Stranger of the Leaf

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Disclaimer: I own none of the art or franchises involved in this story, they belong to the respective owners and companies of the mentioned franchises

Land of Fire

The walk back to Konoha for Team Seven and their traveling companion Raijin was silent, or would have been if it weren't for a certain loud mouth blond who kept asking the Death Korps Guardsmen a lot of questions.
"Why does you armor look like that? What's with the double headed eagle?" The questions continuously flowed, finally his teammates had enough as two loud punches later and said blond was laying on the ground, with an irate pinkette and scowling Uchiha looking down at him.
"Naruto, stop asking the man questions he is not going to answer!" Sakura screeched at her teammate as he laid on the ground in a daze, Raijin on the other hand paid no attention to them as he stood beside Kakashi, staring straight ahead and seeing a gate in the distance with a wall leading off from it.
"Might I suggest you three stop fighting, we're back home." Kakashi's casual voice breaks the three genin from their little argument, Sakura and Naruto's faces brighten up while only a small smirk comes to Sasuke's face. Kakashi looks at Raijin, not knowing what the man is thinking underneath his mask, even his body language betrays the nothing.
"We all will report to Lord Third, and we will see what is to be done about you." Raijin looks at Kakashi, but once again the silver haired Jōnin could see nothing passed the mask that their traveling companion wore.
"Understood." The voice of Raijin rasps out from the mask, Kakashi nods to the man as they start to walk towards the village gate, they pass by the gate guards without a word whom look at Raijin with wide eyes but do nothing as he is traveling with Kakashi and Team Seven. Walking through the streets of Konoha towards the Hokage Mansion, they pass civilians and shinobi alike whom all give glances or outright stare at the strange man. Reaching the Hokage Mansion they are allowed entry, luckily Kakashi was able to talk the guards into letting Raijin enter the building with his weapons, as it was clear enough the man had no intention of handing them over, even if he did try something there were ANBU all throughout the building, so he likely wouldn't stand a chance.

Hokage Mansion

Walking through the building they reach the Hokage's office, the doors of which are opened as the team enters the room. Mere seconds pass before the loud mouth blond yells out to the old man Raijin can see sitting at the desk.
"Hey gramps, we're back!" The answer to such words comes swiftly as he is knocked over the head by Kakashi while his teammates stare on with this being a normal thing. Said old man at the desk chuckles at Naruto's antics, but his attitude turns serious when he sees the man standing off to the side of Kakashi and his team.
"Kakashi, who is the stranger you brought with you?" Kakashi is about to answer when Raijin steps forward, snapping his heels together and standing at attention.
"Death Korps Guardsmen 55515, 261st Siege Regiment... Raijin Krieg, sir." He rattles off the information like he has always done, thousands of times before only this time he has an actual name. Hiruzen stares at the man, not showing his surprise and confusion beneath the surface, he has never heard of such a group or unit that this man, this 'Raijin', speaks of, but he can tell by looking at him that he is a soldier to the fullest extent of the word, even if he doesn't know what kind of soldier.
"I see, and who is it that you serve?" Raijin's head moves slightly to stare directly at the old man, the dark tinted eyes of the gas mask seeming to stare right through Hiruzen.
"I serve the God Emperor of Mankind." This exclamation makes the eyes of the genin widen, but Kakashi and Hiruzen simply stare at the man in what could only be described as sympathy and even understanding, he is a soldier bound to his service, but he has no one to serve as none of them have ever heard of such an Emperor, this man before them was truly lost.
"How long have you been serving him?" Hiruzen asks once more, wanting to gauge how deeply this servitude goes.
"All men of Krieg are sworn to servitude in his name the day we are born, our lives are forfeit to his will and that of mankind. In our life, war. In our death, peace. In our life, shame. In our death, atonement. These are the words all men of Krieg know and live by, for we are soldiers to his divine might and must atone for our sins against him." Everyone in the room stares at Raijin with varying degrees of emotion running through their minds, Sakura feels saddened and even depressed at the though that lives can be thrown away so easily and with pride if what Raijin says is true. Sasuke on the other hand stares at the man with what can only be described as a silent but sad respect, just from his words he can imagine Raijin has seen more suffering and death than he could ever imagine, untold numbers of lives lost in such servitude yet he still has the strength to keep serving. Hiruzen smokes somberly from his pipe as the man before still stands at attention like a statue, like a machine as it seems no trace of human emotion is left within the man's soul.
"How old are you, Raijin?" Hiruzen finaly asks, believing this question will be the nail in the coffin to what he is already picturing in his mind.
"Sir, I do not know, sir." A small cloud of smoke left Hiruzens mouth at his words, he imagined this would be the answer he received or some form of it. Staring at the masked man before him, he takes another puff from his pipe.
"Would you be willing to remove your mask, Raijin?" Raijin doesn't seem to move after being asked the question, but merely stands like a statue. Seconds pass before he reaches his hands up and unbuckles his helmet, carefully setting it on the Hokage's desk. He moves his hands to the mask and seems to stop for a few more second before slowly removing the mask, showing the pale face of the young man underneath. He has a scar running down his face on the right side, similar to Kakashi's, dark brown hair and green eyes, but instead of vibrant and full of life the eyes seem to be dead and full of horrors, the likes of which none of them have ever seen, overall he is a handsome man and could attract women if he tried, but that obviously was never a thought or priority.
"By looking at you, I would say you are only 17 or 18 years old, a medical check would be more concrete but my guessing will suffice for now." Hiruzen chuckles slightly, trying to lighten the mood, however this goes unnoticed as Raijin seems to put his mask back on after Hiruzen's statement and places his helmet back on his head, obviously not being comfortable with having his face shown and being far too used to having the mask on. Turning from Raijin to Kakashi, Hiruzen nods time him.
"With the mission being a success, I want your reports by the end of the week. You are all dismissed, except for Raijin whom will have to come with me to meet with the council and other clan heads, as I have no doubt they have heard word of him and will be asking questions." Kakashi nods and gestures for his team to leave, they look at Raijin before slowly leaving the room, Kakashi's stays in the room as two ANBU shinobi appear from the shadows. Raijin takes note of them, believing this is where he is going to die once more, but this thought is put to rest by Hiruzen standing and moving around the desk.
"Follow me, young man, we have a meeting to go to and clan leaders for you to meet." Raijin nods slightly as he starts to follow the Hokage, being flanked by the ANBU to his right and left while Kakashi follows from the back. Leaving the office they walk to a different area of the building, where two double doors sit with ANBU guards standing at them. Stopping at the doors, Hiruzen looks over his shoulder at Raijin.
"Beyond these doors the shinobi and civilian clan heads of the village are waiting, they will ask you many questions so answer them honestly. They, along with myself, will decide what is to be done. Either you will join us here in the Hidden Leaf or be sent on your way." Raijin says nothing in response as the doors are opened to allow the Hokage and the entourage to enter, 'Into the fray once more.' Raijin thinks to himself as he sees the clan heads and the doors close behind him.

That is a wrap to part 2, hope any of you reading enjoy it so far. I am open to advice and even tips as to how to write this story, as I am still relearning the world of Naruto. I am also going to take any options the readers give me for romantic pairings with Raijin, even if they do become a thing until later in the story.

Thank you all for your support and your time, in the words of the amazing Slav Superstar Boris, stay Cheeki Breeki.

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