad he hadn't seen yet, even though it was rumored he was among them, was Ezekyle Abaddon. Vipus truly believed that if he saw that particular Mournival, he would more than likely attempt to kill him. Matter of fact, Vipus made his displeasure greatly known when Horus had greeted many of his sons upon seeing them, as Horus was known before the heresy to care greatly for his legion. However, when he greeted Vipus he was met by a cold glare. The words that left the sergeants mouth had an effect on the Primarch, though he didn't show it. His words had even shocked his brothers, whom were glad to see there father back to the man he once was.
   'Do not call me son, for you are not my father. You have to earn that title again, after everything you did whether it was sorcery or not.' Those were the words that Vipus spoke to Horus, looking back on it he regretted those words. His father, Horus Lupercal, was not the man that betrayed them on Istvaan III, he was not the man who had his nephews butchered on the lands of Istvaan IV, and he was certainly not the man who killed his own brother and placed his father on the Golden Throne. The man that Vipus met was the true Horus, a prideful man to be sure, but a man that would go to whatever ends necessary for his brothers and his sons. However, he stopped in his spot and raised his bolter, along side his brothers as they heard the sound of armored feet marching towards them and waited for the potential friend or foe to reveal themselves.Vipus swore one of his two hearts stopped when he saw the red and black colors of Blood Angels stepping from the foliage to their left. The clattering of a bolter could be heard as Vipus fully dropped his weapon at the sight of whom stood before him, even though it was hidden underneath his helmet a single tear rolled down the sergeants face.
   "Dear nephew, guide me to my brother." The truly angelic and charismatic voice spoke to him, while he gazed upon the golden armored figure before him. Vipus had never wept in his long tenure as an Astartes, even when his brothers had been killed around him on Istvaan III, but now, he wept. He wept for the souls who had been lost, the brothers he only hoped he would see again, and the cousins whom died fighting for what's right. A armored hand rested upon his pauldron and he looked up into the red eyes of the figure before him.
   "Rest easy, my nephew. The war is over, be at peace." With those words being said, Vipus picked up his bolter and gave a respectful bow to the figure before turning and leading him and the Blood Angels back towards Konoha, the Luna Wolves and Sons of Horus still could only look on in amazement, the Angel has arrived.

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