War Hound [ Gore Warning ]

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Disclaimer: I own none of the art nor the franchises involved in the story, they belong to their respective owners.

Hokage Mansion

  Raijin walked down the hallways of the mansion itself, being led by an ANBU who knew the way around. After the meeting with the clan heads and being told what is to be done with him, he honestly considered if he'd be better off getting exiled. Luckily, the Hokage was able to convince the spiky haired woman that sparing with him at this point in time was not a good idea, as he did not know any 'jutsu' as they called it, whatever it was. Arriving at the room he was to be given, he nods at the ANBU before entering the room, the room is very spartan with a bed, a desk and chair, with a kitchenette and bathroom. Not even turning to look at the ANBU he walks further into the room, going over to the desk and chair he sets his las gun down before sitting on the chair, removing his pack off his back to get his cleaning kit. The door closed as the ANBU walked away from the room, leaving Raijin to clean his weapon and the rest of his gear.

Hours passed before Raijin stepped from his room, weapon and gear clean once more. Looking to his left and right he saw no one down the hallway, but he knew he was being watched. Knowing that he really didn't understand the layout of the village in its entirety, he decided that speaking to the Hokage would be a good way of deciphering where to go and where not to go. Walking to the Hokage's office he would knock on the door, waiting to be requested entry. The door opens a few seconds later, a shinobi that Raijin has not seen before stands before him, the most striking thing about said Shinobi is the red eyes staring back at him. His instincts from his service to the Emperor kick in, his hand reflexively goes for the las pistol at his side, causing the red eyed woman to react as well, but the voice of the old man breaks both of them from the skirmish that was about to occur.
"Halt!" Both of them stop, staring tensely at each other, Raijins hand resting on the handle of the las pistol while the red eyed woman was holding the handle of a kunai knife.
"Raijin, there is no need for hostilities, this woman is Kurenai Yuhi, a Jōnin of this village and one of our best I might add." Smoke puffs from the old man's mouth as he chuckles, but he is curious as to why Raijin would attempt to pull a weapon on Kurenai upon seeing her.
"My apologies ma'am, where I come from a human having such an eye color usually means the taint of Chaos. Training and my time as a guardsmen make me react differently upon seeing certain things." Heels snapped to attention, Raijin rattles off the words as if speaking to a superior officer, already thinking he is going to be punished or even killed for reacting as he did.
"I accept your apology, Raijin, the Hokage was just telling me about your arrival to Konoha. He says you will need to be on a team, and that is why I am here, I am your sensei."
"Yes ma'am." Kurenai sighs deeply at the reaction from Raijin, he was as the Hokage described, a machine with no emotion as far as she can tell.
"Hokage, sir, may I be granted permission to walk the village, to gain knowledge of the perimeter?" Both the Jōnin and Hokage look at each other, a silent understanding between the both of them.
"Permission granted, Raijin." Raijin nods his head to the Hokage before about-facing and walking through the doors, leaving the room and walking down the hallway. Kurenai looks at the Hokage with a raised brow after he leaves.
"He needs work." Hiruzen says with a puff from his pipe.
"Work? The boy is a machine, no emotion or anything. I can usually read people like a book, but I couldn't make out anything from how he was acting or talking." Sighs of understanding come from Hiruzen, he nods in agreement with Kurenai but decides to explain even further.
"Kurenai, that young man has seen more bloodshed and warfare than anyone in this village, even myself and all of us that fought in the Shinobi Wars. His people are war driven to the point of obscenity, you can tell that just by looking at him." Kurenai shakes her head, honestly upset at that fact.
'How can a people be so heartless?' She thought to herself, looking at the door that Raijin walked through.

Streets of Konoha

Raijin could be seen walking the streets in silence, not saying a word or even taking notice of all the looks he was being given by the villagers. Their thoughts or opinions did not matter to him, while walking down various streets he passed by some villagers carrying knives and clubs, this immediately caught his attention as he turned and slowly started to follow them, wondering why they were said weapons. His answer soon came as the group stopped outside of a restaurant from what he could tell, yelling things like 'demon child' and 'evil fox'. The word 'demon' caught his attention, he slowly unslung his las gun, believing that the crowd was trying to expel an actual demon from the village. This thought changed quickly when he saw the blond haired boy, Naruto, step out from the restaurant, his head down in shame and not his rambunctious self. He stood there as the villagers kept yelling things at him, his look turned fearful when one of the villagers came at him with a club but a air breaking filled the air, the man's head was turned into smoldering flesh as the body dropped to the ground, a once living human turned into noting but a corpse in seconds. The crowd turned to see Raijing standing there, his lasgun raised and aiming at them, Naruto was relieved to see him but also scared at the fact he just killed a man with no thought at all.
"You are attacking a shinobi of this village, I suggest you atone for your actions or I will kill all of you."
"We are saving this village from that demon brat, and you will not stand in our way!" One villager yells at Raijin, unlike his counterparts this man still shows how deep his conviction to attack Naruto goes as he turns and attempts to lunge at the boy, only to be met with the same gruesome end as his predecessor as a las bolt flies through his chest, turning into a molten hole of scorched flesh, the blast disemboweled the man, leaving his organs to fall onto the ground along with his corpse. All the other villagers dropped their clubs and weapons, backing away from the man before them. Seconds passed quickly before the area was filled with ANBU and other shinobi, Kurenai being one of them.
"What happened here?!" Kurenai yelled, the villagers shrunk at her voice, even Naruto was a bit shaken by the whole experience.
"This villagers attacked the blond haired shinobi, for no reason, ma'am." Raijin spoke, weapon still raised and aiming at the civilians, Kurenai looked at the small group of civilians then at Naruto, she knew what this was about and couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid, he did not choose to be put into the position that he is.
"All of you shall be taken to Ibiki for this, you have broken the law in more ways than one." One of the villagers, having heard the stories of Konoha's famed interrogator, attempted to flee. A shrill cry of pure agony escapes the man, who falls to the ground clutching at his right knee, blood pours from the wound as his leg was severed at the knee by a blast from Raijins weapon. Kurenai and the other Jōnin stare in shock at the wound inflicted by the weapon, Raijin slowly walks towards the man, paying attention to no one else. The wounded villager gives unintelligible cries, seeing this monster, this reaper walking towards him. Raijin moves one hand from his weapon, reaching to his side he pulls the long bayonet from its scabbard and attaches it to the weapon. Kurenai, realizing what he is going to do, rushes over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder she squeezes tightly and feels him tense up.
"Stand down, Raijin, he's not a threat anymore.
"He threatened the life of a shinobi, a shinobi of this village. He is a traitor, and he needs to be dealt with." Kurenai shakes her head, squeezing his shoulder a little tighter.
"He's not a threat anymore, you took his leg off." Raijin is still tense when he backs away from the man, allowing medical nin to rush over in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Turning away form the wounded man, who he knew was gonna die, Raijin looks at Kurenai who stares back at him. Both of them seem to stare at each other, red eyes staring into the tinted eyes of the gas mask, neither one of them paying attention to the other shinobi taking away the offending villagers.
'What kind of killer are you?' Kurenai thought to herself as she stared at Raijin.

That is a wrap for this part ladies and gentlemen, I hope y'all enjoy it and have enjoyed the other parts of the story so far. I made this part while listening to Dezzaired- London Bridge is Falling Down. Because I hope to make Raijin into a pretty dark but still virtuous character, and I think the version of the song fits him.

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