King Kobura

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.

Raijin's Mindscape:

     A flash of light shoots across Raijin's eyes as he sits up with a gasp, coughing loudly as he fights to gain air. Taking in his surroundings while he coughs, he realizes that he isn't in the forest of death but more so an actual jungle. Quickly getting to his feet, he looks around at the vast jungle trees around him, his attention is quickly drawn to the path leading through the jungle, reaching down to his waist he realizes that he has no weapons on him at all. Sighing deeply to himself he slowly starts walking down the path, not knowing where the path leads but is more willing to follow it than disappear into the jungle. He seems to walk for hours, passing by creeks and streams, yet all of this natural beauty ends when he reaches the end of the path. Before him, expanding for miles in all directions, is a no mans land with uprooted trees and bomb craters. Yet, it is what that sits in the middle of this no mans land that catches him entirely off guard. A pyramid, one just as big in height as Hokage Rock, stands like a unmoving sentinel over the barren and war torn wasteland. Seeing no other option, Raijin traverses the all too familiar landscape towards the pyramid, still confused at the fact that such a structure would be in the middle of such desolation. Arriving at the front of the pyramid, Raijin believes that there is no entrance to the structure but is quickly proven wrong as one side of the pyramid opens like two massive stone doors. The jaw of the Kriegsman drops open at the creature that emerges from the pyramid, a serpent of immense size turns its head towards him as the rest of its body slithers from the structure. The coloring of said serpent is a dark brown and tan, it's eyes being a dark green with the stereotypical viper like pupil.
   "You are the one that Orochimaru was foolish enough to bite. He truly must be a fool if he thinks you would follow his will." The serpent chuckles, the fact that a serpent was talking to him made Raijin question many things, but it was the fact that said serpent sounded like a well to do Cadian officer that caught him even more off guard.
   "Where are my manners, I am Kobura Naja. I am the serpent that Orochimaru has sealed inside of you. I was expecting someone weak, I am glad to see I was wrong. I know who you are, Raijin Krieg and you need not worry about losing yourself to me." Raijin could still only stare at the serpent in front of him, finally finding his words he decides to speak.
   "What does this mean, Kobura? I don't understand." A sigh escapes the serpent, he seems to relax himself from his poised state.
    "This means that you and I are now partners. Unlike those filthy tailed beasts, you are not my jailer and I am not your prisoner. You having my powers will make you more powerful than you already are, but you are by no means invincible. All I ask in return for you summoning me, is the flesh of your enemies." A nod of understanding and of respect is given to the serpent from the much younger being in front of him.
   "I have but one question Kobura." Kobura nods his head, given Raijin leave to ask his question.
    "You said that we are now partners, because Orochimaru sealed you inside my very being. Does that mean I will have your loyalty to fight when I fight and back me up?" A hiss-like chuckle escapes the serpent, the hood that is part of his head flares out.
   "So long as I am sealed within you, you will have my loyalty until your dying day, Raijin Krieg. Time has come for you to awaken, go forth and let the true serpents of the world be known." A smirk covers Raijin's face as he looks back to the jungle.
  "Let's get to work." Raijin walks back towards the jungle path with Kobura following close behind him, the giant reptile moving gracefully over the desolate earth.

Present Time: Forest of Death

   Once more, a loud gasp fills the air as Raijin returns to the living word from his own mind. What he did not expect however, was his face to be immediately enveloped by two soft and firm breast's from one violet haired Jōnin.
   "You're alive, thank Kami you're alive!" The voice of Anko breaks the silence while she holds his head between her breasts. Finally letting him go, but only slightly, they both stare into each other's eyes before she leans forward quickly and kisses him deeply, fully putting passion into the kiss. Raijin is entirely caught off guard, but wraps his arms around her and pulls her against him to deepen the kiss. She doesn't resist, a small moan of joy escapes her as she straddles his lap. Reality seems to come back to Anko as she leans back from the kiss and stares at him before quickly standing up.
   "We need to get you to the tower and to a medical team, you're lucky to be alive right now." Anko tries to help Raijin up, but is greatly surprised when he effortlessly stands up and rotates his arms and stretches as if nothing happened.
   "You're right, getting to the tower is top priority. Was team seven able to reach you?" Anko nods her head, giving Raijin some relief at the fact the team was able to make it.
    "The team made it to the tower and Naruto informed me of Orochimaru, I already have Jōnin scouring the forest and the Hokage has been made aware... Let's get to the tower." Raijin gives her a nod of agreement as both of them start leaping through the devastated forest area towards the center of the forest, where the tower is situated. Raijin looks down at the unusable gas mask in his hand, imagining how he is going to repair it or even replace it at this point. Minutes more pass by as the two of them are showing no signs of slowing down in their race to reach the tower, however, Anko notices dried blood on Raijin's neck and stops in her tracks which makes Raijin stop as well.
   "R-Raijin... M-move the left side of your coat over." She stutters, horror and fear having taken shape in her mind as she is afraid of what she'll see. Raijin looks at the ground before reaching a hand up and pulling his coat aside, Anko feels her knees buckle and she falls to the ground but Raijin catches her.
   "Not you too, by Kami why does this happen to everyone I love?!" Anko cries out as Raijin pulls her close to him, holding her in his arms as she shakes with rage and choked sobs. Raijin holds her close, but knows they have to keep moving.
   "Anko, we have to keep moving. We don't know if he's still in the forest." Anko nods her head against his chest, both of them stand back, Raijin gives Anko a few moments to wipe away her tears. He gives her a small smile, which she happily returns. Turning back to the direction of the tower, they start moving out again.
  "That female, is she your mate?" The voice of Kobura echoes in Raijin's head, almost making him stumble.
  "No, she's not." He whispers so Anko doesn't hear him.
   "That needs to change, she is perfect for you." Raijin can't believe that a snake is trying to play what civilians call a 'match-maker', he just shakes his head which causes Kobura to laugh inside his mind, 'what a fucking day'. Raijin thinks to himself, not taking notice of the fact that the seal mark on his neck has slowly been extending itself down his arm, shoulder and chest. Kobura knows what is happening, but says nothing as this is all part of his plan, not malicious or evil by any means, only a way to extend Raijin's power even more, 'Orochimaru you fool, you will learn why I am called King Kobura'.

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