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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises.


Silence, not a sound, not even the skittering of a rat or mouse. That would be the word best to describe the current situation Raijin finds himself in, still hunting traitor shinobi in the sewers and canals of the Hidden Mist. Even moving around himself, he made no noise whatsoever as he knew that enemies could be hiding around every corner. Unfortunately, he came to a junction where the canals meet and there was no other way for him to circumvent the massive open room, unless he turned back and took an entirely different route which may take hours. Weapons in hand he steps into the junction, walking along the path and keeping to the edge and not making himself obvious. However, this does no go as planed when Raijin has to leap forward to avoid a blast of water from his right which makes him land in the middle of the junction, standing on the concrete walkway. He looks all around him to see the entrances have been blocked by traitor shinobi, and there's more of them than he expected. A clapping noise alerts him and he looks to his left as a Hidden Mist traitor makes himself known, dressed in Jōnin gear.
"I must commend you, Krieg, you have been hunting us down since the end of the failed liberation of our people from that failed whore of a leader. Now it seems we have you outnumbered and surrounded, I hope you don't mind being tortured to death." Chuckles and laughs resonate around the room, but one chuckle sounds off after all others have fallen silent. That being from Raijin himself, who is chuckling darkly behind his mask, this unnerves most of the traitors as the man sounds like the devil himself and is obviously not afraid of them by any means.
"I will teach all of you the true meaning of fear, and what it means to be alone in the dark. Lightning Release: Basilisk!" Slashing his sword across in an arch, the electrified torpedos of chakra fly out in all directions which make many of the enemy shinobi jump to dodge which is exactly what Raijin intended.
"Lightning Release: Earthshaker!" The tunnels themselves rumble and shake, sending debri falling from above, many think he merely called for an earth jutsu but were quickly proven wrong as the concrete ceiling collapsed downwards, opening the sewers to the open sky above as massive bolts of lightning struck all around them. The falling ceiling crushed those who stood in its way, but those that survived rushed Raijin with wild abandon, kunais drawn and ready for close combat but they fail to realize that Raijin is an expert in close combat. The walls have been electrified because of his Basilisk jutsu, limiting the avenues of attack for the enemies.

Raijin launches himself forward, delivering a bone shattering kick to the head of an enemy shinobi, sending the vegetable state shinobi back into the wall which electrocutes him. Dodging attacks from all directions, and delivering death at the same time with both his shovel and las pistol. He knows that he collapsed the sewer ceiling which no doubt will draw attention from above, and will likely lead to reinforcements arriving. Raijin is stalling for time as it stands, even though he is very strong in terms of skill, numbers can always outweigh that if they get organized enough. A sharp pain to his right alerts him that he has finally been cut, while in fact a enemy shinobi found an opening and threw a shuriken at him. Placing his las pistol in the holster quickly, he lunges forward with a burst of speed and power, grabbing the head of a shinobi and driving it downwards towards the ground and bashing it off the concrete with enough force that the skull breaks open, leaving skull bones, blood and brain matter on the ground. Using his momentum, Raijin launches himself from one enemy to the other, not giving them time to breath or think as he is a constant moving whirlwind of death. Despite this, he is still taking damage from those who are able to land a hit or an accurate shuriken throw, what frightens the enemy shinobi is that he shows no signs of slowing down or stopping. Finally, help arrives in the earth cracking thud of armored boots as the Wolf King himself alongside multiple Hidden Mist shinobi have dropped down through the collapsed ceiling.
"Kill then all." The order from Leman Russ is simple and straightforward as the loyalists launch themselves towards the remaining enemy shinobi alongside the wolf king, whom despite his size moves at an inhuman speed and cleaves many enemies into pieces with his double header axe. Only minutes pass before the fighting has ended with the deaths and or surrender of the traitors, Leman looks to Raijin as he sees the much younger man walk into the light from the shadows. His great coat is soaked in blood, both his and the enemies, shuriken and kunai alike stick out from his arms, legs and back, yet the Kriegsman still stands despite it all. A small amount of pride fills the Primarchs chest, as he sees the mortal soldiers of the Imperium still hold true after all these years. This pride turns to concern as Raijin falls to his knees, his shovel still head tightly but it is obvious that the blood loss and trauma of his wounds is finally getting to him.
"Medical nin, get that man out of here!" The voice of the Wolf King thunders as the medical nin waste not time in rushing over to Raijin, the last thing Raijin sees is the faces of the medical nin as they lift him up to carry him out of the sewers.

Konohagakure: One Week Later

Bleary describes Raijin's vision best when he finally open his eyes, bringing up a hand he wipes at his eyes to help clear his eyes. When he is finally able to see clearly, he sees that he is in a hospital room in Konoha which makes him think about what he last remembered. Looking to his right a small smile actually came to his face as he saw Tsume sitting in a hospital chair, soundly asleep. Oddly enough, he sees letters, flowers and other kinds of things he's never seen before sitting on the small desk near the bed and even on the window sill. He truly did not expect to wake up, as he knew his injuries were bad before he lost consciousness and thought he would bleed to death. Looking down at the IV drip in his arm, he slowly reaches down and removes the tape before slowly removing the needle itself as there are no monitors that will alarm because of it. With a groan, Raijin gets out of bed and slowly walks to the bathroom within the room and a small sigh of relief escapes his lips when he sees that their is a shower. Dropping his patients gown to the ground he closes the bathroom door and looks in the mirror, seeing all the new cuts and stabs that cover his body, the wounds have mostly healed besides the more deeper cuts. Turning to the shower he turns on the hot water before getting in, feeling the hot water wash over his sore muscles makes him sigh softly in relaxation. Unknown to him, Tsume was slowly waking up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She almost panicked when she saw the bed empty, but calmed down quickly when she heard the shower. Sighing softly she walks to the bathroom door, she is about to knock but stops herself, shaking her head she slowly opens the bathroom door and enters the mist filled room. Raijin obviously did not notice her, as the obscure shower curtain does not move at all, she thinks to herself for a moment, 'why am I even in here right now, this is not the time or place'. She is broken from her thoughts when she hears Raijin softly humming to himself, more than likely a tune from his homeland. Making her decision at that moment, she slowly reaches up and unzips her flak jacket and sets it aside. Seconds pass like hours for Tsume as she finally stands fully nude with her clothes sitting off to the side, slowly walking towards the shower curtain she slowly moves the back part of it aside and sees Raijin underneath the shower head with his head tilted back and the water running down his scarred muscles. Silently as she can, she steps into the shower and slowly walks up behind him, he almost lunges back at her when she wraps her arms around him, pressing herself against his back.
"Shhh, it is only me." Her voice seems soothing to Raijin, he feels her kiss his shoulder softly while her hands gently trace over the scars on his chest.
"Tsume, what are you doing?" Raijin asks, still clearly confused by what she is doing, considering he has no experience at all with women, let alone a woman who wants him like Tsume does.
"Marking my claim." She says seductively before biting onto his shoulder, her fangs piercing the skin. The bite barely fazes Raijin as he has dealt with far worse before, but it feels different that is for sure, it is not out of malice she does this, but an emotion he is still entirely unfamiliar with. Tsume leans her head back from the bite with a shuddering sigh before leaning he head against the back of his shoulder, her hold on him tightening as her claws slightly dig into his chest. He cannot see it, but small tears of joy run down Tsume's face, joyous at the fact she claimed him before any other could, but finally admitting to herself that she loves him, Tsume Inuzuka, matriarch of the entire Inuzuka clan, loves Raijin Krieg.

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