A Serpents Wrath

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. Things are gonna get dark at certain points.

Konoha Medical Clinic: Psychiatric Wing

Later that same day, after spending some time with Anko, Raijin arrived at the medical clinic in Konoha. The reason being, is he was requested to attend a meeting with a psychiatrist by the Hokage himself, mainly because Kurenai and the others have been worried that he has slipped further into violent acts, many believe that the curse seal has begun to influence him. For his part, Raijin has never heard of a 'psychiatrist', as he doesn't believe the Imperial Guard has any such people back in his world. Walking through the opening doors he arrives at the front desk, where the nurse looks up at him.
"You must be Krieg-Inuzuka, correct?" Raijin nods his head at the nurse who stands up and hands him a file.
"Walk down the hall and the third door on the right, go in and get comfortable, the doctor will be right with you." Raijin walks down the hallway and enters the room, seeing a chair and couch he sits down on the couch and waits patiently. Minutes pass before the door opens and the doctor walks in, the medical nin before him is dressed in the stereotypical white scrubs one would expect.
"Good afternoon, Raijin, how are you doing today?" Raijin stares at the man, seeming to size him up and seeing if he is worth his time.
"Going well, Arzt." The doctor nods his head before taking a seat in the chair across from Raijin.
"That's good, do you know why you are here today?" Raijin shakes his head in they negative, which makes the doctor sigh silently.
"Not really doctor, the Hokage requested I come here, so I'm here." The doctor nods before looking down at the papers, reading over the notes listed.
"Detachment from emotions, overly violent behavior, taking trophies off of dead shinobi. Top it all off, a complete lack of self preservation, the Hokage had a good reason to send you here." The dark laugh that comes from Raijin makes the doctor frown.
"Overly violent behavior? I'm a soldier doctor, it's part of who I am. Taking trophies from the dead? Tell that to the shit bags who rob the graves of the fallen, tell that to the fucking scum who mutilate bodies of our villages shinobi's like their fucking science experiments! I am not the one with an issue here!" Raijin explodes as he stands up from the couch, towering over the doctor who shows visible fear in his eyes and body language. Unknown to the doctor, every fiber of Raijin's being is screaming at him to choke the life out of the doctor.
"I kill and kill, and for what?! So some commander can get a star of terra on their fucking chest, before the fucking campaigns are over, is that it?! Is that what you want to hear from me?!" Through this entire tirade, Raijin lunged across the space and had his hands wrapped around the doctors throat.
"All of my brothers turned into paste in front of my eyes, while officers hang back and simply fucking watch! So the high lords can thump their chests and say how fucking courageous they were for ordering such a campaign!!" Raijin tightens his grip momentarily before letting go, the doctor coughs violently and grabs at his throat.
"You tell them, you fucking tell them, that I do not need to have my head poked and prodded, ever!!" Raijin rages at the doctor, before storming out of the room and leaves the clinic entirely. Jurten who was waiting outside starts following his companion, detecting the mood of letting of a bark to gain his attention. Raijin looks down at Jurten and sighs as he walks over to a tree and sits down, leaning his head against the tree as the pup comes over, laying down beside him.
    "I snapped Jurten, I lost it. After that incident, I'll be lucky if they don't put me in the brig or execute me." Raijin says while gently petting Jurtens head, looking down to his belt loop he sees his new mask. Reaching down he unbuckles it from the loop and places it over his face, tightening the mask before putting his sunglasses on. Standing back up he whistles to Jurten as he starts to walk back through the village, knowing that soon enough he will likely be confronted by ANBU or even his friends for what he did.

Streets of Konoha: An Hour Later

Seeing as it was getting closer to evening, Raijin was surprised that no one came to collect him after his incident at the clinic. Walking down the street, he hears a ruckus down the one street and turns to the sound. He heads villagers shouting and talking loudly, and he already can guess what is going on. Reaching to his side, he pulls his entrenching tool from its holder as he walks quickly down an alleyway towards the sound. Coming out of the alleyway, he sees more villagers harassing naruto as it seems to be a fairly common thing. Not waiting or hesitating, Raijin walks up from the left side, coming out of the alleyway fully, and with one swing of his shovel, slices through the neck of one of the villagers. This causes all commotion to stop in that moment, the leader of the mob stops and looks at Raijin with a horrified look.
"Y-you killed an unarmed man." Raijin's gaze snaps to the man, pointing his shovel at him.
"He should've armed himself. Now, I will tell you all that if you worthless civilians do not return to your homes, I will kill all of you." Not noticing a civilian coming up to him from his right, Naruto is about to warn Raijin but the sound of a bolter firing silences him, as the civilian who was about to attack Raijin had their entire chest cavity turned into paste by rocket propelled explosive round. The blood sprayed across Raijin's back, causing him to turn and look immediately. Standing a few feet away from the crowd, a Word Bearer Astarte has his bolter trained on the crowd.
   "Step away from the child, mortals, or I will see no choice but to cleanse you from this earth." Raijin himself stared at the Word Bearer, he was questioning trying to attack the Astartes, believing him to be a traitor but when a second Astartes stepped into view, one bearing the colors and armor of the Vlky Fenryka.
    "Do not fire unless the scum attempt another move on the child, cousin." Raijin slowly placed his shovel back in its holder, turning his eyes back to the crowd who stare in absolute terror at the Astartes. Naruto looks at them in awe, his attention is caught by Raijin who walks over to him.
   "Head home, Naruto, we will handle them." The blonde, still too shocked and in awe, nods to Raijin as he turns and walks away, occasionally looking back to see what is happening. Raijin looks at the civilian crowd, whom are all still armed and staring at the Astartes and him in terror.
"I will enjoy seeing all of you hang?" A dark chuckle escapes Raijin as he stares at the villagers, one of them who realizes what will happen to them, turns to run away only to have their leg turned into chunks of flesh and bone all over the ground, blown apart at the knee by a bolter shell from the Word Bearer. The scream that fills the air seems to echo in the street, and it seems like only seconds pass before ANBU arrive on the scene, and start to arrest the civilians. Raijin sighs to himself as he walks over to the Astartes and stares with narrowed eyes at the Word Bearer.
"What is a traitor Word Bearer doing in this village, and why isn't he dead yet?" Oddly enough, the Word Bearer chuckles.
"I am no traitor, Guardsmen, perhaps you will understand that if you come back to the compound." The marine looks at the son of Russ who nods his head, the Word Bearer gestures for Raijin to follow them. Raijin questions it at first, wondering if this is some sort trap but would rather see what the Word Bearer is talking about.

End of this part my friend, ending it on a cliff hanger to keep all of y'all guessing. Hope you enjoy, and stay safe out there, because the world is fucking crazy right now.

Iron Within! Iron Without!

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