Partners in Crime

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises, all I own is my OC. This chapter is gonna be less action packed and more so a character development chapter, hope y'all enjoy.

Inuzuka Compound

Waking to the sound of scratching at his door, Raijin rises quickly from his bed and goes to the door. Opening the door he has to stabilize himself as the three Haimaru brothers leap onto him, causing a small chuckle to escape his lips as he pets and pats the dogs so they will get off of him. The three brothers back off and allow him to grab his clothes and towel as he walks to the nearest bathroom, intent on getting ready for the day despite the fact he is the only member of the family awake at the moment, or so he thought. Walking into the bathroom he sets his uniform and towel aside, turning the water on he steps inside after stripping down. Taking a quick shower he said gets out just as Tsume walks through the door, apparently he shut the shower off a few minutes before Tsume walked in, meaning she didn't think anyone was in the bathroom. All she had on her was a towel, and in her hand was her clothes, however, Raijin hadn't even reached for his towel yet and the curtain for the shower was wide open. Both of the stared at each other for what felt like hours, but it was only seconds, Tsume was red as a tomato and she turned and walked out the door, slamming it shut without a word. Raijin stood stock still for a few more seconds before grabbing his towel and drying himself off, after drying off he dresses himself and walks out the door. Tsume leans against the opposite wall, her face still red as she seems to stare at anywhere but him.
"My apologies for that, Tsume." He says simply to her before turning and walking back towards his room. Her eyes follow him as he walks away, 'by Kami he must've been popular with the ladies'. Tsume quickly gets her shower, once she is done she heads to the kitchen, a small smile comes to her face when she sees Raijin already has tea being made. He moved into the Inuzuka household a couple of days ago, he's already made himself at home in the clan as he embroidered the Inuzuka clan symbol onto his uniforms, 'now all he needs is a ninken', Tsume thought to herself. A blush returned to her face when he looked at her, his green eyes staring into her dark eyes.
"I'm sorry you had to see me in that state, I should've locked the door." Tsume laughs, walking over she sits down across from him and serves herself a cup of tea.
"I should be the one saying sorry, I didn't even bother to knock before walking in." A small chuckle comes from Raijin as he pours himself some tea.
"I guess we were both at fault then." A laugh comes from the clan matriarch as she smiles fondly at him, then a thought comes to her mind.
"Raijin, have you ever been with a woman." A puzzled look crosses his face momentarily.
"I have served alongside women from other units before." A sigh comes from Tsume as she looks down at her cup then back at Raijin.
"No, I mean romantically." The gaze of puzzlement does not cease from Raijin, if anything he becomes more confused.
"I still do not understand, I do not know what 'romantic' means." This was the moment that Tsume realized that Raijin knew nothing about being with a woman or how to be romantic, he was entirely unaware of love or even lust for that matter. Disappointment entered her mind at first, but then relief at the fact that he was entirely untainted by other women, meaning that he was hers for the taking when both of them became comfortable enough around each other.
"I was just curious." Tsume said softly to him, but internally she felt like she had won the lottery. Taking a sip from her tea, the thought would occur to her that a couple of months ago one of the females of the ninken had a litter of pups, meaning they could find one that fits perfectly with Raijin.
  "Raijin, once we finish our tea we are gonna go to the kennels, it's time for your to have a companion." A small nod of respect is her answer as Raijin downs his hot tea in one gulp, making her eyes widen at the fact he had no reaction at all to the boiling drink. Tsume's finishes her drink, but not as quickly as Raijin, who gives her a small smirk that lucky for him she doesn't notice. Walking through the various halls they finally arrive at the kennels of the compound, the yips and barks of pups can be heard which makes a smile come to Tsume's face. Walking past the various kennels they arrive to one that has the mother and the various pups, the pups noticing the two humans in the room and rush to the doors of the kennel, Tsume opens the door as the pups rush out around her. One pup in particular, a completely black furred pup, runs up to Raijin with its tail wagging vigorously as it whines for his attention. Getting down to a knee, Raijin gently pets the pup as it falls over onto its back, reveling in the attention.
  "Well, that was fast." Tsume chuckles, looking at how quickly the pup warmed up to Raijin.
   "Jurten, I will call you Jurten." The pup, now named Jurten, jumps up and barks loudly, tail wagging furiously.
  "Jurten?" Tsume asks curiously, as she's never heard such a name before.
   "He's a hero amongst us soldiers of Krieg." Raijin says simply, standing to his feet he turns and gestures Jurten to follow him, the little pup wags his tail and follows Raijin quickly. Tsume laughs to herself, before following them, making sure the pups are back with their mother.

  Getting back to the main part of the house, both of them are greeted by Kiba who is standing at the door.
  "Kakashi is here for you, says that it's time to go on your mission." Raijin nods before walking towards his room, Jurten following faithfully behind him with his tail still wagging. Tsume smiles sadly at the fact that he has to leave right after getting his companion, Raijin comes back from the room a few seconds later with Jurten still following closely. Kiba even smiles at the pup following Raijin, kind of like him and Akamaru in a way.
  "I will see you all when I get back, come along Jurten." He nods to both of them before turning and leaving the house, still not used to saying goodbye. The pup follows faithfully alongside his partner, tail wagging happily.
  "I see the Inuzuka gave you a ninken." A chuckle comes from Raijin as he looks down at the pup, Jurten looks up at him and barks.
  "Believe me, I know." Raijin chuckles even more as they walk towards the main part of the village, as they were in no rush at all. For the first time ever, a small smile settled on Raijin's face as they walked to the Hokage Mansion.

This part was a little short, but I hope y'all enjoy it all the same.

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