The Reaper (Warning)

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art or characters involved in this, besides my own, as they are all owned by their respective owners and franchises. Warning, this chapter gets bloody ⚠️

Team 8 Training Ground

Raijin could feel the sweat running down his face as he went through these exercises, luckily his mask hid it all. He was currently standing on a tree, all the way up at the top, Kurenai seemed to be a relaxed sensei, but he learned very quickly that she is a rigorous trainer, but nothing like the drill instructors and trainers on Krieg. Walking down from the tree, it all seemed like it came naturally to him, channeling and controlling his chakra, what helped the most was his discipline and his drive to never stop. The team had come back from tracking him nearly an hour ago, all of them surprised to see him already training and going through exercises to help with his current level of strength when it comes to chakra use. Finally getting to the bottom of the tree he jumped off and easily landed on the ground, the others were doing the same training as well, Kurenai stood off to the side with a small but proud smirk on her face at the face he was one of the first to complete the training, she knew his discipline and the way he acted would help him in the long run. A sad thought replaced her smile, she remembered that he wouldn't be her student for that long, after the Chūnin exams were over and if he passed, he would more than likely train with another Jōnin depending on his nature transformation release, as she highly doubted he would be a genjutsu user like herself.
"I have a question, Kurenai-sensei." This caught her attention, dragging her from her thoughts.
"What is your question, Raijin?" He stopped a few feet from her and stood to the side, so he wasn't standing directly in front of her.
"The Hokage spoke of these Chūnin exams, how much time do we have before the exams?" She sighs at his words, she had thought the Hokage had already told him, but apparently not.
"The exams will be held in approximately three months, enough time to train you and hopefully you will pass. We will have missions that will help with your training, so unlike your teammates, you will train everyday with one or two days off." All she gets in response is a nod of understanding, 'really need to get him to talk more', is her thought while staring at him, she also remembered they need to get him different sets of clothing, she just didn't know what, everyone had their own style and look about them, she just wondered what Raijin's would be. Both of them would look and watch as the others returned from their exercises, Kiba looked at Raijin surprised and even irritated, as it was becoming obvious he wasn't the strongest on the team anymore, strongest in his mind anyways.
"You all have done very well, you learn quickly to adapt and to improve on your training. Now, I know the three of you have already done the nature transformation test, but I wish to see what Raijin is." With those words she takes out the special piece of paper and hands it to Raijin, she can tell he doesn't know what to do as he just stares at it.
"Put a small amount of your Chakra into the paper, and it will reveal everything." Raijin nods to her and focuses a small amount of his chakra into the paper, unsurprisingly the paper wrinkles, meaning that he does indeed have a lightning affinity, 'as I thought', Kurenai thinks to herself, almost chuckling as he proved his name isn't his only attribute to the storm element.
  "Your name stands true, it appears. A lightning affinity has a lot of power, however, you must be able to control it." The rest of the team was slightly surprised at this, Kurenai was about to explain more to them when an ANBU arrived, all of them except Raijin and Kurenai were surprised, but Kurenai had to place a hand on Raijin's shoulder to stop him from drawing his weapon.
  "Kurenai Yuhi, the Hokage requests you and your team at the Hokage mansion." Kiba shows excitement and Akamaru gives a quick bark, which Kiba quickly answers."
  "That's right buddy, probably a mission, hopefully something more important than catching that damn car." Kiba growls out that last part, the other two genin shudder at the thought of having to catch the cat once again, Raijin has no clue what they're talking about, deciding to stay silent.
  "Go back and tell the Hokage we will be there soon." A slight nod comes from the ANBU before the masked shinobi disappears from sight.
  "Well team, let's not keep the Hokage waiting." With a nod the team takes off towards the mansion, Raijin jumping from tree limb to tree limb alongside the team.

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