Two Kings

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.

Outskirts of Kirigakure

The domestic conflict ending in Kirigakure, was a welcome relief to many civilians who either barricades themselves in their homes or outright fled the village. A group of such refugees, was on the outskirts of the village when a thunderous crash alarmed them to something nearby, many feared that the fighting in the village had extended outwards and was going past the borders of the village. No one knew what this was, but were too afraid to investigate, instead they kept walking away from the village. They did not make it much farther as a hulking form of what appeared to be a man walked from the mist and stood before them, the man was garbed in a grey armor with a fur cloak across the shoulders, in his one hand he held a sword and the other he carried a double headed axe. Many of the civilians fell to the ground in fear and shock, believing that this 'thing' is going to kill them. Instead, the man leans forward, his eyes giving off a predatory gaze as he asks one of the villagers a simple question.
"Which way is the village?" His accented voice is rough, but the villager he posed the question to merely points back to the way they came. A fanged grin comes to the hulking mans face before he turns and disappears silently into the mist.

Southern side of Kirigakure

   Konrad Curze sits on the throne of rubble that he created hours before, the last pockets of enemy resistance having been crushed and destroyed. He was currently staring into the empty sockets of a flayed human skull, seeming to contemplate everything about the very nature of existence itself. However, his endless thinking was interrupted by the sound of thudding of armored shod feet. Looking from the skull, a humorless grin creased his face upon seeing who stood before him, 'all of us you had to send, you send him'. Before him stood the king of the wolves, the Primarch of the Vlka Fenryka, Leman Russ. Leman looked upon his brother, he did not seem any different than before the heresy, but their father said he had changed from his much darker state.
  "How long has it been since we've last met, brother?" Lemans voice reaches Konrad as he starts walking closer to his brothers 'throne'.
  "Too long... Too long to remember, Leman." Konrad stands from his throne of rubble and walks forward to meet Leman, both of them stand a short distance from each other, neither knowing what to say or even how to react to one another.
   "Why did you do it, brother?" Leman breaks the awkward silence between the both of them, instead of a snarling challenge, Lemans words seemed to demand why Konrad betrayed the Imperium and their father.
  "Because I was driven mad by the premonitions within my mind, I wanted to prove that I could be nothing more than a monster. Because that is all I ever was, a monster. In my mind, we were nothing but tools to the Emperor and as soon as the crusade was over he would discard us and our sons... You may have loved yours, Leman, but my sons were gathered from the very scum that I killed on Nostramo... I had no love for them, because how can a father love sons like that... How could our father care for a son like me, who was the anathema to all he wanted to achieve. I fell into the darkness, brother, but here I stand." Leman says nothing, merely staring at his brother before walking forward and placing a hand on his shoulder.
  "We are two kings with no kingdoms brother, father sent us here for a second chance and my time in the warp has humbled me more than you can imagine. Now, tell me of this world we are in." A grin comes to Konrad's face as he retells Leman of all that's happened since his arrival.

Mizukage Office

  The civil conflict being at an end, the Konoha Jōnin along with Raijin and Macharius have rendezvoused at the building of the Mizukage. Mei Terumī had many questions on her mind at the moment, but wanted to deeply thank all of them for their support and go about formalizing the terms sent by Hiruzen Sarutobi.
  "All of you could've left the moment the councilors made their plots clear, could've left and told your Hokage of the ruinous state of the Hidden Mist, but you didn't. You stayed and fought alongside those loyal to the village and to myself, because of you I will be able to advocate for this village as necessary without any further issues. Many lives were lost, many I wish hadn't been turned traitor by those lying councilors. An investigation will be held, to see if they were corrupted at some point or have always been corrupt. All of you will be paid for your troubles and will be considered great friends of the Hidden Mist, I hope that will be enough. Now, onto the terms sent by your Hokage." Kakashi takes this moment to walk forward, standing in front of her desk.
"The terms sent by the Hokage are very simple, actually. He wishes to have formal relations between Konoha and Kirk, these relations will start with Kiri sending genin to partake in our Chūnin exam. That is where he wants said relations to start." A surprised look crosses Mei's face, as she truly did not expect such terms.
"Wow, your Hokage is very generous for offering such a thing. I think our village needs to be involved in the exams, so that we can get pass this domestic conflict and hopefully boost our economy back up to working levels. So please, inform your Hokage that the Hidden Mist Village will be partaking in the Chūnin exams." Kakashi bows respectfully to her, but before any more can be said, an ANBU appears in the room, bowing to Mei before relaying his report.
   "Mizukage, pardon the interruption. There is something you need to see." Mei nods before standing from her desk, motioning for the Konoha Jōnin to follow her. Leaving the building and walking out to the street, all of them stop and stare at the two hulking forms walking down the street, Konrad is easily recognizable as all of them have met him, but it was the man beside him that was entirely new. Two warrior kings of a world none of them understand, besides Raijin and Macharius. Leman Russ, Wolf King of Fenris, and Konrad Curze, King of Nostramo,two kings of power unimaginable in their old world. Time will only tell what power these two 'men' are truly capable of, in this world of shinobi's.

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