Bearers of the Word

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Disclaimer: Disclaimer, I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.

Aquila Clan Compound: Home of the Legiones Konohagakurium

  Taking up residency within the old Uchiha compound, despite the obvious rejections by the civilian side of the council, the Primarchs and their sons have turned the area into a veritable fortress in itself. Underground housing and training areas for the Primarchs themselves and their sons, each compound building having been reconstructed and built to specifications given by the Primarchs. However, because the shinobi lacks the infrastructure and technology to build exact details, the Astartes make do with what they have. However, the Primarchs did not forget that this compound once belonged to the Uchiha clan, and after leaning the history of what happened they left the Uchiha symbol hanging from the compound entrance, with a stylized Aquila in the center of the symbol. Walking down the street of the compound, side by side, were Horus and Russ. The Primarch of the 16th Legion did not think much of his brother when they were back in the Imperium, and even tried to kill him during the heresy, which still makes Horus feel shame and enraged that he was fooled by the Chaos Gods. Things have changed, that much is clear, as both brothers have talked about what they are to do in this new world of theres. What thoughts both of them had were interrupted by a rupturing sound of a massive lightning-strike and the shaking of the ground.
   "My lords, come quickly!" One of the Astartes garbed in the pale green and black of the Sons of Horus calls to them from at the corner of the street, standing beside the marine is another son of Horus, who is garbed in the Luna Wolves color of armor. Other marines are rushing by with weapons ready, making way for Horus and Russ whom stride quickly towards the area of the commotion. Arriving at one of the compound buildings that hasn't been reconstructed, they find that one of the walls has entirely caved in along with the roof, and there are various craters all around the building as well. Some of the Astartes raise their weapons as the shadowy and hulking form of a power armor clad being steps from the building and into the light. Horus himself feels his jaw drop at the sight of the person standing before him, another brother has come to them from the dark void. Much like himself, the Emperor sent the form of who this son could've been to this world.
"Lorgar..." Russ snarls beside Horus, he is angered to see the traitor Primarch, but slowly remembers the changes that were made to Konrad and Angron. The wolf himself has slowly started to realize that the Emperor has been giving them chances to right the wrongs they have made, sending the true souls and very beings of his brothers to this world. Hearing his name, the bald and tattooed head of Lorgar Aurelian looks up and moves a hand to clear his bleary eyes.
"I recognize that savage voice... Leman?" The deep and charismatic sounding voice of Lorgar reaches them, he stands to his full height as he is the same height as Leman. However, unlike his brother, Lorgar always used his powerful voice and tactics to lead his sons, being more of the charismatic preacher rather than a king of warfare like Horus and Leman. Looking at both of his brothers, an actual smoke broke across the face of the Primarch of 17th Legion as he raised his hands up to the sky.
"By the Imperial Truth and our fathers name, I'm glad I found you." This seemingly joyful attitude catches Horus and Leman off guard, they look at the craters and other holes in the house as more Word Bearers make their presence known. The all too familiar sound of bolt guns cocking can be heard as the Luna Wolves and Vlka Fenryka marines take aim at the Word Bearers.
"Do not fire my sons and nephews! They are not of the darkness, not anymore, they have come back to the fold!" Surprisingly, the call doesn't come from Horus but Leman, the Astartes keep their weapons raised but look at the Lord of the 6th Legion as he slowly walks forward and stops a few feet in front of Lorgar.
"You realize what wrong you have done?! What your search for divinity wrought upon our Imperium?! Yet you stand there and still call us brothers! I have reconciled with Horus, because I found it was by your machinations that turned him against us!!" Lorgar, holds his head high despite the onslaught by Leman, he doesn't not hold his head in pride, but in acceptance for what he did.
"Leman... I was wrong. My adoptive father Kor Phaeron corrupted not only me, but my entire legion. I sold my soul to the dark gods brother, to gain divinity... Father, our father, was able to claim my soul. I begged for penance, and he sent me here as punishment. I ask that you allow my sons and I to prove that we are not the traitors of the past, but we are true to our name... Bearers of the Word. Father sent us here, to help turn back the tide." Leman stares at his prodigal brother, a glare in his eyes and a snarl at his lips.
"We will see... This building shall be your place in this compound, rebuild it as you see fit. Any sign of darkness shall be crushed without mercy, you will have your time to prove yourself, Lorgar." Horus speaks these words as he glares slightly at his brother, Lorgar bows his head slightly before turning and walking back towards the building, his mind already working in ways to rebuild the semi-destroyed building. Leman walks back to Horus, both of them turning and walking away from the area while a couple of their sons stay behind to keep watch over the Word Bearers, all the others move away and go back to what they were doing.
"Can we trust him Horus?" Leman asks his brother as they walk. Horus look at Leman and a thoughtful expression comes across his face as he thinks of an idea to see if Lorgar is true to his word or not.
"I do not know Leman, however, I believe a test of combat should be a good starting point. I will tell one of my sons to meet with the Hokage Sarutobi, and I will request for multiple high-end missions for Lorgar and his sons. This will allow us to see where they stand after facing shinobi from other villages." Leman nods his head in agreement with Horus, a taste in combat should help with seeing if the Word Bearers are trustworthy or not.
"Did you receive the report from Konrad and Angron?" Leman asks his brother as they walk to one of the compound buildings, which was retrofitted to be a meeting place for the Primarchs and their captains, along with being a feasting hall as well.
"That I did, I have already informed the Hokage. ANBU and other Jōnin are already keeping their eyes out for any suspicious, and I know a prisoner was captured. Knowing how Konrad and his sons perpetuate war, we will receive what answers we can soon enough." Leman nods his head in agreements both of them enter the hall, the massive doors closing behind them shortly after.

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